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Kaula, Mistry and women.

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jai gurudev


om shivgoraksha



dear sir,


i am sorry to trouble u and the moderators and all friends in ss group.


u earlier claim that buddhism is related to shakti sadhana or it is

when shakti sadhana started of something.


now u quote some books.


i have a humble request :


i am really confused by what u r trying to talk or argue.


what u said earlier and what u say now to me seems very



i again repeat that shakti sadhana or worship of maa adi shakti

param prakruti mother nature,is not restricted to only india,

and even if it was,the various gods like indra,agni,vayu,

varun etc r part of the same divinity.


is rain,fire,water,air,earth,space etc not part of nature ???


i hope u will not deny this truth.


how can u start something that has always preexisted ??


maybe u can differenciate it,but then shakti sadhana has been

in existance in india even before lord matsyendranathji.


1 example : pls read srimad devi bhagwat puran.in it the story of lord

gautam maharishi,and the story of dosha nivaran of gouhatya is very

well known.pls read it again,in this,he is worshipping mother

shakti and she is providing food to the ashram,and some people

become jealous and created a cow of dharbha etc....


he got the doshanivaran by lord brahma-vishnu-rudra blessing

him and absolving him of gouhatya dosha as he was not responsible

in the first place.


this place known as trambakeshwar,is located near nashik,in maharashtra

is one of the jyotirlingams,and gautam maharishi ashram is still



now i hope u will not say that lord gautam maharishi is younger than

lord matsyendranathji,bcoz lord gautam maharashi is one of the sapta

rishis who predate the nath sampradya.THIS IS ONLY 1 OF MANY

EXAMPLES.if you are talking abt kaula sampradaya,then

so many sampradaya have been formed by different divine souls

that u cant say kaula sampradaya is the only shakti sadhana



when man evoled from africa he has been worshipping nature only

this predates all indian history.


so shakti sadhana in unstructured form or structured form

is going on before lord matsyendranathji or bautam buddha.


we as humans r also made of of the elements the tatvas etc,

so we are also part of nature.


so this fact is established that we r part of nature,and worship

to any god will be worship to same divinity.


i know i am repeating the same old stuff again and again,

but since the situation araises i just inform u.


the simple but scientific principal of adwaith is so

very easy to understand.


i am sorry to trouble all people with my humble words,and i hope

no one feels offended by same.





om shakti








On 11/8/09, Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92 wrote:


> My dear learned friends,


> There are some confusion arises on these above three issues.



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My dear Sir,


I have expressed my opinion, I am not imposing my information to my other



I have also given various references towards this. These are the opinions of

Historians, researchers.


I have projected their views.


Kind regards.


--- On Mon, 9/11/09, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote:


gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123

Re: Kaula, Mistry and women.


Monday, 9 November, 2009, 7:05 AM

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jai gurudev



om shivgoraksha


dear sir,


i humbly request u to actually read the originals or atleast the

hindi translations,so u will know the contents directly rather

than relying on 3rd and 4th person accounts.


pls do not feel offended by my request,bcoz only when u will

actually read the original texts or atleast the hindi translation

u will be closer to real understanding.


what the so called authours did,or how they got info,

we dont know,so first hand knowledge is more imp.


i had given u some links,u can try these and u can also

get good ones from geetapress gorakhpur etc....


maa adi shakti is satya-chit-anand vigraha,all that exists

is her divnity,bcoz all that exists is nature.the void,and the

matter,the shunya and the shrushti is all her.


reading the original texts and knowing our mother as us

and ourself as part of her,is a most divine and blissful experience.


one does not have to die to get salvation,one can be a jeevanmukta also,ie

got salvation when still alive like king janak or videha.all so called

concepts present in non-hindu ideology etc r already espoused in hindu texts



pls buy srimad devi bhagwat puran from geeta press gorakhpur.




this can be a good start for u.again sorry for being repetative and

focussing on same point but pls try what i request u will never

regret yr decision,to be one with maa narayani.



om shakti





On 11/9/09, Abhijit Dasgupta <abhijitdasgupta92 wrote:




> My dear Sir,


> I have expressed my opinion, I am not imposing my information to my other

> members.


> I have also given various references towards this. These are the opinions

> of Historians, researchers.


> I have projected their views.


> Kind regards.


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Dear Mr. Gopal Narayan,


 I may not be fully knowledgeble, but am aware.


Since you started with " Om Siva Gorokhsha " , i suggest you to go throgh the Nath


However, Vedic literature is literatures of Brahmins as it is known as Brahminic

literature, but Nath literature were almost unknown to educated people.

Incidentally various scholars started taking into interest in Nathism and found

a vast activities of this religion.

For your kind information, Nath religion never recognized Vedic religion as the

supreme or as  authority of Nath religion.


This Nath religion  clearly talks on all the above issue. and there isa book by

name " Kaula Gnan Nirnaya " also found , to be written by Lord Matsendra Nath.


Besides this , there are scholerly books available wriiten by various people and

these Books are available at the Library of Goroknath temple .


For your kind information Sir.


With regards.




--- On Tue, 10/11/09, gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123 wrote:


gopal narayan <gopalnarayan123

Re: Kaula, Mistry and women.


Tuesday, 10 November, 2009, 11:09 AM

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