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Kali worship (the devil in us-what to do?)

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Yes, what upendra V has said is the truth. Iraivan (god) accepts the

worship in whatever ways performed by the sadhaka. But it is

the 'ketta

ennam' (bad intention) which finally gives many unwanted experiences

for the sadhaka.


Sadhana should be done to realize Iraivan only. This is in the truest

sense. But many perform sadhana with other aims like siddhis,


achievements, malicious intent etc.


The shakti is like a sword. For example we have the buddhi sakthi

(power of intelligence), power of influence, power of physical

strength, power of possessions etc. People vary in their having this

shaktis. But this shaktis are god given only. If we were in the


body or something damages the brain we will lose the ability of the

mind (as compared to a fully endowed human). In sleep or coma we lose

the shakti to be aware altogether. So without the shakti (from jadam

and shakti as manam) none could be aware, think, feel etc. For this

reason shivan (atma) is at the feet of Kali (shakti). Kali

means 'kalatin athipathi' (mistress of Kala), 'kalatei vendraval'

(transcending kala). The world we are in is the Kala. It is the space

time of past, present, future. It is the world of Maya. There are

things we like which implies that there are things we do not like.


Maya makes us to be attached to the joys through forms. The atma is

sexless. Yet when we are born as human we get joy through sexual

attachment to the human form. If born as animals we will lust after

animals. Sorrow can be felt for the suffering of others, it can also


felt because we didn't achieve swindiling someone. Happiness can be

felt by doing something good, it can also be felt by achieving our

malicious intent or seeing the downfall of an enemy.


The happiness we feel in the world is through the five senses. There

are patterns of neuron firing when we see, hear, taste something. The

patterns do not resemble the actual object at all. Yet this appears


to the mind. The lion eats raw meat. It will taste like vomit to us.

The cows eat grass. So the same thing appears differently according


species. The atoms which make up our brain: oxygen, carbon, nitrogen

etc do not have any quality as memory, intelligence, emotions and


Yet in Maya the shakti for manam 'appears' to come from jadam. Jadam

has deterministic behavior. Atma has the will to choose. But both are

in Iraivan only.


Shakti worship is individualized worship for the purpose of realizing

oneself as the satchitanandam. This is also known as satyam-sivam-

sundaram. The sat is to realize oneself as deathless atma and

experience awareness beyond bodily awareness. The chit is the


to use the prana shakti to enter OM, later on even this is discarded

and one enters by mere willing only- this is the kaulacari. This is

realized in OM (kundalini) only.This is the realm of akala in us. The

Maya moves to give one a glimpse of our self. The anandam is the


inherent in the atma without being derived from sensual objects. We


know the Iraivan, but none can become like the Iraivan or know all


the Iraivan knows.


In Shakti worship also sadhakas experience trances. This is because


the manam nearing OM and thereafter could receive impressions (not

actual communicating or seeing) from the other plane beings. The


cakrams correspond to the seven lokas. The anavam burns by acting

according to conscience, helping others and merging into OM only. As

such the anava is the devil in us. These are to be sacrificed to


Greed as the cat, jealosy as the cock, blinding passions as the goat,

ignorance as the sheep, anger as the buffalo, pride as man are

sacrificed. Initially the manam is still attached to the brain. But

part of it enters from the base (mulam or south-dakshinam) and moves

upwards thereafter reaching the top(Sindhu). The body sways due to


and the head falls back. The tongue comes out due to the prana moving

up to the head. Mudras or automatic gestures (limbs and fingers)

corresponds to the spiritual pattern in OM. But the sadhaka does not

understand this because the mind is yet attached to jadam. The prana

shakti which spreads through the air and blood is needed to break the

pull of Maya and enter OM. Many sakthas however get minor siddhis in

the path itself which can be misused. Hence Upendra V' s warning to

consult with someone who has trodden the path. It is better to know

someone personally. Only by the buddhi (murugan - the sixth) merging

into OM and reaching Sindhu, can one get tattva jnanam. For this the

five senses has to be unwavering. To unwaver means to be heavy. The

Vinayagan symbolizes the five senses,hence he is known as the 'ainthu

karatheney'. To unwaver means to be heavy. The elephant is the


animal. So it is chosen. Though being heavy it doesn't mean heavy

headedness. Heavy headed (talai ganam) means anavam only. It means we

will sink (heavy) into Maya. Maya is the thing which masks the truth.

Maya is Iraivan's shakti only. Due to the state of Ganesan (gana -


+ isan (deity)) does not have anavam it is said to not be heavy and


carried about by a mouse, where in actual fact can a mouse carry a

elephant? So it should be understood that anava is the cause of

downfall in sadhana and the intention (ennam) mirrors it.


All the sadhana we do is to beget the grace of Iraivan only. Through

imagination, japa, dhyanam and acting in conscience and truth we


the grace. According to our intention the outcome will be so. The


grace of Iraivan is to know the forms of our own anava. This is known

as enna arivu. Can it be said that the sadhana we perform is


into begetting Iraivan? The Iraivan is always present. It is Maya


prevents its realization. Though unseen, man after many births crave

for Iraivan. With anbu (love) only Iraivan is attained. Nothing can


give to it except this only. The Iraivan knows what we are doing. The

Iraivan owns everything, can it be bought by giving paltry things or

through our actions. Yet the Iraivan sees the intention, accepts the

bhakti of the sincere sadhaka and reveals itself.


One of this symbolization of Iraivan is Kali. The ways or rituals the

siddhars have done and the bija mantram has the power to enable one


easily realize Iraivan. This is out of love for Iraivan for the


who even though pulled by a hundred and one desires, yet desire the

Iraivan. The Iraivan doesn't see our shortcomings. It knows we are

limited beings. Divine justice is due to all being the child of




It is like going to a place. It is easy to follow the road which

others have trodden rather than devising one's own. It doesn't mean

that it cannot be done, but in today's world we have much limited


to make mistakes. Everyone works from day to night and occupied with

many things. Every single thing needs money as compared to the

agricultural period. Only by sustained dhyanam and getting the enna

arivu, then one can devise rituals as one deem fit. The purpose of

ritual is as compared to the level we are in.


Vaidikacaram is the most basic. It is rituals to aid concentration.


mantram is said with the inhaling and exhaling breath till the

sensation is achieved at the forehead (sulimunai). Thereafter focus


to be maintained here with the bhakti. This is Vainavacaram. The


with which we feel for our worldly things is directed to the Iraivan.

This gives rise to the manam being able to attain temporary calm.


is known as zen, etc. All other mudras and other things belong to


level only. This is the start of dhyanam and known as Saivacaram.

Persisting in dhyanam the mind through the aid of Shakti merges at


base of OM. This is Dakshinacaram. It merges with the help of prana


which automatic kumbhaka (retention) happens. The body could use the

unusable air which is exhaled. It cannot be learnt and happens


grace. How does it feel? When we close our eyes we feel closest to


head and the limbs as extremeties. If the manam merges into OM it


feel as if the head is the base of spine moving upwards. Sustaining


Dakshinacaram we reach Vamacaram. In Dakshinacaram only we realize


inner jothi known as Makarajothi, akashaganga etc. In Vamacaram we

cross the stage of associating joy with forms. We cross the stage of

associating holiness with outward purity. Thereafter we gain control


moving in OM. This is also where we have reached Sindhu and hence

starts siddhacaram. Being able to move up (flying in OM), coming down

(heaviness), expanding the mind in OM (becoming big), concentrating


the spritual patterns in OM (becoming small) and losing oneself with

Iraivan has been literally translated as the performing of this act.

The body is jadam only and follows the rule regardless of the fact of

having realized. In Kaulacara the necessity of sadhana to reach


is overcome. This is the first broken triangle of Akatha. The second

triangle is breaking the bonds of karma and anava. Joining both is


swastika symbol which also denotes jagadamba. It is the highest a


can aspire to know about god. As such the kaulacara is truly free and

reaches Sindhu by mere willing. He only stays on till Karma due is

finished and could give up the body willingly (Mahasamadhi).


to the level we are accomplished the beings take birth in the bhu,

bhuva, svaha, mahar, japa, tapa and satya loka respectively.


The pancatatva is where the mamsa, meena, mudra, mathu and maithuna


used. None can achieve jnanam without this. The mamsa is the body.


specifically it denotes the tongue. Through the sound (of bija


we aid focus of mind. The mind needs sound to think of deeply. Can we

think of anything without nama (sound) and form (rupa)? The intricate

knowledge about rupa is known through sound only. When alone we talk

(using sound) to our ownselves to know the content of our own mind.


concentration begets the merger of manam through the nerves. The


are spread laterally as right and left through the spine. The brain

also has two hemispheres. The non material jadam is attached to the

body (jadam) via this nervous system only. As such the movement of

manam through these nerves (left is 'idathu' which is ida, this is


known as chandra/moon and pingala- the sun which denotes the right

side) we get the sensation of snake like or fish like movement as the

manam gets concentrated along these nerves and moves upwards

alternately. This is the meenum (fish). For this reason also the

kundalini is known as snakelike. Finally sustaining in the sadhana


mind through grace of Iraivan fully merges into the OM and we get to

see the Karthika (inner jothi) which blazes like the sun and shines


multiple jewels. This is not imaginary lights. It is like the sun


exists regardless of what you think about it. Initially these seems


thunder- lightning. At this point many black out temporarily. This is

known as layam. It is because of the manam still attached to body.

The body shakes violently while the sadhaka blacks out, sometimes


falling. According to the endeavor to root out selfish anava and


according to conscience one passes through this stage. Sometimes we

forget that living the mundane life according to conscience is also

part of sadhana. But this is not equal as portraying holiness or

pretended polite behavior. This also (movement) is known as the

mudra. Merging into

OM there is no way but to reach Sindhu only. Hence we taste the bliss

of satchitanandam (madhu) by merging with Iraivan (maithuna). This is

the purpose of sadhana.


Realization enables one to become truly human and overcome anava.

Thereafter the buddhi attains steadiness and could choose the act

which truly benefits all. It doesn't mean becoming superhuman. If so

cars, electricity etc. would have been invented by siddhars. The

buddhi contemplating on jadam learns the truth about jadam, this is

science. Buddhi merging into OM knows the truth about Iraivan.


Thanks and regards.



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