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Namaste Eric and all: It is never enough to just " think positive " .

One must do the sadhana, have satsunga with other like minded

devotees, and seva-to get one " out of one's head " , and think positive.

With my brother, depressed for 30 years, I have tried to get him to

visit Maa, learn hatha yoga, and meditate. and he does not want to do

anything. I pray for him and Maa even gave my Mother a mantra to do

on behalf of my brother: the bottom line: he is still a functioning

depressed person.

He too has tried positive thinking, etc., but to no avail. So, that

is his karma, his samskaras prevent him from hearing the truth, let

alone acting on it. That is the fate of the majority of folks in this

world. As Maa has said, this planet is 90% negativity, and 10%

positivity. It is the lowest vibration of all the places one can


So, we have to use all our resources to help Mother Earth, and pray

for peace for every being in the 3 worlds. That is why we incarnated,

and that is our task. The group Chandi sankaplas. the 3 year Chandi

yagya, the santunga of this club, and so many other techniques which

Maa and Swami have taught us, these are the tools to help ourselves,

our friends and this entire universe.

I pray for the strength of body, mind, heart and soul to be a divine

instrument in Maa and Swami's hands. For I know that I myself alone,

can do nothing, but, by aligning myself with Them, I can help bring

peace to this universe.

I really appreciate your comments and your committment to perform the

Chandi. The shakti is indeed flowing, and will flow more the more we

all surrender to Maa Shakti, Shree Maa and Lord Shiva, Swami.



Love and Jai Ma Jai Swami



, Eric Cassils <Quanchula1 wrote:


> Namaste Vishweshwar and Shankari Kali,


> The only reason I raised the issue about the

> possibility of oversimplifying is to clarify for those

> like me who may not have the understanding, but who

> have been told repeatedly to focus on the positive,

> while circumstances would seem to be dwindling for

> the worst. I have lots of people in my life whose

> samskaras would have them complaining about the

> negativity that surrounds them, and they deeply resent

> it when they are reminded to be positive. It seems to

> only add insult to injury and instigate some form of

> defensive retaliation such as " well what do you think

> I have been doing all this time, all the postive

> thinking, and affirmations and bandaids in the world

> haven't helped me, nothing works for me. This is all

> fake. This is just irrational magical thinking. All

> these rituals are brainwashing and things aren't

> really getting better for me. I am getting worse

> inspite of all these affirmations, and rituals. " In

> other words, the statement about being positive

> brought up a great deal of doubt. I offer my doubt to

> Maa Devi, all the seeds of doubt that have been sewn

> by others from before the beginning of time. Svaahaa.


> Jai Maa, Jai Swamiji,


> Pranams,

> -e

> --- inspectionconnection108

> <inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> > NAMASTE: Swami's statement may seem oversimplified,

> > but it is focused

> > on those whose samskaras have presented them with

> > enough clarity and

> > knowledge to understand his remarks. Unfortunately,

> > there are those

> > who are not ready to hear them.

> > For example, my brother, depressed for 25 years,

> > will not accept any

> > other reality than his depression. I can talk to

> > him until I am blue

> > in the face, and present volumes of knowledge and

> > experience of higher

> > states of consciousness, from all points of view,

> > and from different

> > religious and mystical traditions, but, he does not

> > accept one word as

> > truth. When he is in a state of despair, he feels

> > overwhelmed. Life

> > is bleak and meaningless. There is no

> > " objectivity " , only

> > subjectivity. The small self is overshadowed by the

> > stress and strain

> > of life. He has no grasp on the " eternal Self " , only

> > on the relative

> > world of change and fluctuations of the emotions and

> > mind.

> > All these situations are described so well in the

> > Chandi.

> > He is trapped by the great ego.

> > So, that is my brothers' state of consciousness,

> > living a life of

> > quiet despair, going to work, and doing chores,

> > marking time till

> > death. No higher goals, no vision of a better life.

> > But, for those of us whose samskaras have lead us to

> > Maa and Swami,

> > and have experienced some sweet wisdom and

> > experience of the Divine,

> > then, we have the power to implement the techniques

> > Swami teaches.

> > As in every aspect of our life, we have options and

> > can decide what

> > course of action to follow:

> > 1. we can give up, surrender to the despair, and do

> > nothing.

> >

> > Or,

> > 2. employ the techniques Swami recommends.

> >

> > It is my personal experience that when despair

> > comes, and it does, I

> > have to consciously remember why I am on this Earth,

> > what are my

> > highest goals, and double my efforts to move thru

> > the experience back

> > to MYSELF, MY GOD SELF. Sure, it takes work, effort,

> > and great focus.

> > But, that is life. That is sadhana, that is the

> > friction, the heat,

> > which helps us grow.

> > To me, Swami's message is not simplistic, but,

> > profoundly inspiring

> > and " right to the point " . For me, HE HITS THE NAIL


> > In a few pithy comments, he reminds us of the reason

> > for our birth,

> > and the goal of all existence.

> > Now it is up to us.

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > NAMASTE:

> > > Upon reading this message about despair and

> > positive

> > > thinking, it is a poignant message, but isn't it

> > > oversimplifying? If we are in a state of despair

> > what

> > > about objectivity towards our subjectivity?

> > Looking

> > > without preference at both positive and negatives,

> > and

> > > not being attached to one or the other, or to

> > react

> > > with ones emotions, until a state of equilibrium

> > has

> > > been reached through disequilibrium, the pendulum

> > that

> > > swings from one extreme sways to it's opposite

> > until

> > > finally it rests in the center? To stay in

> > equanimity?

> > > Pranams,

> > > e

> > > --- inspectionconnection108

> > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > > NAMASTE: One evening Swami answered a question

> > from

> > > > a devotee about

> > > > despair.

> > > > He said: " despair is something we all

> > experience, so

> > > > we use the

> > > > obstacles to help demonstrate our love. To

> > remember

> > > > the sense of

> > > > privilege to remember God. It is not the body

> > > > hurting, it is the

> > > > mind. Keep the mind on the positive, on the

> > Grace

> > > > that we can

> > > > remember God in this life. Be thankful, be

> > > > grateful, stay positive,

> > > > focus on the positive.

> > > > God gave us these circumstances because we were

> > too

> > > > far from Her.

> > > > Make friends and accept the circumstances.

> > > > Acceptance of the

> > > > situration makes it no longer a problem, just a

> > > > situation to apply our

> > > > energies to solve.

> > > > Can we remember God when we have everything in

> > > > place? It is easy to

> > > > remember God when we are in trouble.

> > > > Pain is the teaching

> > > > Pleasure is the examination. "

> > > >

> > > > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > > >

> > > > vishweshwar

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >




> > > 8:00? 8:25? 8:40? Find a flick in no time

> > > with the Search movie showtime shortcut.

> > > http://tools.search./shortcuts/#news

> > >

> >

> >

> >








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