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Nithyananda -- For those who do not have time to go to the link, here is the article.

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You are precisely right; you mentioned that the image was shattered. My

question is more targeted towards the energies involved. If a guru were to be

more straight forward from day one about different techniques, sexual or not,

would sexuality in that case be as taboo? I don't think it would. If one

transmits a pure energy about everything, everything becomes pure. I don't know

anything about Nithyananda or what his motives were, but seeing as how lust is

one of the gateways to hell it is easy to turn a dharmic practice into something

self-fulfilling and ego based. Truth is Truth, and untruth is untruth; if you

compromise your integrity even for a moment, some very strong karma will



I think it is very sad that sacred rituals get corrupted and it would be nice to

see dharma set straight again, even in it's more debated forms.


Question: how widely used is sex as a tool for a seeker? Does it have to do with

the level of ones attainment or is this lineage dependent?


Love and Light,









DB <devi_bhakta


Hi Myra:



Your other question is more difficult. The idea of people being " more open about

sex as a part of a spiritual tradition " if one major-league " if " ! Malhotra

spends a lot of time asserting that Nithyananda was engaging in legitimate

Tantric sexual techniques set out in the Shiva Sutra. (Judging from the tapes

themselves, I can only say it doesn't look like any technique to me -- [....]

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Hi again Myra:


*** If a guru were to be more straight forward from day one about different

techniques, sexual or not, would sexuality in that case be as taboo? I don't

think it would. If one transmits a pure energy about everything, everything

becomes pure. ***


Maybe. But I wonder. So much of the power of Tantric technique seems to lie

precisely in ritual transgression and the deliberate violation of purity codes.

If everything is brought out into the open sunlight, full disclosure, take it or

leave it, we're leaving the realm of sexualized ritual and entering the realm of

ritualized sex; i.e. leaving authentic Hindu Tantra, and entering the realm of

Western neo-Tantra. Just a thought?


*** Question: how widely used is sex as a tool for a seeker? Does it have to do

with the level of ones attainment or is this lineage dependent? ***


It's dependent on sampradaya and parampara and, even within a single guru's

lineage, still highly dependent upon the circumstance and individual involved. I

don't know how one could objectively calculate how many people use these

techniques and how often. Certainly it's no more frequent in Kaula ritual than

it is in everyday life -- which is to say that people almost certainly think

about it and talk about it much much more than they actually *do* it. :-p


My two cents



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Hi, Myra. I'd say these are very tricky waters, and that one needs to explore

them with a very clear head.


I haven't met a Guru who is purely a Tantric Sex Guru (and I do not think I'd

want to – or, for that matter, that any such creature exists anyway). If anyone

claims to be one, look out. As far as I know, sex as a ritual is needed in very

few cases, and even so, that comes along at a very advanced stage of learning

from a Guru/sadhana. By the time the disciple comes along so far in " training "

that s/he is considered ready for it, the understanding of the ritual is very

clear, and there are no grounds for any doubt. The disciple has to be advanced

enough to " be " Shiva or Shakti, and not merely " try " to be one on an

intellectual level.


When one has come so far along, then no questions remain to be answered. As long

as there are doubts – on any level – one can be sure that one is not ready.


Sexuality being a taboo; pure energy being transmitted: all this discussion

falls by the wayside. Neither the person who is debating, discussing, wondering

about it nor the one who is persuading, or trying to convince the other about

the act is ready for it.


, Myra Godfrey <myragodfrey wrote:


> You are precisely right; you mentioned that the image was shattered. My

question is more targeted towards the energies involved. If a guru were to be

more straight forward from day one about different techniques, sexual or not,

would sexuality in that case be as taboo? I don't think it would. If one

transmits a pure energy about everything, everything becomes pure. I don't know

anything about Nithyananda or what his motives were, but seeing as how lust is

one of the gateways to hell it is easy to turn a dharmic practice into something

self-fulfilling and ego based. Truth is Truth, and untruth is untruth; if you

compromise your integrity even for a moment, some very strong karma will



> I think it is very sad that sacred rituals get corrupted and it would be nice

to see dharma set straight again, even in it's more debated forms.


> Question: how widely used is sex as a tool for a seeker? Does it have to do

with the level of ones attainment or is this lineage dependent?


> Love and Light,


> Myra






> ________________________________

> DB <devi_bhakta


> Hi Myra:


> [....]

> Your other question is more difficult. The idea of people being " more open

about sex as a part of a spiritual tradition " if one major-league " if " ! Malhotra

spends a lot of time asserting that Nithyananda was engaging in legitimate

Tantric sexual techniques set out in the Shiva Sutra. (Judging from the tapes

themselves, I can only say it doesn't look like any technique to me -- [....]


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Respected elders,

Sri Ramakrishna said to have mastered all the tantric vidyas.

But never once it was mentioned that there was a need for any such

relationship with the opposite sex.

Swami Sivananda's book on Brahmacharya stress the importance of the

brahmacharya and why the veerya should not be wasted and how to become

the vurdvetha yogis by sublimating the same.


It is a lame and unacceptable excuse to carry on with their illicit

affairs these people other than the british and brahmins,take the name

of tantra,only because of these people tantra which is a great sicence

has been misunderstood and

lost it's glory.

Secondly any Guru who is behind money is no Guru at all.If the motive

is to teach or spread the yoga where does the money factor come from.

True masters never went behind money or fame.The moment any master

talks about money it's finished.A true master never ever expects

anything from his disciple except discipline and hard work

There should be a forum to tackle these kind of fraud gurus and it

should be a lesson to others who should not even dream or think of

taking religion for manipulation.



Sent from my iPhone


On 19 Mar 2010, at 20:15, " durgangam " <durgangam wrote:




> Hi, Myra. I'd say these are very tricky waters, and that one needs

> to explore them with a very clear head.


> I haven't met a Guru who is purely a Tantric Sex Guru (and I do not

> think I'd want to – or, for that matter, that any such creature exis

> ts anyway). If anyone claims to be one, look out. As far as I know,

> sex as a ritual is needed in very few cases, and even so, that comes

> along at a very advanced stage of learning from a Guru/sadhana. By

> the time the disciple comes along so far in " training " that s/he is

> considered ready for it, the understanding of the ritual is very cle

> ar, and there are no grounds for any doubt. The disciple has to be a

> dvanced enough to " be " Shiva or Shakti, and not merely " try " to be o

> ne on an intellectual level.


> When one has come so far along, then no questions remain to be

> answered. As long as there are doubts – on any level – one can be

> sure that one is not ready.


> Sexuality being a taboo; pure energy being transmitted: all this

> discussion falls by the wayside. Neither the person who is debating,

> discussing, wondering about it nor the one who is persuading, or

> trying to convince the other about the act is ready for it.


> , Myra Godfrey

> <myragodfrey wrote:

> >

> > You are precisely right; you mentioned that the image was

> shattered. My question is more targeted towards the energies

> involved. If a guru were to be more straight forward from day one

> about different techniques, sexual or not, would sexuality in that

> case be as taboo? I don't think it would. If one transmits a pure

> energy about everything, everything becomes pure. I don't know

> anything about Nithyananda or what his motives were, but seeing as

> how lust is one of the gateways to hell it is easy to turn a dharmic

> practice into something self-fulfilling and ego based. Truth is

> Truth, and untruth is untruth; if you compromise your integrity even

> for a moment, some very strong karma will manifest.

> >

> > I think it is very sad that sacred rituals get corrupted and it

> would be nice to see dharma set straight again, even in it's more

> debated forms.

> >

> > Question: how widely used is sex as a tool for a seeker? Does it

> have to do with the level of ones attainment or is this lineage

> dependent?

> >

> > Love and Light,

> >

> > Myra

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ________________________________

> > DB <devi_bhakta

> >

> > Hi Myra:

> >

> > [....]

> > Your other question is more difficult. The idea of people being

> " more open about sex as a part of a spiritual tradition " if one

> major-league " if " ! Malhotra spends a lot of time asserting that

> Nithyananda was engaging in legitimate Tantric sexual techniques set

> out in the Shiva Sutra. (Judging from the tapes themselves, I can

> only say it doesn't look like any technique to me -- [....]

> >






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It's worth noting that in the Brhadaranyaka or Chandogya Upanisad (I can't

recall the precise passage at the moment), it states that a married couple

who has sexual relations only after dark are considered brahmacaris. The

idea was not total continence, but self-control. In the Chandogya Upanisad,

sex is compared and identified with the Vedic sacrifice, down to the last



Over time, the concept brahmacarism became more extreme, particularly as

asceticism was favored in the wake of the popularity of Buddhism and



One need not have a negative view of the body and of sexuality in order to

be " holy " or " enlightened. " There are a number of different views on the

science of Tantrism.


My own thought is that one should not become brahmacarya unless they are

unable to be any other way. If they have sexual desires and needs, then they

should be a householder. It is not a lesser path in any way, shape, or form,

even though it often isn't valued as highly as sannyas and brahmacarya. It

is simply a different path, but one that has equal opportunity for leading

to realization. Both have their difficulties. As Krishna says in the Gita,

becoming a sannyasin and going into the forest doesn't leave your desires

behind. They will follow you.


Having sat at the feet of many holy men and women, having felt Shakti

radiating from them, and having seen some of them in the midst of

controversy, I have come to believe that even after one has achieved

spiritual liberation, they have to work to hold onto it. As long as we are

in the body, we can fall prey to our rapacious ego. No one is above this,

it's real work. Anyone who tells you they no longer have to do sadhana

because they have become enlightened probably also has a bridge to sell you

in the middle of the Gobi desert. The beautiful poetry of the saints shows

that the union with God/dess is elusive, that one must always pursue that

realization and continue to perfect it (and possibly also help others to

perfect it) until they reach mahasamadhi.


I realize this is a controversial statement, but it is simply my own view.


It is more important to have spiritual integrity than it is to play some

charade of extreme piety. The latter may get you worldy riches, but the

former will bring real, lasting, meaningful riches.


jai MA kamesvari



Sri Kamakhya Mahavidya Mandir




On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:22 AM, V.Rajnikanth <yogior wrote:




> Respected elders,

> Sri Ramakrishna said to have mastered all the tantric vidyas.

> But never once it was mentioned that there was a need for any such

> relationship with the opposite sex.

> Swami Sivananda's book on Brahmacharya stress the importance of the

> brahmacharya and why the veerya should not be wasted and how to become

> the vurdvetha yogis by sublimating the same.


> It is a lame and unacceptable excuse to carry on with their illicit

> affairs these people other than the british and brahmins,take the name

> of tantra,only because of these people tantra which is a great sicence

> has been misunderstood and

> lost it's glory.

> Secondly any Guru who is behind money is no Guru at all.If the motive

> is to teach or spread the yoga where does the money factor come from.

> True masters never went behind money or fame.The moment any master

> talks about money it's finished.A true master never ever expects

> anything from his disciple except discipline and hard work

> There should be a forum to tackle these kind of fraud gurus and it

> should be a lesson to others who should not even dream or think of

> taking religion for manipulation.


> Sent from my iPhone



> On 19 Mar 2010, at 20:15, " durgangam "


> wrote:


> >

> >

> > Hi, Myra. I'd say these are very tricky waters, and that one needs

> > to explore them with a very clear head.

> >

> > I haven't met a Guru who is purely a Tantric Sex Guru (and I do not

> > think I'd want to – or, for that matter, that any such creature exis

> > ts anyway). If anyone claims to be one, look out. As far as I know,

> > sex as a ritual is needed in very few cases, and even so, that comes

> > along at a very advanced stage of learning from a Guru/sadhana. By

> > the time the disciple comes along so far in " training " that s/he is

> > considered ready for it, the understanding of the ritual is very cle

> > ar, and there are no grounds for any doubt. The disciple has to be a

> > dvanced enough to " be " Shiva or Shakti, and not merely " try " to be o

> > ne on an intellectual level.

> >

> > When one has come so far along, then no questions remain to be

> > answered. As long as there are doubts – on any level – one can be

> > sure that one is not ready.

> >

> > Sexuality being a taboo; pure energy being transmitted: all this

> > discussion falls by the wayside. Neither the person who is debating,

> > discussing, wondering about it nor the one who is persuading, or

> > trying to convince the other about the act is ready for it.

> >

> > <%40>,

> Myra Godfrey

> > <myragodfrey wrote:

> > >

> > > You are precisely right; you mentioned that the image was

> > shattered. My question is more targeted towards the energies

> > involved. If a guru were to be more straight forward from day one

> > about different techniques, sexual or not, would sexuality in that

> > case be as taboo? I don't think it would. If one transmits a pure

> > energy about everything, everything becomes pure. I don't know

> > anything about Nithyananda or what his motives were, but seeing as

> > how lust is one of the gateways to hell it is easy to turn a dharmic

> > practice into something self-fulfilling and ego based. Truth is

> > Truth, and untruth is untruth; if you compromise your integrity even

> > for a moment, some very strong karma will manifest.

> > >

> > > I think it is very sad that sacred rituals get corrupted and it

> > would be nice to see dharma set straight again, even in it's more

> > debated forms.

> > >

> > > Question: how widely used is sex as a tool for a seeker? Does it

> > have to do with the level of ones attainment or is this lineage

> > dependent?

> > >

> > > Love and Light,

> > >

> > > Myra

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > ________________________________

> > > DB <devi_bhakta

> > >

> > > Hi Myra:

> > >

> > > [....]

> > > Your other question is more difficult. The idea of people being

> > " more open about sex as a part of a spiritual tradition " if one

> > major-league " if " ! Malhotra spends a lot of time asserting that

> > Nithyananda was engaging in legitimate Tantric sexual techniques set

> > out in the Shiva Sutra. (Judging from the tapes themselves, I can

> > only say it doesn't look like any technique to me -- [....]

> > >

> >

> >



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