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During class one evening, Swami spoke about action from a chakra. The

subject was actions which are either sattwic, rajasic, or tamasic.

He suggested watching where each action originated from. For example,

anger and passion will originate from the lower chakras, and

devotional activities will come from the heart and the higher chakras.


While this seems to be elemental knowledge, when I watched my own

activity, I was surprised to discover that I would act from a lower

chakra, even though I wanted to act from a higher chakra / vibration.

For example, I would be feeling calm and settled, in a sattwic mood,

and suddenly I would react very emotionally and harshly-tamasic, from

a lower chakra, to an outside impulse. I would feel the energy

automatically rush to the lower chakra, and the forceful tamisic

impulse just burst out of me.

Wow, I thought to myself, I have no control at all.

So, I have continued this " watchful " process, and attempt to keep the

energy in a sattwic place.

I would appreciate other's experiences relating to this action.


Jai Ma Jai Swami



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Vishweshwar, Namaskara,I particularly like this type of question because it relates to a process within consciosuness and the body manifesting it. I listen to the dynamics of how I feel, or react or even respond in my daily life based on what transits in Vedic astrology. Each passing plane will speak to us as they are visiting within the house in our charts. I am not a professional Jyotishi, but listen to the transits within my own consciousness for most of my life. And because I do follow the transits almost daily, It allows me to reflect on what the level of consciousness maybe manifesting at that particular moment 24/7. The Chakras will respond accordingly when a particular transit is in that moment or time where that planet maybe transiting one of the twelve houses. So, all these planet will have a direct effect to the chakras. And when you have a surprizingly strong malefic and not know it, it will come up almost out of know where, as it were, at the right time. Even when you speak, the words "anger and passion" tells me about what is reflecting within your own consciousness; the malefic MARS. This is the planet of action and power, it is a fire planet that moves our lives, and depending on what is being animated by that planet; other (aspects) such as passion, anger and how it relates to other planets transiting and shared, will be manifested in some way; that is, in your particular way. Clues to us that meditation will help strenghten these malefics. Also, being in a Saturn period (winterness) slows things up for us, such as delays and the like, that Sani's presence will make certain that we listen by bringing us frustration and hardships. Sani is actually a good person really, he tends to get our attention, doesn't he~Wants us to slow down, so he will bring delays and obstacles, and cause us to [listen]. So, the secret is to know how to duck...Peace and in all goodness,Jai Guru,Edward , "inspectionconnection108" <inspectionconnection108 wrote:>> NAMASTE> > During class one evening, Swami spoke about action from a chakra. The> subject was actions which are either sattwic, rajasic, or tamasic. > He suggested watching where each action originated from. For example,> anger and passion will originate from the lower chakras, and> devotional activities will come from the heart and the higher chakras. > > While this seems to be elemental knowledge, when I watched my own> activity, I was surprised to discover that I would act from a lower> chakra, even though I wanted to act from a higher chakra / vibration.> For example, I would be feeling calm and settled, in a sattwic mood,> and suddenly I would react very emotionally and harshly-tamasic, from> a lower chakra, to an outside impulse. I would feel the energy> automatically rush to the lower chakra, and the forceful tamisic> impulse just burst out of me. > Wow, I thought to myself, I have no control at all. > So, I have continued this "watchful" process, and attempt to keep the> energy in a sattwic place. > I would appreciate other's experiences relating to this action.> > Jai Ma Jai Swami> > vishweshwar>

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Dear Vishwashwar,With no intention whatever of challenging the validity and practicality of the points you make in this very useful post, it occured to me that, for a large number of years, Shree Maa has been walking the face of this earth garbed in the colors-red, orange and yellow-of the so-called "lower chakras".Maybe someone should let Her know?Of course I am speaking lightly and humorously, and not at all sarcastically. Nevertheless, I am suggesting that the whole subject of the chakras may be very deep and far-reaching, and, of course, therefore, an excellent subject for ongoing discussion.And, I suppose I am also suggesting that the lower chakras are not necessarily bad, and tamasic, while the upper ones are good and sattvic. And, that a deeper and better understanding of the whole subject may be advisable, or even necessary, for effective sadhana---perhaps even for peace on Earth.Incidentally, the so-called "upper chakras" have not always had a perfect track record. At least three times in the postings on the present screen, writers have referred to "the blues" (an upper chakra color), and I don't think they intended it in a positive way.[The origin of the phrase "having the blues" was a true spiritual intuition originating long back among those who were severely oppressed by the "upper chakras"--particularly those who used to hang out in the Caucasus Mountains.](Should I leave that in? Its awfully obscure......Yes, I think I will; there are a lot or readers out there.)Respectfully,Tanmaya , "inspectionconnection108" <inspectionconnection108 wrote:>> NAMASTE> > During class one evening, Swami spoke about action from a chakra. The> subject was actions which are either sattwic, rajasic, or tamasic. > He suggested watching where each action originated from. For example,> anger and passion will originate from the lower chakras, and> devotional activities will come from the heart and the higher chakras. > > While this seems to be elemental knowledge, when I watched my own> activity, I was surprised to discover that I would act from a lower> chakra, even though I wanted to act from a higher chakra / vibration.> For example, I would be feeling calm and settled, in a sattwic mood,> and suddenly I would react very emotionally and harshly-tamasic, from> a lower chakra, to an outside impulse. I would feel the energy> automatically rush to the lower chakra, and the forceful tamisic> impulse just burst out of me. > Wow, I thought to myself, I have no control at all. > So, I have continued this "watchful" process, and attempt to keep the> energy in a sattwic place. > I would appreciate other's experiences relating to this action.> > Jai Ma Jai Swami> > vishweshwar>

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Hey Tanmaya!


You touch on some interesting ideas.


I think the lower chakras, like the gunas, are often referred to by

people as they are experienced in their unrefined, impure, state (or

in the case of the gunas, in their unbalanced state).


The lower chakras are " responsible " for the creation of all this, a

great deal of beauty and wonder. Yet in their unpurified state they

are the focus of great negativity. Fully purified, the lower chakras

bring strength, solidity of personality, great energy, glowing health,

and control over all forms of matter, and I'm sure, a great many other

positive things, as well.


However, for most of us, the trouble they cause is the greater

concern, and the most immediate experience of their energy. Added to

this is the fact that purification of the higher chakras leads to

easier purification of the lower ones. It's no wonder the higher

chakras are spoken of generally more highly.


I'm intrigued by your mention of " the blues " as coming from a

spiritual context. As I understand, blue (is it cerulean blue? -

anyway, it's the color of the links on the group's pages) is the color

of the ether and vishuddha chakra, neither of which have a direct

relationship to depression. Hmmmm...


Jai Maa!





, " ty_maa " <dsjames wrote:



> Dear Vishwashwar,


> With no intention whatever of challenging the validity and practicality

> of the points you make in this very useful post, it occured to me that,

> for a large number of years, Shree Maa has been walking the face of this

> earth garbed in the colors-red, orange and yellow-of the so-called

> " lower chakras " .


> Maybe someone should let Her know?


> Of course I am speaking lightly and humorously, and not at all

> sarcastically.


> Nevertheless, I am suggesting that the whole subject of the chakras may

> be very deep and far-reaching, and, of course, therefore, an excellent

> subject for ongoing discussion.


> And, I suppose I am also suggesting that the lower chakras are not

> necessarily bad, and tamasic, while the upper ones are good and sattvic.


> And, that a deeper and better understanding of the whole subject may be

> advisable, or even necessary, for effective sadhana---perhaps even for

> peace on Earth.


> Incidentally, the so-called " upper chakras " have not always had a

> perfect track record. At least three times in the postings on the

> present screen, writers have referred to " the blues " (an upper chakra

> color), and I don't think they intended it in a positive way.


> [The origin of the phrase " having the blues " was a true spiritual

> intuition originating long back among those who were severely oppressed

> by the " upper chakras " --particularly those who used to hang out in the

> Caucasus Mountains.]


> (Should I leave that in? Its awfully obscure......


> Yes, I think I will; there are a lot or readers out there.)


> Respectfully,


> Tanmaya










, " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >


> >

> > During class one evening, Swami spoke about action from a chakra. The

> > subject was actions which are either sattwic, rajasic, or tamasic.

> > He suggested watching where each action originated from. For example,

> > anger and passion will originate from the lower chakras, and

> > devotional activities will come from the heart and the higher chakras.

> >

> > While this seems to be elemental knowledge, when I watched my own

> > activity, I was surprised to discover that I would act from a lower

> > chakra, even though I wanted to act from a higher chakra / vibration.

> > For example, I would be feeling calm and settled, in a sattwic mood,

> > and suddenly I would react very emotionally and harshly-tamasic, from

> > a lower chakra, to an outside impulse. I would feel the energy

> > automatically rush to the lower chakra, and the forceful tamisic

> > impulse just burst out of me.

> > Wow, I thought to myself, I have no control at all.

> > So, I have continued this " watchful " process, and attempt to keep the

> > energy in a sattwic place.

> > I would appreciate other's experiences relating to this action.

> >

> > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >


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Dear Chris,


It was not my intention to write much during the Navaratri; but I now

realize what I wrote could be confusing or even distracting, so a couple

of lines...


For consideration:


We have a chakra system, the Creator has a chakra system, the Creation

has a chakra system;


A chakra system is a series of (otherwise neutral) bodies, stepping down

harmonically; it is the way the Creation is made;


Like all bodies, they are vehicles, as well as containers, for whatever

we " put in them " ;


The Chakra system within the sushumna-our subtle chakra system is the

spiritual ladder some use consciously to become progressively more



But even for " non-seekers " chakras also radiate outwardly into every

facit of external life, and a person, a group, a race, can be in

identification with a given chakra and its gestalt of qualities;


The communication/information age, for instance, is highly identified

with the vishuddha chakra, and thus " cerebral " blue;


The great imperialistic nations of the recent past, by means of their

superior communicational/organizational/stratigizing skills found they

could easily divide the known world and rule it, thus using a chakra as

a superweapon--(and history often repeats itself);


Thus bringing the blues to many others who had not chosen to make such a

quick leap past the heart chakra in their eager rush to find a shortcut

to riches and power.




So, I guess, this is my offering to the Divine Mother during this

Navaratri season: calling attention to the fact that none of Her lovely

rainbow of divine Colors is " bad " , but that it is up to us to take

responsibility as to how to relate to them and make use of them in our



And to take responsibility, as well, to find ways to " purify " those we

have discolored by wrong actions-collectively and individually-in the









, " Chris Kirner " <chriskirner1956



> Hey Tanmaya!


> You touch on some interesting ideas.


> I think the lower chakras, like the gunas, are often referred to by

> people as they are experienced in their unrefined, impure, state (or

> in the case of the gunas, in their unbalanced state).


> The lower chakras are " responsible " for the creation of all this, a

> great deal of beauty and wonder. Yet in their unpurified state they

> are the focus of great negativity. Fully purified, the lower chakras

> bring strength, solidity of personality, great energy, glowing health,

> and control over all forms of matter, and I'm sure, a great many other

> positive things, as well.


> However, for most of us, the trouble they cause is the greater

> concern, and the most immediate experience of their energy. Added to

> this is the fact that purification of the higher chakras leads to

> easier purification of the lower ones. It's no wonder the higher

> chakras are spoken of generally more highly.


> I'm intrigued by your mention of " the blues " as coming from a

> spiritual context. As I understand, blue (is it cerulean blue? -

> anyway, it's the color of the links on the group's pages) is the color

> of the ether and vishuddha chakra, neither of which have a direct

> relationship to depression. Hmmmm...


> Jai Maa!

> Chris




> , " ty_maa " dsjames@ wrote:

> >

> >

> > Dear Vishwashwar,

> >

> > With no intention whatever of challenging the validity and


> > of the points you make in this very useful post, it occured to me


> > for a large number of years, Shree Maa has been walking the face of


> > earth garbed in the colors-red, orange and yellow-of the so-called

> > " lower chakras " .

> >

> > Maybe someone should let Her know?

> >

> > Of course I am speaking lightly and humorously, and not at all

> > sarcastically.

> >

> > Nevertheless, I am suggesting that the whole subject of the chakras


> > be very deep and far-reaching, and, of course, therefore, an


> > subject for ongoing discussion.

> >

> > And, I suppose I am also suggesting that the lower chakras are not

> > necessarily bad, and tamasic, while the upper ones are good and


> >

> > And, that a deeper and better understanding of the whole subject may


> > advisable, or even necessary, for effective sadhana---perhaps even


> > peace on Earth.

> >

> > Incidentally, the so-called " upper chakras " have not always had a

> > perfect track record. At least three times in the postings on the

> > present screen, writers have referred to " the blues " (an upper


> > color), and I don't think they intended it in a positive way.

> >

> > [The origin of the phrase " having the blues " was a true spiritual

> > intuition originating long back among those who were severely


> > by the " upper chakras " --particularly those who used to hang out in


> > Caucasus Mountains.]

> >

> > (Should I leave that in? Its awfully obscure......

> >

> > Yes, I think I will; there are a lot or readers out there.)

> >

> > Respectfully,

> >

> > Tanmaya

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >


> > >

> > > During class one evening, Swami spoke about action from a chakra.


> > > subject was actions which are either sattwic, rajasic, or tamasic.

> > > He suggested watching where each action originated from. For


> > > anger and passion will originate from the lower chakras, and

> > > devotional activities will come from the heart and the higher


> > >

> > > While this seems to be elemental knowledge, when I watched my own

> > > activity, I was surprised to discover that I would act from a


> > > chakra, even though I wanted to act from a higher chakra /


> > > For example, I would be feeling calm and settled, in a sattwic


> > > and suddenly I would react very emotionally and harshly-tamasic,


> > > a lower chakra, to an outside impulse. I would feel the energy

> > > automatically rush to the lower chakra, and the forceful tamisic

> > > impulse just burst out of me.

> > > Wow, I thought to myself, I have no control at all.

> > > So, I have continued this " watchful " process, and attempt to keep


> > > energy in a sattwic place.

> > > I would appreciate other's experiences relating to this action.

> > >

> > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> >


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