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Shat karma

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There have been number of times when marana etc could have been used

against people like Aurangzeb etc. Had these been done successfully it

could have saved many lives and temples. How was it that there was no

tantrika good enough to use it. Do these kriyas work only against

common people or is it that most of the time they dont work and are

used only to instill fear and extract money from common man.

I have been asked these questions couple of times and have no answer

for them.


Could someone please explain.




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I have no idea how shat karmas work. But those who enjoy immense power in this

world do so because of very good karma of past lives. They are skillful enough

not to open the flood gate of the karmaphal of the bad karmas they have done or



A wicked & powerful man may continue to plunder and terrorize persons lower than

him and successfully keep the fruits of his bad karma at bay. Only when

torturing the noble souls, the sadhus & the yogis he runs the risk of opening

the doors for his bad karmas to bring their fruits ~ provided his actions

created negative impression in the minds of these people.


In case of Aurangazeb ~ I doubt, in how many noble minds he was able to create

pain (Sant Ramdas may have been one of such souls who was deeply moved by the

Islamic carnage on this land. He was rarest of the rare.)




sumantkb <sumantkb wrote: There have

been number of times when marana etc could have been used

against people like Aurangzeb etc. Had these been done successfully it

could have saved many lives and temples. How was it that there was no

tantrika good enough to use it. Do these kriyas work only against

common people or is it that most of the time they dont work and are

used only to instill fear and extract money from common man.

I have been asked these questions couple of times and have no answer

for them.


Could someone please explain.




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i do wonder if there is not an answer to the query of 'where are powerful

tantrikas' in the book

Dakini Teachings: Padmasambhava's Oral Instructions to Lady

Tsogyal<http://books.google.com/books?id=vn-9LFwcF4IC & dq=dakini+teachings+padmas\

ambhava's+oral+instructions+to+lady+tsogyal & printsec=frontcover & source=web & ots=2\

4zTuCp6fD & sig=SdyoUNkCbw4VZkFWyIK4UWm2W90>

they were influential revealers of terma and Tibetan cave hermits...

the excerpt linked above has many, if not all of the pages...i read it in

the 1990s...

they talk about proper ways to practice dharma and the bodhisattva path and


and 'superknowledges' that accompany attainment...my guess is that


of the real " magic powers " or siddhas that go along with lotus attainment

have been all

but forgotten for ages (kalpas?)






On 01 Apr 2007 09:53:04 -0700, sumantkb <sumantkb wrote:


> There have been number of times when marana etc could have been used

> against people like Aurangzeb etc. Had these been done successfully it

> could have saved many lives and temples. How was it that there was no

> tantrika good enough to use it. Do these kriyas work only against

> common people or is it that most of the time they dont work and are

> used only to instill fear and extract money from common man.

> I have been asked these questions couple of times and have no answer

> for them.


> Could someone please explain.


> Regards

> Sumanta










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1. Back then, the tantric knowledge of prayogas was not as well spread as it is

now, so people who knew of these methods seemed to be very careful about where

and how it is used.


2. In my experiences with people who specialize in this form of occult, they

will not do anything out of nobility or the general welfare of society. These

practices take effort and unless they are properly commissioned or they have

some personal vendetta of their own, they wouldnt peform these rites.


3. You can also argue if Aurangzeb had counter measures based on this

cultural/religious practices.


4. I was taught that you forgo your right to mukti and all the merits of your

good karmas if you practice mArana and vashikarna rites.


5. You are right in saying that the vast majority of " occultists " who offer

these services, do not have the capacity to cause death.


6. When you do sadhana to occult devatas like Bagala, Varahi, Dhumavati- you

have a period of tim where you do not do prayogas; this is the minimum

purushcharana period. Many people change their outlook from performing occult

since they develop a taste for the transcendence in one's consciousness as a

result of such sadhanas.


^^ few possible suggestions



sumantkb <sumantkb


Monday, 2 April, 2007 2:53:04 AM

Shat karma




There have been number of times when marana etc could have been used

against people like Aurangzeb etc. Had these been done successfully it could

have saved many lives and temples. How was it that there was no tantrika good

enough to use it. Do these kriyas work only against common people or is it that

most of the time they dont work and are used only to instill fear and extract

money from common man.


I have been asked these questions couple of times and have no answer

for them.



Could someone please explain.





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Thanks for the response.


, kartik gaurav <omkaaraya



> 1. Back then, the tantric knowledge of prayogas was not as well

spread as it is now, so people who knew of these methods seemed to be

very careful about where and how it is used.


Even though fewer people knew about it, I guess there were more adepts

present. Tarapith had a history of siddhas till bamadeva, now there is

no such siddha purush found there. While the knowledge has definetly

spread the number of adepts may have gone down.



> 2. In my experiences with people who specialize in this form of

occult, they will not do anything out of nobility or the general

welfare of society. These practices take effort and unless they are

properly commissioned or they have some personal vendetta of their

own, they wouldnt peform these rites.


Take the case of what sultan mahmood to the Shiva Linga there. A large

part of tantra has come from Shiva. What kind of a devotee are you if

you let that happen thinking about your own mukti.(Anyway we have

spent millions of lives, why not one more.) This argument is very

similar to what Arjuna says to Krishna at the begining of Gita.


> 3. You can also argue if Aurangzeb had counter measures based on

this cultural/religious practices.


> 4. I was taught that you forgo your right to mukti and all the

merits of your good karmas if you practice mArana and vashikarna rites.


> 5. You are right in saying that the vast majority of " occultists "

who offer these services, do not have the capacity to cause death.


> 6. When you do sadhana to occult devatas like Bagala, Varahi,

Dhumavati- you have a period of tim where you do not do prayogas; this

is the minimum purushcharana period. Many people change their outlook

from performing occult since they develop a taste for the

transcendence in one's consciousness as a result of such sadhanas.


> ^^ few possible suggestions


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We are not actually talking about karma. Shat karma include

marana , stambhan , vashikaran,uchhatan etc.


, Saikat Maitra <singhi_kaya



> I have no idea how shat karmas work. But those who enjoy immense

power in this world do so because of very good karma of past lives.

They are skillful enough not to open the flood gate of the karmaphal

of the bad karmas they have done or doing.


> A wicked & powerful man may continue to plunder and terrorize

persons lower than him and successfully keep the fruits of his bad

karma at bay. Only when torturing the noble souls, the sadhus & the

yogis he runs the risk of opening the doors for his bad karmas to

bring their fruits ~ provided his actions created negative impression

in the minds of these people.


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shat karma means the activities / actions before starting any pooja











The daily worship schedule is as follows 1) Brahma Sandhya 2) Pooja 3) Japa

and Dhyan 4) Prarthana 5) Suryarghyadan. After sitting down, in order to make

the body and mind pure, in order to purify the 5 elements that constitute our

body, one performs Brahma-Sandhya. In Sandhya one performs 6 rituals


1) Pavitreekaran 2) Aachman 3) Shikha Bandhan 4) Pranayam 5) Nyas and

6)Prithvi Poojan. Its method is very simple.


1) Pavitree Karan


By taking water in the left palm, one chants the Gayatri Mantra and then

sprinkle this water on one’s head and entire body.


2) Aachman


In your right palm, take water from the tumbler and sip it 3 times (This is

called Aachman). Before every sip, chant the Gayatri Mantra 5 times. The palm

should not touch your face. If by mistake this happens, wash your face.


3) Shikha Bandhan


After Aachman, make your pigtail (Shikha) wet and tie it into a knot in such a

way that it does not re-open. This knot is called Aadhi Gaanth( half knot).

While making the knot, keep chanting the Gayatri Mantra. Shikha Bandhan rite is

performed so as to activate the subtle energy of the Sahasradal (1000-petalled)

Chakra (plexus) on the scalp. Those women/ men who do not have hair in that

area should just wet that area with water.


4) Pranayam


It should be carried out as follows.


a) With a serene mind, sit down with the spine absolutely straight, shut

the mouth and either shut your eyes or keep them half-shut. Now start breathing

in air slowly via the nostrils and mentally chant the Gayatri Mantra – Om Bhur

Bhuvasya. Mentally reflect that I am inhaling via many nostrils, the conscious

vital force of Brahman (God) which is bliss manifest and destroys all our

sorrow. With this sentiment alongwith mental chanting of the Gayatri Mantra

slowly inhale twice and thus fill up as much air as possible within your body.


b) Now hold your breath and say “Tat Savitu Varenyam”. Mentally imagine

that the breath held within is the best. Its brilliance akin to that of the sun

is pervading every pore of my being. Now hold the breath for half the time span

than you had held previously alongwith this sentiment.


c) Now via the nostrils exhale slowly the breath you had held within and

chant “Bhargo Devasya Dheemahee”. Mentally reflect that this breath which has

destroyed all my sins is departing from my body. The time taken to exhale

should be approximately the same time taken to inhale.


d) When the internal air is exhaled, hold the breath externally for the

same time as you had held it within. Meaning stop inhaling and exhaling and

chant “Dheeyo Yonah Prachodayat”. Mentally reflect that Vedic Mother Goddess

Gayatri is awakening my sacred intellect.


The above actions from a) to d) should be performed 3 times so that the sins

of the body, speech and mind are destroyed.


5) Nyasa


Nyasa means to imbibe. It involves imbibing, filling, establishing and

pervading each pore of our body with the Sattvik (sacred) energy of Gayatri.

Fill your left palm with water while simultaneously chanting the Gayatri Mantra.

Every time with fingers joined together, dip them in the tumbler of water and

touch all parts of the body. While doing so, mentally reflect that all these

parts are being made potent and pure due to Gayatri Energy. According to what

is written in the following lines, chant the Mantra. And alongwith this, first

touch all the bodily parts on the left and then on the right side.


1. Om Bhur Bhuvaha Svaha (head)

2. Tatsavitur (eyes)

3. Varenyam (ears)

4. Bhargo (face)

5. Devasya (throat)

6. Dheemahee (heart)

7. Deehyo Yonah (navel)

8. Prachodayat (hands and legs)

9. The rest of the water should be sprinkled on the entire body while

chanting the Gayatri Mantra.


6) Prithvi Poojan


a) Mother Earth should be revered as much as Mother Gayatri. Carry out the

ritual of offering water, rice grains, flowers, sandalwood, to the earth

directly or in a worship vessel (flat). The mental attitude at this time should

be that one will sacrifice one’s entire being for world welfare. With this

sentiment alongwith mental chanting of the Gayatri Mantra slowly inhale twice

and thus fill up as much air as possible within your body.


Now the ritual of self-purification has been completed. Now we must commence

the rite of worshipping God.




sumantkb <sumantkb wrote:

We are not actually talking about karma. Shat karma include

marana , stambhan , vashikaran,uchhatan etc.


, Saikat Maitra <singhi_kaya



> I have no idea how shat karmas work. But those who enjoy immense

power in this world do so because of very good karma of past lives.

They are skillful enough not to open the flood gate of the karmaphal

of the bad karmas they have done or doing.


> A wicked & powerful man may continue to plunder and terrorize

persons lower than him and successfully keep the fruits of his bad

karma at bay. Only when torturing the noble souls, the sadhus & the

yogis he runs the risk of opening the doors for his bad karmas to

bring their fruits ~ provided his actions created negative impression

in the minds of these people.

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shaT karma always has traditionally referred to mArana, mohana vashyaM,

stambhana, ucchATana, vidveshana. At least in the tantric context it has.



manoj devsharma <manojdevsharma


Tuesday, 3 April, 2007 4:54:11 PM

Re: Re: Shat karma

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