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Strengthing our conscience, to Linda and all

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Namaste: I have been thinking about Swami's statement regarding the

conscience as a helpmate to remind one to stay on the straight and

narrow. As my 18 year old son readies to graduate high school, I

observe his behavior and marvel at how subtle those messages, or

whispers, of the conscience are, and how easily they can be over-

ridden. My son has had the guidance of divinely inspired teachers

since he was born, yet, he still chooses activities which can create

additional worldly karmas for him. As Maa reminds me: " You don't know

how powerful the ego is. "

I often compare my wife and I to Maa and Swami, as parents raising

children: hoping, praying, and guiding our children towards the

highest ideal of perfection, yet at the end of the day, we have to

surrender to the free will and karma of the child. And, with

compassion, be ever ready to help them when they fall down

Swami said the other day, we can give the best advice, and wonderful

opportunities, but, each person will choose for themselves.

Tonight in class, a 6 yar old girl, granddaughter of Devi, sent a

message to Swami: I am doing puja and I love you Swami.

Swami responded that he loved her too and thanked her for performing puja.

He then remarked how fortunate that the next generation was being

exposed to this divine technology for transformation, so young.

That led me to this thought: puja, japa, homa, meditation, satsunga

with divine beings: these are the technologies for strengthening our

conscience, and, for helping us respond positively to its whisper.

And, the techniques help us become established in the Self, so that

when the past karmas come calling, they will find no one home to bother.

What would I offer a parent today, the same advice I offered my

married daughter with 4 children who is in the midst of great high

drama: take care of yourself because you are the shakti of the family

and the family relies on you for its support, strength, and guidance.

If you are imbalanced, they will be too. So, don't try to change

their behavior, change your own. Use all the divine tools you have

been given, stop talking, and start acting. Time is short, don't

delay. And remember, Maa and Swami are with you always.


Jai Maa Jia Swami


















, nierika wrote:



> vishveshwar wrote:


> So I asked Swami: " I understand that

> divine beings, avatars, manifest in every age when dharma is

> threatened by negativity, etc., but what is the experience inside me

> that occurs when negativity and stress predominate and ideal behavior

> is not even a faint impulse? "

> Swami responded: " When you are contemplating an action which could be

> negative, YOUR CONSCIENCE speaks up and says: HEY, if you do that it

> will bring you more BAD KARMA, SO DON'T DO THAT. It is your

> conscience which represents the HIGHEST IDEAL OF PERFECTION, and helps

> you pause, and consider the results of your action, and guides you to

> perform the right action, bringing positive results, and leading your

> towards your highest goal. "




> Dear vish ~ I can't tell you how much it means to me that you shared

this in

> this digest. As I mentioned before I'm dealing with some thorny


> issues in an art group I belong to. Swami's answer could not be more

> perfect. Oh, I LOVE the way he puts things ... it is just so

concrete; you can't

> help but get it.

> If all we had to guide us was Swamiji's and Maa's example and this one

> statement, it would provide a very good rudder with which to steer

through the sea

> of objects and relationships.

> Swamiji Ki Jai! Maa Ki Jai! ~ Linda




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