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Chandi -Day 1 - Thank YOU !

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Namaste to all esp Surya/Sundari/Chris,

Thanks for your kind words on the post. Chris - yes its good to be back !

Sundari Maa - it is terrific that you have joined the Chandi Sankalpa this month. As you rightly said "it is discipline, sadhana that brings us closer to the Divine Mother, in all Her forms"

Swamiji once said (and I paraphrase) -- "You must WANT to do it. Want it so badly that you will do what it takes to keep at it".

Personally, I find it very exhilarating when I push my limits - whether it is getting up earlier to chant, or keeping at the recitation despite my body and mind wanting other "stuff".

Thank you all for reading and for chanting and for being a part of my sadhana family.

Chandi Maa Ki JAI !Nanda





, "Nanda" <chandimaakijai wrote:>> > Dear All,> > I hope you had a chance to start the sankalpa this morning. Today we are> to chant from the beginning "Sriman Mahaganadhipataye Namah" to the end> of "Atha Kilakam".> > Reading the portions from "Atha Sapta Sloki Durga" to the Kilakam felt> like I was visiting old friends. You see, as part of my "normal"> chanting I do the Seedha Path that jumps straight to the Vedic Ratri> suktam. (Anyone that wants to know what the Seedha Path is ,please post> and let me know).> > Anyway I realised why I love the "Atha Kilakam" so much , some of the> verses are good reminders when we are tempted to slack off.> > Here are some MAJOR pointers in the Kilakam for the sadhaks> > 1) REPEATED APPLICATION is the Key to any sadhana -> Verse 4 says "There is NO mantra, NO medicine, nor anything else known,> by which indifference to all can be attained without repeated> application" (emphasis mine).> > 2) What we put into our practice is what we get back - the more the> devotion the more Her grace. This is the pin.> Verse 8 says "As one gives, so in return does one receive, and by no> other means is She pleased"> > 3) Once we know the value of any sadhana, we should diligently practice.> Use it or lose it.> Verse 11 says " Having understood , one should commence and practice it;> by not performing , it will perish. Again by having understood comes> fulfillemnt. This is undertaken by those who know."> > 4) God(dess) ALWAYS helps sincere sadhaks and it is in our own best> interest to keep doing sadhana.> Verse 14 says" When the blessing of the Supreme Sovereign is welfare,> health, fulfillment, the destruction of all enmity, and the ultimate> liberation , why will people not sing Her praise?"> > Why indeed?> > I hope that this Chandi Sankalpa will serve as a booster for our> sadhana. Please post and share what inspires you about the Chandi, and> what verses in the Chandi that you are most drawn to.> > Of course, questions are always welcome. We can forward them to Swamiji> for His input and guidance.> > JAI CHANDI MAA!> Nanda>

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