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BhavAnI nAma Sahasra Stutih : 925

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[925] SanskArarupA : Who is refined due to grammatical purity.

From Alphabets are formed words and later words are framed into

sentences to make descriptions clear. That grammatical purity is

graced by Mother through MAtrikA Cakra, the seven little Mothers

emanating from DurgA.


ParA Sakti, which is only one appears in three ways from which, by

various changes, eight [or nine] classes of etters are produced.

That ParA VAk pervades the five Mantra DevatAs and appears in the

twelve vowels. Thus She exists in fifty varieties from a to Ksa,

which is called Sabda-rAsI-bhairava, eternally present in



ParAsakti or ParAvAk is KundalinI Sakti, which is the central

creative power of the entire MAtrikA of the subjective and objective

phenomena. ParA VAk expresses Herself in three stages :

At Pasyanti the word and the object are identical. There is only

the light of conciousness, which is present in one unit in the


[ii] At MadhyamA, though division between the word and the object

has started yet it is not fully pronounced. It resides in the throat

and is of two units.

[iii] At Vaikhari stage, the object is completely separated from the

word. It consists of three units and exists in the root of the

tongue as gross speech.

Thus all creation, animate and inanimate, is pervading by word which

comes from ParA Sakti and later dissolves in the same. This is

grammatical purity in the refined divinity. In short, ParA sakti, in

her own purity, pervades the whole universe.

Further Commentaries see link :


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