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Wendy Maa and family, What a Practice!

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Namaste Dear Sister: I know that Maa and Swami watch and guide you and

your family 24 / 7, 365. No matter what is happening, They are with

you, and your family here supports and loves you too. This is the

most profound and glorious connection we all have- both with each

other and with Maa and Swami. To be born now, and to be aware of

Them, to have met Them, and Served Them, that is Grace Indeed.

So, with all my heart, I support your Sankalpa of Being Maa in every

activity. What an amazing and all inclucive action. This will be an

amazing experience.

As we say in the Fetzer family: Good Luck and God Bless.


Jai Maa Jai Swami
















, " way131 " <wendy131 wrote:


> Namaste Beloved Brother,


> Your post has brought tears to my eyes. Just this morning I woke up

> feeling like all the bhava was out of my life. That I am doing my

> practices only from a place of discipline, and yes, I have to admit

> it, ego (Isn't it cool that I meditate, pray, do pujas, etc.). But

> the heart behind it all seemed to be drifting further away, rather

> than getting stronger.

> I was thinking about Eric's tornado story, and what would I have done

> in that scenario. Of course, I can't really say as it is only

> hypothetical for me. But it brought to mind the Orthodox Jews I know,

> who are very strict about observing the Sabbath, with one exception:

> if there is a life-threatening emergency, they will get in a car and

> drive, or pick up the phone to call a doctor ...an example of family

> and life trumping all.


> Swamiji has also said the same thing that you wrote about Bharati's

> conversation with Shree Maa. During class once I asked Him about the

> next generation and how to guide them. I will quote part of His

> response:

> " It is incumbent upon us to be an example to them... To actually

> inculcate... that supreme devotion, with the greatest of intensity,

> and love them, and love God, and make our homes a temple, and you are

> the priestess of your ashram, and let Sam realize you as the

> priestess, not just his mom, but his Divine Mother, you are the

> deity, and you are the priestess, and you are the guru as well.

> ...Give a little more, take a little less, put a little more joy

> into the family, put a little more smile into the household, put

> another song in the kitchen, and enjoy life. "


> I believe it is important to remember (and thank you for the

> reminder) that we do all of these practices so we can lead a

> spiritual life. If we don't see the changes reflected in our life,

> than something is not working. And for the householders, we are faced

> with additional challenges. But through those challenges, we are also

> given the opportunity to experience incredible joy.


> And so, to increase the bhav of my " Maa Sankalpa " I am going to

> work on not only feeling that Shree Maa is with me all the time, but

> that I am also here to emulate her and to follow her example.


> It is a lot easier to type it, I'm sure, but I know I have the

> support of my satsang here. If there are others out there that are

> going through similar experiences, perhaps we can all continue to

> share them -- how do we balance and incorporate our family and our

> work obligations with our spiritual lives? What challenges have we

> faced? And how do we express the " bhav " in our everyday life?


> Thank you, all, for your love and support. This is a truly remarkable

> family.


> Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!


> love

> wendy




> , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Wendy Maa: I remember when Bharti and I spoke to Maa

> > privately the first time. We were conflicted about how to handle our

> > " spiritual practices " and still keep our commitments to family,

> work,

> > etc.-the " material " part of life. The 2 seemed completely opposed to

> > each other. In order to practice spiritual disciplines, one had to

> > give up material focus. Not a good idea when one is raising a child

> > and working full time.

> > Well, Maa went right to the heart of the matter and proposed a life

> > altering suggestion.

> > Maa said to Bharati: " take care of your son and husband. That is

> your

> > job. Help and support them always. That is your sadhana " .

> > Bharati took that advice to heart, and has been our shakti- giving

> us

> > her love, support, great food cooked with love and mantras, clean

> > clothes, helping us when we were ill, and loving us when we were

> > confused. Her sadhana has been " Mothering " us. Being the Divine

> > Mother to us, she has learned the power of the great spiritual

> > practices of surrender, selfless action, working selflessly without

> > regard for the fruits of her actions, and loving without

> attachment.

> > She has learned to see the divine is all beings, and in all facets

> of

> > life.

> > I share this story of my life with Bharati because I see Divine

> Mother

> > in you. You are a great soul, bringing light where ever your go and

> I

> > remember a post you sent us long ago. You said that you finally felt

> > comfortable with your name. You realized that you were Wendy, the

> > Divine Mother, here to take care of the Lost Boys.

> > What a wonder-ful insight, it is the TRUTH.

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >


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