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NAMASTE: To each of you who have posted about your children, I thank

you. I too realize that each child has their own karma and that the

law of cause and effect ceaselessly brings each child exactly what is

perfect for them at the perfect time.

I also know from direct experience that Shree Maa is present at every

moment-guiding and protecting each of us.

Sometime She speaks as our conscience, sometimes thru a teacher,

sometimes thru our boss, but, She always guides us.


So, we have to teach our children how to listen, really listen from

their hearts, and also, how to discriminate, and then, how to act in

such a way that they create joy and harmony.

Maa and Swami have given us practical tools we can teach our children:

such as : time management, planning and goal setting, leading a

balanced life-exercise-prayer-service, and all the various spiritual


While they may not want to chant or meditate, or sit at a homa fire,

they can learn these other tools which will help them. Then, when the

time is right, they will be lead into the light, and those other

techniques for spiritual growth will become meaningful and important

to them.

I'll never forget the most simple and basic lesson my son learned from

Swami, by listening to a simple story called: " The King's Cut

Finger " , from a book he wrote called " Sadhu Stories " . The moral of


I cannot count the number of times my son has been involved in some

less than enjoyable situation, and he turned to me and said, " well

dad, don't be upset, everything happens for a reason. " And

immediately, we both would relax, and accept the situation, and move on.


It does not matter whether our children are brilliant students, or

working at a store, as long as they consciously work to create a

better environment in and around themselves.

My son did not enjoy high school, and did not perform very well. But,

he consciously tried to respect others, and be tolerant and helpful to

all. He worked at creating harmony, and everyone loved him.

If we love, support, and respect our children, and act the way we want

them to act, and exposed them to the highest spiritual teachings we

can, then we have done our best to prepare them to live in this world.

Then, we have faith that Maa will take care of the rest.


note: for those of you will younger children, Maa suggests

introducing them to Saraswati puja, and / or the Saraswati mantra.

This book is available from the Devi Mandir book store. She is the

Goddess of learning and for students of all ages, and Her worship can

help your student in many ways. Also, Swami's book and CD, " Sadhu

Stories " , is excellent for young and old alike. The teaching stories

in this book capture the essence of the Universal Nature of Life.

And, they are great fun


Please share your stories of how you have helped your child interact

with this knowledge.


Jai Maa Jai Swami



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Namaste Vish:


That was a very beautiful post. I believe I began this practice too

late to use as a teaching method for my children. I have learned,

however, to continue doing my practice even if some find it unusual,

strange, or even ridiculous. I have begun practicing chanting the

Chandi Path so frequently and so nonchalantly that everyone has come

to accept it. My son is still an atheist, but he is moved by martial

arts, and he has begun practicing yoga because it helps his martial

arts. My youngest daughter has begun to listen to the mantras and the

teaching. I try not to force my children to believe what I do. It took

me 44 years to get to this point, and I feel that the Divine Mother

will move them in time.


My eldest daughter is in college, but she has done many things that

have broken my heart. In fact when she left to go live with her

boyfriend, I turned to this practice. I pray for her everyday, and I

hope that she finds her way. One cannot be selfish and hope for what

we want, we can only hope for what is best for the child no matter how

much it hurts us.


Peace and Blessings,

Shankari Kali

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