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Gaythry manthra

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My guruji used to stress on Sahasra Gayatri Japa before undertaking any





Gayathry manthra is the only manthra capable of neutralising the Dosha the

upasaka commits both nknowingly and un knowingly and it is utmost important

to observe the Sandya Vandana Nithya Karma every day without fail before one

commences his Sri vidya sadhana.


In fact no initiation is given , if this is not observed and is a minimum

qualification is he is Dwija.




Ganapathy and Vijyalaksmy




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Stumped by one of the procedure followed in Gayatri japa anusthana, I would like

to share the below info with the group.


As well know, Gayathri Mantra (GM) is called Mahamantra and " Mother of

Vedas " (Vedamataa).Shastras do glorify that GM is essence of Veda and pranava is

saara of GM.


Fundamentally, the initiation of Gayathri is conducted as a ritual called

'Upanayana' or 'Brahmopadesham'.


Some parts of North Karnataka (not all) do have a custom of initiating Shiva

panchakshari and Narayana astakshari along with GM initiation during the

Upanayanam and are also recommended to perform Japa of 2 times more japa of

Narayana astakshari and 4 times more japa for Shiva panchakshari after

performing nitya japam of Gaythri mantram.(Astaksharim Gayatrya dvigunam japeth

& Panchaksharim Gayatrya chatrugunam japeth)


Although it is good that people get initiated to the above mahamantras ,however

due to above the restriction on count unfortunately some people (not all) tend

to cut down GM japa to a minimum which is inappropriate to do so.


Ofcourse, counting while GM japam, Rushi nyasadi, Dhyana… etc are part of

sandyavandam, despite it is being also said that for uttammadhikaris during

Nityaanusandhana of GM japa, no count restriction is required. Famous Mimamsa

sutra confirms this as " Nithye yathashakhi nyayaha " .


We also see many skipping Agnikaryam (for Brahmacharis) & Brahma Yagna (both

Brahmacharis & Gruhasthas) anusthana these days which are getting replaced by

many other tantric mantras. Shastras do recommend Brahma Yagna as mandatory

nitya karma which is part of Pancha mahayagnas.Alternatively this also helps to

get rid to Rushi runa which is part of three runas.


Maharshi Boudhayana recommends atleast to chat all the first four mantras of

four Vedas as part of Brahma yagna which I think can be perfomed with the

current consideration of time & situation.


Moreover, GM is also used as Prayaschitta for many papas by smrities.

I agree with Shashi, where he mentioned in one of the mail that these days

Prayaschitta is not getting emphasized. Well know commentator Haradatta while

commenting on the vivaha mantras of Ekaagnikanda describes prayaschitta as

" Prayahaa vinasthasya chittam samadham " .


Maharshis like Shounaka and others have put fourth various kramas to wipe the

papas thru different prayaschittas.Karmavipaka texts have elaborately explained

to the core on above.


GM purascharanam, Kushmaanda homam, Rudra homam (Maharnava kalpa), Pavamana

homam and Puyamana homam are some of famous prayaschittas denoted by shastras

apart from Kruchraadi.


Acharya Sayana (Veda Bhashyakaara) has also compiled a book called " Prayaschitta

Sudhanidhi " which details some of the prayaschitta kramas .He has even discussed

the krama for hindus getting re-conversion (not conversion) to swadharma in the

above said book.


That apart, GM when perfomed as upasana will lead us to chittasuddi which

ultimately results with Moksha.GM soopana krama in a nut-shell is Aditya bimba

at a Adhi-bhautika level, Aditya concealed by Narayana at Adhi-Daivika level and

Parabrahma (Atma) at Adhyaatmika level.


BTW, I would like to applause Sriramji and other esteemed members of this group

for their lovely contribution to the group in the light of Veda & Sampradaya.








, " ganapathy = = vijaya " <srividya101 wrote:


> My guruji used to stress on Sahasra Gayatri Japa before undertaking any

> upasana


> --


> Gayathry manthra is the only manthra capable of neutralising the Dosha the

> upasaka commits both nknowingly and un knowingly and it is utmost important

> to observe the Sandya Vandana Nithya Karma every day without fail before one

> commences his Sri vidya sadhana.


> In fact no initiation is given , if this is not observed and is a minimum

> qualification is he is Dwija.


> regards


> Ganapathy and Vijyalaksmy




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We also see many skipping Agnikaryam (for Brahmacharis) & Brahma Yagna (both

Brahmacharis & Gruhasthas) anusthana these days which are getting replaced by

many other tantric mantras. Shastras do recommend Brahma Yagna as mandatory

nitya karma which is part of Pancha mahayagnas.Alternatively this also helps to

get rid to Rushi runa which is part of three runas.




I appreciate you concern for non-observance of the dharma & nitya karma.


The above statement of yours is a good observation.


Unfortunately most of the dwijas want PADUKANTA DIKSHAS, GURU TRAYA & ATMA

PADUKA & PURNA ABHISHEKAS " . Nothing less than that. When asked about the

sandhya vandana mantras, they can't chant even chant the gayatri mantra with

proper svaras, suryopasthana mantra, gotra pravara properly.


This leads to ubhaya bhraShTatva ie., neither dakshinachara nor vamachara but



The current scenario is the 3rd one which we see around.




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