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To vishweshwar about what we can control (was WEDNESDAY EVE CLASS)

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vishweshwar wrote:

NAMASTE; Swami had a question and answer session Wednesday evening. It was great. So much practical knowledge and wisdom. One particularthought was very powerful for me: sometimes we really don't feel likeperforming our daily worship, so what to do?..Swami indicated that we should keep to our sankalpa, our daily commitment to worship, no matter what. then, while we worship,we control the things we can control-keep our knees on the floor andour tongues performing the mantras. We can't control our minds, butwe can control our bodies. Mother controls our minds, so we justsurrender our mind to Her, and control our body.By maintaining our sankalpa, no matter what, we will notice growth inour daily lives: in our ability to focus better, and keep to ourcommitments, and have more will power and support from Mother. So, even when we don't feel like keeping our sankalpa, still, do thebest we can and Mother will take care and bless us. Never give up andnever give into the monkey mind.

Dear vish ~ I really love the way you put this, and obviously, this is something that is a great challenge to me, not so much in maintaining my sankalpa, but that I am limited by my illnesses, am always behind the rest of the group, etc. So I get discuoraged by that, but I still plod on in my own little way, every day. Your recap of what Swamiji said reminds me a bit of the serenity prayer: God/dess grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference. Sometimes it is really hard to know the difference or to stop trying to control what is beyond our/my control. Swamiji really put it in a nutshell ... surrender to Her and control what we can. Thank you very much ~ Linda


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