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Self Deprecation & Self Conceit

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Nandaji--I am always amazed how the ancient scriptures match up so well with the study of modern psychotherapy. As a psychology grad student I can tell you that being either too haughty, arrogant or having a low self-esteem can be mentally unhealthy. It is not only mentally unhealthy, but these conditions can cause us all sorts of problems with work, family, and spiritual life.I believe that both of these ways of dealing with the world are out of balance.I seem to learn something new every time I chant this scripture.Peace,Shankari KaliNanda <chandimaakijai wrote: Dear All, Hope you had a chance to chant chapter 7 & 8 yesterday and 9 & 10 today. Chapter 7 introduces us to Kali - picture Her with two heads - one in each hand. She takes away Anger and Passion. In Chapter 8, she opens Her mouth and swallows the seeds of Desire. Today chapter 9 & 10, Chandi Maa takes care of the two brothers - Self Deprecation and Self Conceit. Are these two qualities related to each other - ie when you have one do you have in some way the other too ? Please do post your opinion and thoughts on this question. Thank you. Chapter 10 marks the demise of the last of our negativities... The only thing left to do is to sing Her name with joy. ....

Re the discussion on focus (and multi-tasking), I would like to relate an incident from my recent past. I went to the temple on Sunday morning as usual. I was happy to see Maa and Swamiji making their way to the temple and stopped before them to make my pranams. Swamiji and Maa asked how I was .... and at that moment instead of answering them ... I remembered how I had not switched my sunglasses with my normal glasses ... and exclaimed aloud " Omigosh, I am still wearing my sunglasses! I have to go back to get my other pair!" This , in front of Maa and Swamiji - forgetting my original intention to bow at their feet, forgetting to answer their question (how are you - Maa asks so sweetly) -- but all the time being so self absorbed and still "in the world". And of course, Swamiji didnt miss a beat, and said "We'll see you shortly then" Swamiji often tells us (paraphrase) "When you come to the Mandir, leave the world outside the gate. And to do that takes a lot of preparation - doing your work so efficiently so that you dont have to go back and re-do or complete it. " I realize that I need to give my mind a clear directive - to be completed with all open tasks, so that when I enter the gate - I am ready to focus on Maa and Swamiji and give the appropriate answer to their question. I am doing fine Maa, with your blessings... Jai MaaNanda

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