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Shakti SoverAnia: Largest Gathering of Women Ever!

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.... largest gathering of women ever seen on the planet.








Millions of women throng Kerala festival









Attendance at the festival has grown year after



year (Photos: Haris Kuttipuram)





By John Mary



Trivandrum, Kerala



India's southern



state of Kerala may have hosted the largest gathering of women ever seen on the






Clad in traditional Kerala saris and bearing



offerings of food, more than two million women - perhaps more - thronged the



state capital Trivandrum on Sunday.








The women braved searing heat to offer a special meal at the



Attukal temple to Hindu goddess Bhagavathy - one incarnation of the



potent goddesses Kali and Saraswati.


Women howled shrilly, as is the custom at the culmination of



this 10-day annual event, and they joined the chief priest in offering



their earthenware pots overflowing with rice and jaggery - an unrefined



sugar - to the presiding goddess.



They were seeking her blessing for the health and prosperity of their families -



and the special meal, known as the pongala, was later



distributed among family and friends back at home.



Aerial count



Women howl shrilly as they make their offering



This is a unique festival the size of which is



unmatched - the congregation at Attukal temple has grown exponentially



over the years.









Such festivities used to be modest affairs and the annual



gathering was confined to the temple premises until about 25 years ago.



But once families associated with the temple formed a trust,



the festival became more organised, there was more publicity and it



attracted women from across the state and even foreign countries.



Guinness Worlds Records certified the crowd strength was 1.5



million when it was assessed for the first time in 1997.



Last year turnout was 2.5 million and this year, according to



festival organisers, it was estimated to be 3 million.



Attukal Bhagavathy Temple Trust secretary KP Ramachandran Nair



says that from next year an agency associated with the National



Geographic channel will conduct aerial surveys for a more scientific






It is an elaborate logistical feat: almost 3,000 police, 600 of them women, were



on duty around the clock. Two hundred priests



positioned themselves at different points to sprinkle holy water on the






Tearful devotees



At Sunday's mass offering, the ceremonial cooking began at 1015 local time (0445



GMT). The chief priest lit up the main hearth in front of the temple.



There is



nothing like this anywhere else in the world. It is amazing the way a



whole city makes arrangements for women to make this offering.









Diane Jennet, devotee



Smoke billowed from hundreds of thousands of



temporary hearths and hung above the city.



Tearful women swayed to the chanting of mantras, invoking the



blessing of the goddess until next year's festival.



Popular Malayalam television actress Chippi was also present:



" I've lost count of the number of times I've participated in the pongala






" And why I do it is because I am sure Attukalamma [the mother



goddess] will take care of me and family till I come back next year. "



Not everyone manages to make their offering close to the



temple: many had to set up hearth wherever they could.



People who live near the temple host dozens of women to cook



the pongala. One retired professor of English, MS Hema, hosted more than 100



friends and relatives at her home.



The size of the women's festival is unmatched



Among her guests was Dianne Jennet, who has been coming every year since 1997



from San Francisco. The collective



spirituality she observed in female devotees at Attukal became the



subject of of her PhD dissertation back in the United States.



" It's difficult to explain. I just develop this desire to make



the journey every year. Pongala is all about community, devotion and












" There is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. It is



amazing the way a whole city makes arrangements for women to make this



offering. Nobody could imagine shutting down San Francisco for a day,



blocking the vehicles for a women's gathering, " she said.



The legend goes that Bhagavathy once visited the spot where the temple stands



today on the banks of the Killiyar river.



The goddess, in the guise of a girl, sought the help of the



head of a local family to cross the river. He helped her - but she



vanished soon after.



In the ancient religious texts, Bhagavathy is said to



annihilate evil and protects the good in this world - she grants every



wish of her devotees. This is also the fervent hope of the women who



come year on year.



At the end of the ceremony a small plane hovered above the



masses showering flowers.



It was the end to a tiring but spiritually nourishing session.



Devotees picked up their belongings and boarded buses and trains to head home.









Thanks & Regards,





from Sudhir Srinivasan











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