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BhavAnI nAma Sahasra Stutih : Namas 734, 735 & 736

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[734] GunatrayavibhAvinI : Who is clear perception of the three Gunas.

The consituent qualities [Gunas] of all material substances are of

three kinds.

SAttvic : Beingness or goodness. It is the excellence of natural

character. It predominates in gods.

[ii] RAjasic : The quality of great activity seen in creatures. It

predominates in men.

[iii]TAmasic : The quality of darkness or ignorance. This is inertia

predominating in demons.

Prakrti, the original source of this material world, consists of these

three essential qualities. The natural disposition of these Gunas is

in perfect harmony in the Primordial Mother who is about to shuffle

these out as the manifestations. Then the Gunas become visible.

Whether dissociating from it as adopted by Patanjali or assimilating

in it the way of Tantras, Prakrti is the centre of disintergration and

disturbances of the indistiguishable threefoldness of Her nature.

[735] AvyaktA : The primary germ of nature.

The Supreme Power is in its own state before taking to manifestation

and even during the processes of creation, preservation and

dissolution the reality remains unrevealed.

Th eeyes can see everything outside it but cannot see itself.

Similarly, knowledge can object ignorance but not itself. It is

indistinct. It is like the vital semi-liquid of the egg of a peacock

which contains all the various colours and are apparent only when the

feathers grow.

AvyaktA is the unmanifest state of MAyA, the abstract of limitations

of the five-fold glory of Siva. SAnkhya schools calls it PradhAna

[foundation] or Prakrti [matter]. It is the collective form of the

three qualities, sattva, rajas and tamas.

In VedAnta SUtras it is said : " That [brahman] is AvyaktA for the

scriptures say so " . The Sruti says, " He is not to be seen by the

eyes, not by the speech, nor by the other senses, nor by penance nor

by action " It is the 24th of the categories.

Avyakta is also one of the name of Visnu.

AvyaktA in Sakta Tantra means the imperceptible as the supersensuous

Reality, KAma-kalA. In Saiva Tantras it is known as I or Aham. The

Goddess is the unmanifest AhankAra.

[736]VyaktarUpA : She who is manifest.

Vyakta is the category Mahat, the first manifested, called the great.

She is called Sat [existence], the second modification of the elements

which is perishable. Vyakta is the individual form of the goddess as

opposed to it. AvyaktA is Her collective form.

With the skilful power of unmesa, expansion, the goddess becomes

apparent as the world.

Further Commentaries see link :


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