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Namaste: In Shree Maa's biography, and Swami's Biography, there are

examples of transformation of negativity due to the application of

positivity: i.e.: Ma and or Swami meditating in an area, and great

peace and tranquility are experienced, or, Ma and Swami going to a

very stressed area and having great beneficial effect after a homa is

performed, or, coming to America and estabilishing the Devi Mandir,

an abode of sattwa-positive, life supporting, transforming energy, and

the entire area blossoms with vitality, shakti, and all who come feel

refreshed and energized and their stress melts away.

In my own life, when I lived in Iowa, my friend, who has refined

perception, told me that Shiva told him that He wanted me to build a

Temple and perform homas daily to purify the negativity in our state

and beyond.

This was a verification of a message I had received at the Mandir

where Shiva told me to build a Temple.

So I built the Temple, and started the homa, and performed it nightly

for 2 years. It was a very powerful and transforming experience for me

and my family and our friends who came to the ceremonies. I cannot

report objectively of the effect on the surrounding environment, but,

I feel that the ripple of good energy went very far indeed.

It has been my experience, that the wave of bliss and positivity which

flow from sacred ceremonies effects all levels of life and reduces

negativity and raises the positive values and energies of all life.

Every culture has sacred ceremonies which seek to elevate personal and

universal consciousness, especially in times of distress.

Right now, we are in a world racked by stress and entropy, thus, Maa

and Swami has us build the new Temple, and immediately began the 3

year, 24-7, Chandi Homa for World Peace.

If the subtle laws of nature, which govern all life, can be contacted

and manipulated by a Master, then it is easy to believe that the

effect can be felt on all levels of creation. Then, the patterns of

negativity and stress, the entropy to the human system, for example,

could be eliminated and positive life supporting patterns can

naturally blossom.

So, it does not matter if one accepts the changes, they will occur

regardless. Now, one would change faster, and will less suffering, if

one surrenders and " goes with the flow " , but, either way, change will

occur. We humans tend to take a short view of things, and if change

does not happen overnight, than, change is not happening. But, if one

takes a more expanded view, say from Maa's perspective, then, one may

see a different picture.

I have faith and confidence that Maa and Swami are on this Earth to

help bring about massive change, and that everyone will " come along

for the ride " as the waves of change sweep this Earth. But, they

leave it up to us to choose: do we support and help, or, sit and watch

with arms folded over our chests?

Each of us on this planet have to choose, but, we will all be effected

regardless. As Swami says: " it is the nature of Maa Shakti to change,

and change She will, nothing can stop HER. "


Jai Maa Jai Swami











, " sal. " <salpaulsen wrote:


> Peace to you, Eric!


> I think this is a very thoughtful and fair observation. Even my

> beliefs on the ripple effect are only valid as long as another is

> willing to " go with the flow " . It's all energy and it's all very

> physical, at least here on Earth. If another chooses to be a

> metaphorical rock in the path (violence, oppression, terrorism), the

> flow has several options: to go above, around or below. The physical

> entity has to be willing to allow the energy flow through. This

> tends not to happen until one comes to the self-realization

> that, " this isn't working for me anymore. " Then and only then will

> there come a real change. Therein lies the awakening to the Light.


> Let's face it, violence works for some people. Addiction works for

> those who are enabled. Oppression works for the oppressor. When it

> no longs works, when the Source no longer feeds energy, (yes, Source

> actually provides to those lower energies too - Source loves equally

> All That Is - after all, we are the ones who have decided in our mind

> of minds what's good and bad) - only when one is cut off from (their)

> Source will there come a necessity to change.


> fascinating isn't it...and so simple!


> love to all!

> sal.




> , Eric Cassils <Quanchula1@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Hi Chris,

> >

> > With regards to the studies done on meditation

> > affecting transpersonal behaviour it seems hundreds of

> > thousands of more studies would need to be done to

> > have any definitive proof for this effect. A few

> > studies does not constitute definitive proof. It's a

> > complex issue, and not my intent to stir up trouble or

> > to sound cynical, it's just that there's a long way to

> > go before we can jump to the conclusion that if

> > everyone just meditated all the troubles of the world

> > would cease miraculously. Magical thinking is not

> > science yet, and this is not to say that it doesn't

> > work sometimes either.

> >

> > With Love and Respect,

> > Jai Maa, Jai Swami

> > Eric

> > --- Chris Kirner <chriskirner1956@> wrote:

> >

> > > Hi Jennifer,

> > >

> > > I know there are some references to scripture I

> > > could allude to, but

> > > strangely I can't think of much of anything beyond

> > > " because Shree Maa

> > > and Swamiji say it is so. " Maa has said that our

> > > worship can make a

> > > paradise of the earth. I have no choice but to

> > > believe her. Swamiji

> > > often says that he cannot advance spiritually until

> > > we advance

> > > spiritually. We are, all of us, connected, and it is

> > > not just us human

> > > beings, the very earth itself is an expression of

> > > our karmas, our

> > > thoughts and feelings. Everything we do effects

> > > everything else. We

> > > share one mind (mahat), one prana, and in the broad

> > > sense that we've

> > > all gotten into the same roller-coaster, one karma.

> > >

> > > Here's a link to an article I posted about a while

> > > back. It's called

> > > " One Percent For Peace " and it was published in Yoga

> > > International. It

> > > describes a series of studies on how group

> > > meditation affects violence.

> > >

> > > Here it is:

> > > http://www.estrip.org/articles/oda/35.html

> > >

> > > Jai Maa!

> > > Chris

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , " jrholm1007 "

> > > <jrholm1007@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Hello everyone, I have a question that is arising

> > > from chanting the

> > > > world peace mantra, and has become more focused

> > > after reading this

> > > > poem from Walt Whitman:

> > > >

> > > > I swear the earth shall surely be complete to him

> > > or her who shall be

> > > > complete,

> > > > The earth remains jagged and broken only to him or

> > > her who remains

> > > > jagged and broken.

> > > >

> > > > I swear there is no greatness or power that does

> > > not emulate those of

> > > > the earth,

> > > > There can be no theory of any account unless it

> > > corroborate the

> > > > theory of the earth,

> > > > No politics, song, religion, behavior, or what

> > > not, is of account,

> > > > unless it compare with the amplitude of the earth,

> > > > Unless it face the exactness, vitality,

> > > impartiality, rectitude of

> > > > the earth.

> > > >

> > > > In some ways I get this, intellectually and

> > > experientially. Yet in

> > > > other ways I don't. I can sit in prayer and

> > > mantra practice and seek

> > > > purification for myself and bring my self into

> > > alignment with the

> > > > energy of Divine Mother's perfect peace. I can

> > > see and feel and be

> > > > that peace in my little 'corner of the world', and

> > > dedicate every day

> > > > to that unfolding. Yet how does that help the

> > > multitudes of people

> > > > who are, daily, living with the consequences of

> > > oppression and

> > > > inequality around the planet?

> > > >

> > > > How can I be complete, until all of my brothers

> > > and sisters are

> > > > complete?

> > > >

> > > > I think what I am seeking clarity on is the

> > > journey from outward to

> > > > inward action...in the world of Spirit, what

> > > happens for the world

> > > > and all of her inhabitants (not to the 'me') when

> > > we pray for world

> > > > peace? What is the social justice component of

> > > prayer and mantra

> > > > practice?

> > > >

> > > > I realize this is a huge question. Any insights

> > > are appreciated.

> > > > Thank you, Jennifer

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________________

> ______________

> > oneSearch: Finally, mobile search

> > that gives answers, not web links.

> > http://mobile./mobileweb/onesearch?refer=1ONXIC

> >


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