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New Orleans -llundrub

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i didn't mean we are the devils, but for the devils. i believe the

devil is only the mind and the ego. the egos of a few certainly cause

strife for the many. and what is a better defense against a vampire

than to bring him into The Light. expose lies with The Truth. Truth is

the Light. a room of darkness is eliminated with a single lit match.

as Bob Marley said we must chant down Babylon. with help from Kali!


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> Absolutely, we are the devils, depending upon who you would ask.





> On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:43 PM


> Re: New Orleans


> llundrub this is a great idea! with all the learned Ones here Shakti

> Sadhana could start a practice of doing Sadhana for designated areas

> or situations and as a group dedicate some of our individual practices

> to the situation as a group. it could be called Sadhana for Satan.


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in my opinion this is the wrong attitude. do pujas and homas for Bush and his

cronies. send positive vibes to everyone. we must not think that we can fight

hate with hate. we must fight hate with Love. hate plus hate is hate. we must

eliminate the us and them attitude. Love will conquer all. It is the only way.

as Einstein said no problem is ever solved out the same consciousness from which

it was created.


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


I think that yes, what we have now is a situation where since the

overflow of everyones desire is effecting everyone else, we therefore have the

right and responsibility to overflow benevolence.


In other words, gangs spill bullets into passers-by, Cheney rips off

whole governments to get mind boggling reconstruction contracts,

industries pour chemicals which are endangering life itself on the whole planet.

The previous notion of affecting 'free will' through yagyas no longer applies

since the rapaciousness of greedy people has necessitated equally fast and

direct benevolence. Yes, I think that if I thought Wash DC was worth a damn in

terms of actual power I would do something for it. But truth be told only one

man wields most of the power in DC and that person is Cheneey.

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You pay for them and do it your way with your money. I will support the weak and

miserable first. Doing this for the whole world is the same as not doing it at

all since it's all here already.



On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:32 PM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub


i didn't mean we are the devils, but for the devils. i believe the

devil is only the mind and the ego. the egos of a few certainly cause

strife for the many. and what is a better defense against a vampire

than to bring him into The Light. expose lies with The Truth. Truth is

the Light. a room of darkness is eliminated with a single lit match.

as Bob Marley said we must chant down Babylon. with help from Kali!


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> Absolutely, we are the devils, depending upon who you would ask.


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so in order benefit one group it must be at the expense or preference

of another? and to work for the benefit of all is to do nothing? i

hope you don't mind but i will pass on this piece of logic of yours.


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> You pay for them and do it your way with your money. I will support

the weak and miserable first. Doing this for the whole world is the

same as not doing it at all since it's all here already.





> On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:32 PM


> Re: New Orleans -llundrub


> i didn't mean we are the devils, but for the devils. i believe the

> devil is only the mind and the ego. the egos of a few certainly cause

> strife for the many. and what is a better defense against a vampire

> than to bring him into The Light. expose lies with The Truth. Truth is

> the Light. a room of darkness is eliminated with a single lit match.

> as Bob Marley said we must chant down Babylon. with help from Kali!


> , " llundrub " <llundrub@> wrote:

> >

> > Absolutely, we are the devils, depending upon who you would ask.

> >


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No, I didn't say that. For to benefit all beings one must benefit some so

that the effect can be seen or else there will be no benefit if all beings

rise as one. Consider inflation. Moreover, it's simply not possible with

different karmas to benefit all beings. Again, when you place your own money

on the line and act for all beings instead of passing on action then you can

even have the right to speak. I passed on this knowledge of what is

occurring out of respect for followers of Devi, my real love, now you know.

I'll pass on further conversation. Until you help me feed the poors in

Calcutta. When you give me five dollars of your own money to send to the

poors of Calcutta then we'll start this conversation again.



On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:26 AM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub


so in order benefit one group it must be at the expense or preference

of another? and to work for the benefit of all is to do nothing? i

hope you don't mind but i will pass on this piece of logic of yours.


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> You pay for them and do it your way with your money. I will support

the weak and miserable first. Doing this for the whole world is the

same as not doing it at all since it's all here already.





> On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:32 PM


> Re: New Orleans -llundrub


> i didn't mean we are the devils, but for the devils. i believe the

> devil is only the mind and the ego. the egos of a few certainly cause

> strife for the many. and what is a better defense against a vampire

> than to bring him into The Light. expose lies with The Truth. Truth is

> the Light. a room of darkness is eliminated with a single lit match.

> as Bob Marley said we must chant down Babylon. with help from Kali!


> , " llundrub " <llundrub@> wrote:

> >

> > Absolutely, we are the devils, depending upon who you would ask.

> >








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{moderator's note : My apology to IIlulndrub. Earlier message was a

mistake Im reposting the original version. Nora]


A repost On Behalf Of llundrub


Better yet, just go directly to here and do it yourself. Money talks

bullshit walks.

http://www.kalighat .net/helping_ poors.htm





. com]

On Behalf Of llundrub

Sunday, April 15, 2007 4:55 PM


RE: Re: New Orleans -llundrub


No, I didn't say that. For to benefit all beings one must benefit

some so that the effect can be seen or else there will be no benefit

if all beings rise as one. Consider inflation. Moreover, it's simply

not possible with different karmas to benefit all beings. Again,

when you place your own money on the line and act for all beings

instead of passing on action then you can even have the right to

speak. I passed on this knowledge of what is occurring out of

respect for followers of Devi, my real love, now you know. I'll pass

on further conversation. Until you help me feed the poors in

Calcutta. When you give me five dollars of your own money to send to

the poors of Calcutta then we'll start this conversation again.




. com]

On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:26 AM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub


so in order benefit one group it must be at the expense or preference

of another? and to work for the benefit of all is to do nothing? i

hope you don't mind but i will pass on this piece of logic of yours.


, " llundrub " <llundrub@.. .>



> You pay for them and do it your way with your money. I will support

the weak and miserable first. Doing this for the whole world is the

same as not doing it at all since it's all here already.


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Because there are many blocks to helping the people around one such as the law.

It is illegal to serve food without permits and if you do you can be sued. I

used to go out " guerilla style " and feed the homeless out of my car with a

friend sort of on the lam. It's just not practical. It is quite simple however

to send money to people who already are doing this type of thing, and in a

rather indigenous way.


Why always criticize people for helping others? Because everyone is jealous of

help and those who help. Because one, no one is happy, and two if someone is

happy helping then everyone who is selfish feels crappier. The first thing

someone says is, " I need charity too, I need another fix, another movie, CD,

cookie. " " Give money to me. " Nobody wants to sacrifice. Or someone is okay but

another is not. Someone is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, someone has only

one eye or is blind so they should get first helpings.


It's all shit. The only reality is sacrifice until it hurts. That's it. That's

the only way to help this world. It's hard but it is the only actual reality for

spiritual growth. All sadhanas are sacrifice. All sacrifice is tapas. Doesn't

matter where, to whom, how, or why, just do it! That's it!


The intellect has a thousand reasons why one should be selfish. There's only one

good reason to be generous - because life is a precious gift and we do not own

it. It is merely in our care. That's it!

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, " llundrub " <llundrub



> Because there are many blocks to helping the people around one

such as the law. It is illegal to serve food without permits and if

you do you can be sued. I used to go out " guerilla style " and feed

the homeless out of my car with a friend sort of on the lam. It's

just not practical. It is quite simple however to send money to

people who already are doing this type of thing, and in a rather

indigenous way.


> Why always criticize people for helping others? Because everyone

is jealous of help and those who help. Because one, no one is happy,

and two if someone is happy helping then everyone who is selfish

feels crappier. The first thing someone says is, " I need charity

too, I need another fix, another movie, CD, cookie. " " Give money to

me. " Nobody wants to sacrifice. Or someone is okay but another is

not. Someone is Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, someone has only

one eye or is blind so they should get first helpings.


> It's all shit. The only reality is sacrifice until it hurts.

That's it. That's the only way to help this world. It's hard but it

is the only actual reality for spiritual growth. All sadhanas are

sacrifice. All sacrifice is tapas. Doesn't matter where, to whom,

how, or why, just do it! That's it!


> The intellect has a thousand reasons why one should be selfish.

There's only one good reason to be generous - because life is a

precious gift and we do not own it. It is merely in our care. That's





I am happy that you have found an avenue to express your


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sorry i didn't realize you were talking about the money spent on puja.

i thought we were talking about prayer and worship. my mistake, i

misunderstood what you were saying. i was not criticizing you so no

need to get defensive. yes resources are definitely needed to uplift

humanity. they are around but must be allocated better. it is great

that the money given to temple for pujas is used to help the needy and

not used selfishly. it's hard to know nowadays. i'm not familiar with

the charity link you posted but do appreciate your concern towards my

efforts, and assure you my Shakti and i use our money and time to help

others, and are aware there is always room to do more, as you infer.


but i must say your inflation example isn't really true. it doesn't

effect all to the same proportion. the poor are actually hurt worse

by inflation that the rich. the rich can adjust while the poor only

suffer the effects. which is a good reason to worship for those in

power. for it is their right understanding, decisions and intentions

that are crucial in determining economic and social variables such as

inflation. still inflation is appropriate for our conversation. just

as inflation benefits the poor disproportionately, negatively, in the

same way worship and prayer effects humanity, though positively,

assuming the intention is there. and my understanding is the magnitude

of the effect is largely determined by Faith. True Faith that is, not

faith filtered through blind imitation or preference and distinction.


Divine Mother is my Love also, as with most others here i imagine. i

think one practical thing everyOne can do is apply consistent effort

to project that Love we have for Ma to everyOne equally who crosses

our paths and try not to get spiritually materialistic in the process.

as you said, 'intention is very important.' God luck in your efforts.




, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> No, I didn't say that. For to benefit all beings one must benefit

some so

> that the effect can be seen or else there will be no benefit if all


> rise as one. Consider inflation. Moreover, it's simply not possible with

> different karmas to benefit all beings. Again, when you place your

own money

> on the line and act for all beings instead of passing on action then

you can

> even have the right to speak. I passed on this knowledge of what is

> occurring out of respect for followers of Devi, my real love, now

you know.

> I'll pass on further conversation. Until you help me feed the poors in

> Calcutta. When you give me five dollars of your own money to send to the

> poors of Calcutta then we'll start this conversation again.





> On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:26 AM


> Re: New Orleans -llundrub


> so in order benefit one group it must be at the expense or preference

> of another? and to work for the benefit of all is to do nothing? i

> hope you don't mind but i will pass on this piece of logic of yours.


> , " llundrub " <llundrub@> wrote:

> >

> > You pay for them and do it your way with your money. I will support

> the weak and miserable first. Doing this for the whole world is the

> same as not doing it at all since it's all here already.

> >

> >

> >


> > On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> > Thursday, April 12, 2007 7:32 PM

> >

> > Re: New Orleans -llundrub

> >

> > i didn't mean we are the devils, but for the devils. i believe the

> > devil is only the mind and the ego. the egos of a few certainly cause

> > strife for the many. and what is a better defense against a vampire

> > than to bring him into The Light. expose lies with The Truth. Truth is

> > the Light. a room of darkness is eliminated with a single lit match.

> > as Bob Marley said we must chant down Babylon. with help from Kali!

> >

> > , " llundrub " <llundrub@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Absolutely, we are the devils, depending upon who you would ask.

> > >


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I'm no expert. Rather, as Tarot is always pointing out, I am merely a fool,

a windbag, full of air.



On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Monday, April 16, 2007 9:42 AM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub




sorry i didn't realize you were talking about the money spent on puja.

i thought we were talking about prayer and worship. my mistake, i


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Actually, as my name suggests, I am a Buddhist and we do pray and worship on

behalf of all beings, not even just humans. I just hatched a plan for buying

pujas for other beings. I said, when one spends their own money they will

not throw it away on people that don't seem worth it. I am paying for pujas

for myself and wife, my city, and all my teachers right now. In the future

when I have money I will buy them for the whole world. As anyone knows who

pays for pujas, yajnas, homams, jinseks, etc, they have a huge price tag.

So this is exactly what I did mean is that you and everybody will not waste

money on perfect strangers to have pujas, homams, etc, before you take care

of number one and number two and number three, because that's how money

works. But I assure you that if I live long enough I will pay for pujas for

all of you and the whole world. In fact I have something lined up for

Navaratri in October with my friend Priest Kollur, of Kollurmoolambika

temple where demon Ambika was laid to rest by Mahachandi. This is going to

be the scene of the Chandi Homam that we will do God willing. It's very very

expensive. So don't try to make me feel bad, I have enough on my mind




On Behalf Of llundrub

Monday, April 16, 2007 11:10 AM


RE: Re: New Orleans -llundrub


I'm no expert. Rather, as Tarot is always pointing out, I am merely a fool,

a windbag, full of air.



On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Monday, April 16, 2007 9:42 AM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub




sorry i didn't realize you were talking about the money spent on puja.

i thought we were talking about prayer and worship. my mistake, i








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i'm not at all. we are all Her buffalo soldiers. all at Her feet and

all is well. may Kali bless your endeavours and uplift all. JAI MA


, " llundrub " <llundrub wrote:


> Actually, as my name suggests, I am a Buddhist and we do pray and

worship on

> behalf of all beings, not even just humans. I just hatched a plan

for buying

> pujas for other beings. I said, when one spends their own money they


> not throw it away on people that don't seem worth it. I am paying

for pujas

> for myself and wife, my city, and all my teachers right now. In the


> when I have money I will buy them for the whole world. As anyone

knows who

> pays for pujas, yajnas, homams, jinseks, etc, they have a huge price


> So this is exactly what I did mean is that you and everybody will

not waste

> money on perfect strangers to have pujas, homams, etc, before you

take care

> of number one and number two and number three, because that's how money

> works. But I assure you that if I live long enough I will pay for

pujas for

> all of you and the whole world. In fact I have something lined up for

> Navaratri in October with my friend Priest Kollur, of Kollurmoolambika

> temple where demon Ambika was laid to rest by Mahachandi. This is

going to

> be the scene of the Chandi Homam that we will do God willing. It's

very very

> expensive. So don't try to make me feel bad, I have enough on my mind

> already.





> On Behalf Of llundrub

> Monday, April 16, 2007 11:10 AM


> RE: Re: New Orleans -llundrub


> I'm no expert. Rather, as Tarot is always pointing out, I am merely

a fool,

> a windbag, full of air.





> On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

> Monday, April 16, 2007 9:42 AM


> Re: New Orleans -llundrub




> sorry i didn't realize you were talking about the money spent on puja.

> i thought we were talking about prayer and worship. my mistake, i

> misunderstood







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In this vein Devi Mandir is doing Sahasra Chandi Homam and people can

provide ghee easily too. Try http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/node/423




On Behalf Of ecjensen_us

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:12 PM


Re: New Orleans -llundrub


i'm not at all. we are all Her buffalo soldiers. all at Her feet and

all is well. may Kali bless your endeavours and uplift all. JAI MA

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*this - THIS is why Gotama left home.*

It's the loving intention to benefit New Orleans that is being talked about

here. You would go on forever saying you can't benefit some beings while

benfitting all beings.


But little by little, a loving heart can make a difference.




On 15 Apr 2007 18:31:09 -0700, llundrub <llundrub wrote:


> No, I didn't say that. For to benefit all beings one must benefit some so

that the effect can be seen or else there will be no benefit if all beings rise

as one. Consider inflation. Moreover, it's simply not possible with different

karmas to benefit all beings. Again, when you place your own money

> on the line and act for all beings instead of passing on action then you can

even have the right to speak. I passed on this knowledge of what is occurring

out of respect for followers of Devi, my real love, now you know.

> I'll pass on further conversation. Until you help me feed the poors in

Calcutta. When you give me five dollars of your own money to send to the poors

of Calcutta then we'll start this conversation again.



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*this - THIS is why Gotama left home.*

It's the loving intention to benefit New Orleans that is being talked about

here. You would go on forever saying you can't benefit some beings while

benfitting all beings.


But little by little, a loving heart can make a difference.




-------May it be so!

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