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BhavAnI nAma Sahasra Stutih : 940

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[940] KAkinI : The deity, residing in AnAhata Cakra, who is the

benefactress of all.


According to yoga Sastra, AnAhanta Cakra is just near the heart. It is

not the physical lobe what is called heart. The presiding deity of

this cakra is KAkinI as described in the Sat Cakra Nirupana of

Paramahamsa PUrnAnanda. She is yellow in colour like unto new

lightning, exhilarated and auspicious, in the region of the heart

whihc is red like a BandhUka flower.


The Sakti KAkini is garlanded with human bones which connotes that all

individual ego merges into universal love when she is in a happy and

excited mood. Her heart is soften by the supreme bliss caused by

drinking the excellent nectar which drops from the sahasrAra. While

she blesses her devotees and dispels fear she fulfils all their




Further Commentaries see link :


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