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Question on different sects- Vish's experience

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Having been raised a Christian , then being a TM person for 25 years,

I came to Maa later in life. As She introduced me to Hinduism, I

simply followed Her advice and watched Her worship and live Her life.

She worhipped Shiva daily, and worshipped other Gods and Goddesses

throught the year, and She loved Jesus and celebrated Christmas and

Easter with the same love and devotion as any offical Hindu day of

worship, and accepted anyone to visit Her who loved God with sincerity

and devotion. She lived the same universal philosophy as Her Guru,

Ramakrishna. This single aspect impressed me the most. She accepted

everyone equally and helped all who sought Her advice and help.

Thus, as a devotional person myself, I never questioned anything about

" 4 sects " , or any other specific Hindu practices. To this day I do not

know anything about 4 sects.

I was content to pattern my life after Hers, and serve Her in anyway

possible. Even though I lived 1500 miles from Her.

During the first 5 years I knew Her, I lived in Iowa and visited the

Mandir 2 times a year for several days each time. Each visit, my

relationship with Maa grew. The depth of my love and trust of Her

changed as I settled into a rythum of worhsip in accord with Her

teachings and guidance. She has told me that She can give blessings

to a disciple to the degree that they accept and practice worship

according to the Guru's tradition. The more they surrender, the more

she can give.

She has prooven this statement true countless times for the past 10

years, in my own life, my families', and in friends who have met Her.

Ultimately there was no offical conversion ceremony, but She did

initiate me into Her family. But there was no fanfare, and I

continued to experience a gradual integration of a mode of worship

which suited my life and personality. I did not know about the

majority of Hindu Gods or Goddesses, and did not actively seek out

knowledge of them.

From the beginning of our relationship, Maa introduced me to Shiva and

recommended I worship Him. This worship was and has been a perfect

fit for 10 years. After a year or so or Shiva worship, I started

worship of Durga, again at Maa's behest, this time thru a dream.

Worshiping male and female forms of the One God daily have felt right

for the past 8-9 years. As She introduced me to other Gods and

Goddess and their forms of worship, I would try them out and integrate

what felt right, into my daily worship. Thus, I added worship of

Ganesh over time.

So, as one begins, one will try a form of worhsip. If it feels right,

it will grow. If not, change. Thee are so many ways to worship God.

And there is no one way which is the best.


It is best to come to the Mandir via the evening web camera thru the

web site, and watch and listen. If this is right for you, you will



Jai Maa Jai Swami










, Seshmet <zirafox9 wrote:


> I know there is 4 sects to becoming a hindu how does someone decide

on what group to follow if you were not brought up a hindu. I am

having a difficult time in it myself deciding. Right now i am only

working with Ganesh and Lakshmi until i decide on which one to follow.

I have joined multi groups online to get a rounded thoughts from

others on this matter. Do you feel they come to you the gods? This is

how it has worked before with me with other paths i have followed. I

feel a strongness to Bhakti devotional worship, have had Ganesh in

visions and dreams before, Parvati worked with before and loved the

energy there, I feel a strong way toward Brahman but have read most do

not work him as a god anymore as one of the sects, before i came here

I had hard about Krishna and Shiva but never worked with them before.

Right now i am just reading and studying until something clicks. I

have been having dreams and visions for sometimes with the draw to

hinduism but never persued it

> because i was kemetic and at one time kemetic orthodox but since i

moved to Michigan the drive got stronger so i persued it online more.

So tell me how did you find your path? maybe hearing your stories it

will help me some.


> Seshmet




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