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Devipuram Guru Pournami Celebrations on 28, 29 July 2007

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Sri Matre Namah,




Guru Pournami is the single most important event for

devotees who received

mantra deeksha. On this day Bhagava Veda Vyasa who

wrote 18 puranas, and

given the world Bhagavad gita in his epic Maha Bharata

is honoured in the

living form of their Guru.




This year Devipuram is introducing an all new 64

upachar puja for Lalita Devi

called Maha Mudra through the medium of song and dance

by female

priestesses. They will select 4 married women and one

unmarried girl below 14

yrs from the audience. Through song and dance mudras,

the selected ladies

will be empowered as Shyama, Varahi, Lalita, and Paraa

Shakti and Baala. The

ladies will receive kalavahana and prana pratishta by

Guruji followed by 64

upachar puja, an important part of in Lalita Navavara

Puja. The chosen ladies

recieve Purnabhisheka on stage like snana in a yagna

and also make up on

stage. It is a rare and coveted honour for the chosen

Ladies. This is the

highlight of the program. Hindu scriptures say women

should be worshipped to

bring down gods from heavens. This program shows how.

We will make it a

weekly youth program for Saturday evenings starting

from Navaratris.



Other high lights of the program are


2. Sata srichakra deepa puja. 108 Sri chakras each

worth Rs 10,000 will be

consecrated by Guruji keeping them around a 6 ft meru,

on which 108 lights

will be lit as guru namavali and khadgamala stotram

are being recited. Then

all sponors will recite the life invocation mantra

with Guruji, transfering the

powers of Guru and Khadgamala dieties into the Sri

Chakras. They will then

circum-ambulate the Chakras, showing dasa mudras, to

invoke the dasa

mahavidyas into the srichakras. This is the best time

to buy a Sri Chakra Meru

and get it from the hands of Guruji personally. Don't

miss this opportunity to

sponsor this event, buy a meru and show off the

splendour of your sarees.




3. Sata chandi Homam in the ground floor of Meru in

Devipuram. 25 fire pits

will be erected inside the Sri Chakra Meru. From three

more fire pits where all

samskaras are done, fire will be taken to all fire

pits. 4 couples sit around

each pit, making the total up to 108. Sata chandi

Yagna will be completed in

just one round. Purnahuti will be offerd after 108

recitations of Maha

mrutyumjaya mantra and Chandi Mantra for the health

wealth and joy of all

participants, each of whom will be offering about 900

ghee oblations into the




4. Guru pada puja. Once a year, all disciples assemble

to pay homage to their

guru. and serve him and his programs for universal

health, wealth and

happiness. This is their chance to rededicate to Guru,

affirm their faith in the

path and get themselves charged through love and

service. Your guru's name

amrita+ananda means nonstop + enjoyment.


5. Guru Pourmnami is also the time for spititual

intensity. You build it up in

yourself and the environment with all night chants of

Lalita Sahasra, and Guru







28 JULY 07


9-1 am sata chakra deepa puja MERU1 1000


4-6 pm sahasram, bhajans MERU FREE


29 JULY 07


6-9 am satachandi by guruji MERU 1000


10-1 guru puja 20min; batches 9 MERU 1000


12-4 annadanam GARDENS FREE


4-6 am Sahasrakshi Darshan MERU FREE




4-6 guru darshan, blessing KAMAKHYA FREE







DOs and Don'ts


Sponsorship fee can be paid at venue of event or

registration office.


You have to make your own travel arrangements. We are

short of manpower

this year. Don't contact Ashram for your travel

reservations, cancellations,

tours etc. Please contact travel agents in Vizag for

this purpose directly.


Please be in seats at least 15 minutes before the

sponsored event begins.


Guru puja is the most important event of Guru

Pournami. At the time of

registration, you will get a batch number. When the

batch number is called,

you will come (with your meru if you have one) and

sit in an orderly fashion.


You will recite gurunamavali. Then offer flowers at

the feet of guru one after

another, give it and take your meru from hands of

Guru. This is the time for

blessings, not for interviews.


Special pournami abhishekam for Sri Sahasrakshi on

29th 6-8am. During this

time, Donors above 1 lac, and persons having coupons

issued by Guruji's office

will be allowed inside Girbhagriha. Give applications

on plain paper with name,

phone number, number of persons ( not more than 5),

total of donations given

now or earlier to office Manager for Inner Darshan

coupons. Alankaram will

follow till 4 pm.


Dharma darshan of Sri Sahasrakshi from outside of

Garbha griha will begin

from 4pm .


Whole Pournami night is for lalita sahasra and guru

nama parayan for



You can buy 10 " , 5 " , or 3 " meru. Keep them with you

and take it from hands

of guruji on 29th during gurupuja time, 10-1 on 29th.


Dont crowd around and touch guruji's feet till

annadanam is finished. Guruji

will be involved in preparing and winding up works on

28th and 30th. He will

not entertain interviews on these two days.


Please observe " Queue " disscipline. Don't push or get

pushed. Please report

unruly behaviour to security staff on duty.


Very limited ordinary accommodation is avilable to

outstation visitors at the

ashram during the function. Stay plus food will be

charged at Rs 100 per

person per day.


A one week workshop on Goddess empowerment rituals is

being conducted in

Vizag by some American Yoga practitioners from Los

Angeles immediately after

the celebrations here. Local people interested in Neo

Tantras of East and West

may also participate. People attending the workshop

can get to know

authentic Sri Vidya rituals at Devipuram during the

Guru Pournami celebrations.


For details see links from www.devipuram.com site.




At Your Service

Devipuram/vi1 Group



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