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Visiting on Mother's Day

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NAMASTE: On Mother's Day, a first time guest came to the Mandir. She

has never posted on the club, but has read and enjoyed the interchange

of our family. She felt called to come to offer her expertise to Maa,

and she contacted Swami, and He allowed her to visit on one of the

most powerful days of the year: the day we honor Maa as The Divine Mother.

After the Chandi homa and blessings by Maa and Swami were complete,

she asked me when she would be able to serve Maa.

I suggested that the entire ashram is Maa. Every tree, plant,

building, murti, the homa, etc., all are Maa. So, by performing seva

and washing dishes, cleaning the Temple, cutting the lawn, or stacking

wood: all support and help Maa. Every action we perform at the

Mandir is seva to Maa. We come to the Mandir wishing to give what we

feel most comfortable and familiar with, but, Maa may have different

needs. The true art of being at the Mandir is surrendering to Maa,

and performing whatever action is needed to support the Whole, to

support Her.

So, surrender is a very important part of the Mandir experience. So

many people who try to come to the Mandir cannot get thru the gate.

They try and try but cannot get in. Then thru some act of Grace, the

gate is opened and we are invited in. Why now? Why not before? Who

controls the process?

Maa controls everything. This is the gift of being at the Mandir. We

get to experience that Truth in a protected environment.

From the moment we have the thought that we wish to visit thru the

time we leave, we can observe the mechanics of Maa Shakti running this

universe. We can truly see that: " EVERYTHING IS HER DESIRE " , and to

resist brings uneasiness and suffering. But, to surrender and " go

with the flow " and serve selflessly, that creates a blissful experience..

I hope that this wonderful soul who visited on Mother's Day will share

her experiences with us all. It is such a blessing to be in the

presence of such Masters who give all of Themselves to us that those

who have not had the experience would really benefit from hearing

about it.


Jai Maa Jai Swami



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