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Gurumandalam (a small correction...)

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A correction should be noted here:



I would cite a recent example of Shri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Sastry of

Chandavolu. Though his bala diksha guru was Shri Tadikonda Kedaralinga Ayyavaru

& panchadasi & shodasi guru was Shri Addepalli Somanatha Sarma Garu, his

padukanta diksha guru was Shri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Swamigal (alias Tembe

Swamigal). Shri Tembe Swamigal passed away long back and was not physically

present when Shri Chandavolu Sastrigal was alive. But, Tembe Swamigal conferred

Paduka Diksha to Chandavolu Sastrigal and christened him with " anandanatha

diksha nama " .




Shri Sastrigal was conferred paduka diksha but not anandanatha diksha nama as

suggested by his disciple Shri Nori Bhogishwara Sarma Garu.


Typo is regretted.





--- > /////////////////////

> sirah padme sahasrArE chandramanDaladhArakE

> a-ka-thAdi-trirekhIyE hamsamantram svapIThakE

> dhyAyEnnijagurum vIro rajatAchalasannibham

> padmAsInam smitamukham varAbhayakarAmbujam

> shuklamAlyAmbaradharam shuklagandhAnulepanam

> vAmOrusthitayA raktashakyAlingitavigraham

> tayA svadakshahastEna dhritachArukalEvaram

> vAmEnOtpaladhAriNyA suraktavasanasrajA

> smitavaktraprabhAbimbam shivadurgAsvarupiNam

> parAnandarasAghUrNyam smarEtannAmapUrvakam

> tAratrayam samucchAryam ha sa kha phrEm tatah param

> ha-sa-kSha-ma-la vara yum-ha-sa-kha-phrEm-hasou statah

> (amukAnandanAtha) ante hyamukhi dEvyanataram

> ambA shrIpAdukAm datvA pUjayAmi namO(a)ntakam

> ayam shrIpAdukAmantrah sarvEpsitaphalapradah

> mithunam chintayitvAtha mAnasopachArakaih

> bhoutikaih pUjayEt vidwAn mudrAmantrasamanvitaih

> bhUmyAkAsamarudvahnivArivarNaih savindukaih

> kaniShThikAtarjanyou madhyamAnAmikE tathA

> prithivyAtmakO(a)tragandhah syAd akashaAtmakapuShpakam

> dhUpO vAyavyAtmakah prokto dIpO vahnyAtmakah parah

> rasAtmakascha naivedyam puja panchopacharika


> //////////////


> This is my liberal translation.


> Having seated in Sukhasana Posture, one should visualize 1000-petelled lotus

at the Brahma Randhra amidst Sudha Sagar. Inside this lotus, one should

visualize a tender bud. Within this dwadasa padma is visualized with the bijas

ha, sa, kha, phrem, ha, sa , ksha, ma, la, va, ra, yam respectively. Within

this padma, a triangle is visualized. Each side is surrounded by A (ie., from a

to ah); KA (ie., from ka to ta) & THA (ie., from tha to sa). The three angles

are presided by HA, LA, KSHA matrikas respectively.


> It is to be noted that the a-ka-tha sides are presided by vama, jyeshta &

raudri saktis respectively (vide reference Varivasya Rahasya of Shri

Bhaskararaya Makhin).


> Kali Vilasa Tantra gives wonderful exposition on a-ka-tha triangle that

represent the srishti, sthithi & pralaya presided by brahma, Vishnu & siva.


> Now, amidst this triangle, a beautiful hamsapitha (manipitha) is visualized.

In this Manipitha, one's swa-guru shining with white lusture is visualized

alongwith His dharmapatni (gurupatni) with aruna (red) lusture. They are

visualized in such a way that both swa-guru & gurupatni are non-different from



> After meditating one's guru in such a way, the 12 bijas mentioned in the 12

petals should be visualized and uttered alongwith the diksha nama of guru & guru

patni which goes like this:


> {certain bijas suffixed} sa ha kha phrem ha sa ksha ma la va ra yum hasakha

phrem {certain bijas prefixed}….diksha namas of gurupatni & gurunatha pujayami



> Kankala Malini Tantra extols this mantra and says that brahmarandhra is the

Guru Sthana and the Bud is the Antaratma Sthana.


> Even Adinatha who is none other than Siva extols this Guru Sthana with 12

petalled lotus as:


> Brahmarandhram sarasIruhodarE nitya lagnamavadAtamadbhutam

> kuNDalI vivarakANDamaNDitam dvAdashArNasarasIruham bhajE


> Also:


> a-ka-thAsanam ha-la-kShAntaram samAsAdya mAmakam jnAnam

> mAmakamEvAnandam mahyam dadato jayanti gurucharaNAh //


> Also, I posted " Guru Paduka Panjara Stotram " of Vamakeshwara Tantra long back

alongwith my liberal translation. Here it is:


> ////////////////////




> brahmarandhrasarasIruhOdarE nityalagnamavadAtamadbhutam

> kundalIkanakakAndamanditam dvAdashAntasarasIruham bhaje


> Beneath the Brahmarandhra, shines amazing sahasrara padma which is also called

Akula Padma. In the middle of this Akula Padma, shines the Sushumna Nadi which

is of the mixture of dazzling white and golden yellow. In this sushumna Nadi,

amidst the Akula Padma, sports the Divine Couple Siva and Shakti in the form of

HAMSA. I contemplate on such Dwadashanta Kamala (Akula Padma).


> Note: This sloka describes the position of Gurupaduka which is beneath the

Brahmarandhra amidst Sahasrara Kamala. Akula Padma at Sahasrara is called

Dwadashanta Padma because it is of 12th in number of count of chakras from

Muladhara. The order is : Kula Padma with 1000 petals, Ashtadala Padma,

Shad-dalala Padma, Muladhara, Svadhishtana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha,


> Ashtadala Padma, Ajna Chakra, Sukla Sahasrara Padma, Akula Padma (Bindu Sthana

/ Chandramandala).


> Tasya kandaLitakarNikApuTE kliptavarNam a-k-thAdirEkhayA

> kONalakshita ha-La-ksha mandalam bhAvalakshya manalAlayam bhajE


> In the middle of Akula Padma, a YONI Chakra should be contemplated. This Yoni

Chakra is of the form of Urdhwa Trikona (Upward Triangle). Along the 3 sides of

the triangle a-varga, k-varga and tha-varga be placed. A-varga are the 16 vowels

from a to ah; k-varga are the consonants k to ta; tha-varga are the consonants

tha to sa. Along the 3 angles of the triangle, ha-la-ksha letters are placed.

So, the entire vowels and consonants in the form of 50 Matrikas are

> placed along this Triangle. This ha is also represented with A; ksha with Ha

and la with AHAM. This is also the AHAM Swarupa. Such a Triangle is called YONI

CHAKRA. The Pair of Gurupadukas in the form of HAMSA are contemplated in the

middle of this Yoni Chakra.


> Such a Yoni Chakra I meditate


> Note: When Gurupaduka Diksha is given, the Sishya experiences his gurunatha as

the Adinatha rupa Hamsa at Akula Padma offering his helping hand to the Sishya

in the Sudhasagara. Thus, the gurunatha makes the sishya cross the samsara



> tatpuTE paTutaTitkaDAdimaspardhamAnaparipATalaprabham

> chintayAmi hridi chinmayam sadA bindunAdamaNipIThamanDalam


> In the YONI Chakra, shines the ManipITa Mandala. This Mandala sports with

Bindu and Nada which is of the form of CHIT. This is of the colour of mixture of

Golden Yellow and Lightening White.


> Such Yoni Chakra alongwith Manipitha Mandala, I contemplate in my heart.


> UrdhwamUlahutabhukchikhAruNam chidvilAsaparibr^mhaNAspadam

> vishwaghasmaramahacchaTakulam bhAvayAmi yugamAdihamsayOh


> I contemplate the homogeneous union of Divine Couple Siva-Sakthi who are

called Adi-Hamsa. This Hamsa is an aspect of Chitkala that shines as flames of

fire without origin and end (infinite and omnipresent) and capable of dissolving

the entire cosmos.


> Note: This Adi-Hamsa is of the combination of Ha-kara, Bindu and Sa-kara. This

is the Ajapa Mantra. Ha (Siva)+O (Bindu)+Sa (Sakti) = Ha-m-Sa > Hamsa



> tatra nAthacharaNAravindayOssamvidAmritajhurImarandayOh

> dvandvamindumakarandashItalam mAnasam smaratu mangaLAspadam


> I contemplate in my Mind such Divine Couple Siva-Sakti rupa Adi-Hamsa as the

DIVINE PAIR OF FEET OF GURUNATHA amidst Sahasrara Kamala which is as nourishing,

delightful, ecstatic and auspicious as the cool, nectar-like, delightful rays of

the Moon and is the form of Knowledge Absolute.


> pAdukApanjara stOtram panchavaktrA dvinirgatam

> shadAmnAyaphalam prOktam prapanchE chAtidurlabham

> apramEyamahAvidyA shEkalAnchitamastakam

> raktAnchaturbhujAm vandE srIvidyAgurupAdukAm


> // Thus ends the gurupaduka panjara stotram which is from Vamakeshwara Tantra


> /////////////////


> Moreover, there is a wonderful Tantra Grandha called " SHAT CHAKRA NIRUPNA " by

Shri Purnanadanatha Yogi that details all the Chakras that also mentions this

Guru sthana at Brahmarandra.


> Mahanirvana Tantra extols the Guru sthana as:


> Shirah padme mahadevasthaiva paramo guruh

> Tatsamo nasti deveshi pujyo hi bhuvanatraye

> Tad amsham chintayet devi bahye guru chatushtayam


> It says that Adinatha rupa Siva is the Guru who sports in Brahmarandra and

one's swa-guru, parama guru, parameshti guru are only a part of that Adinatha.

So, it is the Adinatha-rupa-Guru who is meditated in the guru's form.


> Now, I mentioned about this mantra alongwith diksha nama ie., sa ha kha phrem

ha sa ksha ma la va ra yum hasakha phrem….. When I said " Visualisation " of

1000-petalled Lotus / 12-petalled lotus / a-ka-tha triangle, it is NOT AN


SAHASRARA CHAKRA. If the upasaka is ripe enough to " receive the grace of

gurumandala " , he can really have the darshana of this adi-hamsa amidst

manipitha. The gurumandala is the most-compassionate group of gurus who are

ever intent in uplifting their disciples without caring for their liberation.

That is why tantra sastra says:


> guravO bahavah santi mantratantrArthagOcharAh

> divyoghAschaiva siddhoughA mAnavoughA kramAdviduh

> divyA vasanti khE nityam siddhA bhUmavihApi cha

> mAnavoughA manuShyEShu mama rupa dharAh sivAh //


> Among the guru-ougha mandala, manavaougha guru mandala having transformed into

the form of Siva, walk secretly among us to bless the able disciples.


> That is why, we see several examples of the gurus who have shed their mortal

coil in the physical plane, continue to bless their disciples and even grant

the " padukanta diksha " .


> I would cite a recent example of Shri Tadepalli Raghavanarayana Sastry of

Chandavolu. Though his bala diksha guru was Shri Tadikonda Kedaralinga Ayyavaru

& panchadasi & shodasi guru was Shri Addepalli Somanatha Sarma Garu, his

padukanta diksha guru was Shri Vasudevananda Saraswathi Swamigal (alias Tembe

Swamigal). Shri Tembe Swamigal passed away long back and was not physically

present when Shri Chandavolu Sastrigal was alive. But, Tembe Swamigal conferred

Paduka Diksha to Chandavolu Sastrigal and christened him with " anandanatha

diksha nama " .


> So, after this exhaustive post, what I meant to say is that " sastra adhyayana "

is must and should at the holy feet of one's own guru who should hail from

shrotriya & brahmanishta guru parampara.





> First I thought of not replying this post because now-a-days, I am keeping lot

of restraint in my posts keeping in view of the sastra vakya " LOKAN NA NINDYAT " ,

but my conscience doesn't accept whenever any statement is seen which is



> With regards,

> Sriram



> , S Sangaranarayanan <sangarsai@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Sir,

> >

> > Why should imagine a bud etc., in the sahasrata. Whether the guru is alive

or not, one should first put before him face to fact the living form of the Guru

and meditate on HIM with interaction for interaction without intercourse (body

and mind contact but soul to soul contact). it is important that the devotee

should meditate with a smiling face (surabila vadanaha) because he is going to

meet God/Guru. Let us all march forward but adopting a method by which the Guru

cannot reject the sishya under any circumstances.

> >

> > Let us all travel beyond all body and mind limit, and go to the very center

where the latent and potent energy of divine god lives. Guru always takes the

sishya hand in hand .

> >

> > Regards,


> >

> >

> >

> > sriram_sapthasathi@

> > Fri, 19 Mar 2010 15:25:53 +0000

> > Re: Gurumandalam

> >

> >

> > Namaste.

> >

> > Guru plays a prominent role in Tantra Sadhana. The kick-off in Srividya

starts with Guru and hence Guru Mandala Archana becomes an important aspect in

Srividya. The rank of guru is on the topmost level and considered to be

non-different with Sridevi.

> >

> > Tantra sastra prescribes the method of meditation on guru which is the

Sahasrara Chakra. A 1000-pettled Lotus is imagined. In the lotus, a fine &

tender bud is imagined where tender Chitrini is contemplated. In the Chitrini

Nadi, a 12-pettled Lotus is imagined where each petal is presided by 12 letters

ha, sa kha, phrem, ha, sa , ksha, ma, la, va, ra, yam respectively. In this

12-pettled lotus, a triangle is meditated. The triangle is surrounded by

a-ka-tha varna mala presided by ha-la-ksha at three angles correspondingly. This

triangle is supported by Nada-Bindu Rupa Manipitha or Hamsapitha.

> >


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