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Chandi, and Ego-What is the Goal?

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Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our animal

nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and Pure Love,

and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and says, " I am

the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding and

feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless manner.

Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed, to be

held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe. But as we

grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to sacrifice

our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate, and " give

back " to the world.

In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious environment.

Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get our own

way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to struggle

that much harder to " get what we want " .

As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and work to

achieve it.

As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to the

example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside, and

seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on this Earth.

Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She was born

in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to Her by

God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided by

God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did not

create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of India,

alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-alone,

and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no one

dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated the

Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from deep

meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence at Her

feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a life

dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all creation.

With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes. Because

she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune with all

Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it difficult to

think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to help

others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of One's

True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the techniques we

study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us how to

sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga asanas,

how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our energy,

and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest vibrations.

In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-math,

english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated together,

and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts Degree.

The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating a

beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this is a

limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and happiness.

Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-centered



Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than taking and

offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes, one

should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking and

offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and attains


I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why we chant

the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into balance

of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and Rajas-

the 3 gunas, etc.

Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the point

of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only singularity

there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

When we return from that state, life is different, and our outlook has

changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away, and one

begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of Bliss,

and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase: fear

not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the lilies

of the field, and the birds of the air?

I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live in a 5

element body-subject to change and modifications, while

simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-untouched

by change, knowing I am One with God, always.


Jsi Maa Jai Swami














> I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to deny

one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can balance that

need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.


> Peace,

> Shankari Kali


> inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

9-5-07, Swami talked again

> about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct the Divine

> shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other objects of


> On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and put it into

> objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one puts all

> one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper mantras,

> cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of one's lower

> chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the Divine Fire.

> These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and ultimately,

> become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By forsaking our

> lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our energy to the

> higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and high,

> and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less likely to " act

> out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma for


> As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative stimulus

> in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the presence of

> mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower nature to

> subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not inflame

> the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for ourselves.


> Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have direct

> bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one less

> evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first place?


> Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful information. It

> will change our lives.


> Jai Ma Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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Thanks Vish, Your words were exactly what I needed.....You are always there

with the greatest reminder of what it's all about....thank you Shree Ma and

swamiji for such great devotees










> " inspectionconnection108 " <inspectionconnection108



>[www.ShreeMaa.org] Chandi, and Ego-What is the Goal?

>Fri, 07 Sep 2007 07:20:53 -0000



>Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our animal

>nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and Pure Love,

>and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and says, " I am

>the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

>Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

>attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding and

>feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

>immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless manner.

>Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed, to be

>held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe. But as we

>grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to sacrifice

>our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate, and " give

>back " to the world.

>In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

>forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

>animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious environment.

>Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get our own

>way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to struggle

>that much harder to " get what we want " .

>As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and work to

>achieve it.

>As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to the

>example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside, and

>seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on this Earth.

>Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She was born

>in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

>Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

>everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to Her by

>God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided by

>God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did not

>create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of India,

>alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-alone,

>and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no one

>dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated the

>Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from deep

>meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence at Her

>feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

>darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a life

>dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all creation.

>With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes. Because

>she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune with all

>Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

>In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it difficult to

>think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to help

>others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

>Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of One's

>True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the techniques we

>study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us how to

>sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga asanas,

>how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

>techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our energy,

>and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest vibrations.

>In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-math,

>english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

>discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated together,

>and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts Degree.

>The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating a

>beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this is a

>limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and happiness.

>Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-centered



>Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than taking and

>offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

>creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

>class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes, one

>should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking and

>offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and attains


>I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why we chant

>the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into balance

>of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and Rajas-

>the 3 gunas, etc.

>Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the point

>of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

>Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only singularity

>there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

>When we return from that state, life is different, and our outlook has

>changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

>vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away, and one

>begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of Bliss,

>and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase: fear

>not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the lilies

>of the field, and the birds of the air?

>I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live in a 5

>element body-subject to change and modifications, while

>simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-untouched

>by change, knowing I am One with God, always.


>Jsi Maa Jai Swami








> I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to deny

>one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

>nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can balance that

>need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> >

> > Peace,

> > Shankari Kali

> >

> > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

>9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct the Divine

> > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other objects of


> > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and put it into

> > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one puts all

> > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper mantras,

> > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of one's lower

> > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the Divine Fire.

> > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and ultimately,

> > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By forsaking our

> > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our energy to the

> > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and high,

> > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less likely to " act

> > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma for


> > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative stimulus

> > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the presence of

> > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower nature to

> > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not inflame

> > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for ourselves.

> >

> > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have direct

> > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one less

> > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first place?

> >

> > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful information. It

> > will change our lives.

> >

> > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from someone

>who knows.

> > Answers - Check it out.

> >





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Peace to all,


In defense of what Vish refers to as the egocentric, selfish child, I

think what truly causes the creation of the ego is that the child

is " taught " what needs are, whether they are truly needs or not.

Usually these are based on the parents needs. Children are taught

the experience of " love " and " not love " and taught to experience a

preference for " this " and " not this " , all based on the upbringing and



Where children become lost is the shattering of innocence and trust

that all is unconditionally provided by a benevolent and non-

judgemental universe. Children know and trust that their basic

survival needs will be met, which is essentially true as infants.

They are pure vessels of unobstructed, potential spirit and

creativity (and, of course, love until we mess them up). Infants are

no more or less purely existing, unphased and instinctual, as are the

lower animals trusting that nature will (and does) provide.


Ah, to be so young (and trusting) again.....! What we need to get

back to is our original, balanced innocence.


Wendy can attest that a child who remains innocent also remains as a

balanced, self-less vessel of pure spirit. How cool is that...!


Yes, that would be my goal...


much love to all!




, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:



> Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our animal

> nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and Pure


> and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and says, " I am

> the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

> Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

> attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding and

> feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

> immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless manner.

> Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed, to


> held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe. But as


> grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to sacrifice

> our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate, and " give

> back " to the world.

> In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

> forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

> animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious environment.

> Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get our


> way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to struggle

> that much harder to " get what we want " .

> As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and work


> achieve it.

> As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to the

> example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside, and

> seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on this


> Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She was


> in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

> Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

> everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to Her by

> God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided by

> God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did not

> create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of


> alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-alone,

> and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no one

> dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated the

> Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from deep

> meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence at


> feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

> darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a life

> dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all


> With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes.


> she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune with


> Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

> In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it difficult to

> think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to help

> others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

> Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of One's

> True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the techniques we

> study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us how


> sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga


> how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

> techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our energy,

> and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest vibrations.

> In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-math,

> english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

> discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated


> and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts Degree.

> The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating a

> beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this is a

> limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and happiness.

> Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-


> life.


> Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than taking and

> offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

> creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

> class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes, one

> should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking and

> offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and attains

> liberation.

> I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why we


> the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into


> of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and


> the 3 gunas, etc.

> Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the point

> of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

> Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only singularity

> there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

> When we return from that state, life is different, and our outlook


> changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

> vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away, and


> begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of


> and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase: fear

> not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the


> of the field, and the birds of the air?

> I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live in a 5

> element body-subject to change and modifications, while

> simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-


> by change, knowing I am One with God, always.


> Jsi Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar






> I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to deny

> one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

> nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can balance


> need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> >

> > Peace,

> > Shankari Kali

> >

> > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

> 9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct the


> > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other objects of

> worship.

> > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and put

it into

> > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one puts


> > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper


> > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of one's


> > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the Divine


> > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and


> > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By forsaking


> > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our energy

to the

> > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and


> > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less likely

to " act

> > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma for

> ourselves.

> > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative


> > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the presence


> > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower

nature to

> > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not


> > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for


> >

> > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have direct

> > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one less

> > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first place?

> >

> > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful

information. It

> > will change our lives.

> >

> > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from


> who knows.

> > Answers - Check it out.

> >


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Namaste Sal: I love children and have raised 5 and have 4

grandchildren. I love their beautiful smiling faces, their loving

hearts, and questioning minds. I love to watch a young child run to

its Mother, loving pouring our from both hearts, beams of golden light

drawing them together. It is that love of children which prompted me

many years ago to ask the question: " why do some loving children,

with loving parents, become unhappy and stressed as they grow? "

The scriptures, written by enlightened sages, teach us about the

nature of all children born on this Earth. As it states in the Kasyapa

sutras, children, all of us, are born with samskaras which are the

stored impulses from previous actions in previous births. They travel

with us, and when we incarnate on Earth, these impulses, both

positive and negative, help create the fabric of our bodies, minds,

and hearts. In addition, Swami teaches that each child, each of us,

choose the family and circumstances into which we were born in order

to help us work out our samskaras in the most appropriate way.

So, each child takes birth and develops according to the impulses from

previous births and the influence of their parents, family, and


This has been demonstrated in our families. As parents we have

discovered we can help or hinder our child's development and that

different children in the same family will turn our very differently

from each other, even when provided with similar circumstances.

Because each individual is unique and " colored " by their samskaras.

Of course, the ego is part and parcel of this entire process. As we

know from studying the Chandi, the ego won the boon to have dominion

over all humans. Everyone goes around saying: " I did this and I did

that, I am the doer " . That is the ego expressing the reality of life

on this Earth. With the exception of enlightened saint and Masters,

like Ramakrishna and Shree Maa, the ego runs our lives and it is

responsible for the experiences that we all have daily: that we are

separate and different from each other. The ego causes the separation

and thrives in the field of differences. It is only the Great Souls

who experience that we are all the same, connected by Pure

consciousness, bliss and pure energy, and the " differences " are only

on the surface of life.

We read in the biographies of those Great Souls that as children, even

they had confusion and had to meditate, pray, fast, and perform great

tapasya in order to transform the gross body and mind into the Divine

Receptacles capable of holding the highest vibrations of God.

So, with God's grace, and the help of a Realized Guru, we are

introduced to techniques like the Chandi, which help us to gain

freedom from the death grip of the great ego. Then, thru dedicated

practice, perseverance, and God's Grace, we become free.


Jai Maa Jai Swami









, " sal. " <salpaulsen wrote:


> Peace to all,


> In defense of what Vish refers to as the egocentric, selfish child, I

> think what truly causes the creation of the ego is that the child

> is " taught " what needs are, whether they are truly needs or not.

> Usually these are based on the parents needs. Children are taught

> the experience of " love " and " not love " and taught to experience a

> preference for " this " and " not this " , all based on the upbringing and

> environment.


> Where children become lost is the shattering of innocence and trust

> that all is unconditionally provided by a benevolent and non-

> judgemental universe. Children know and trust that their basic

> survival needs will be met, which is essentially true as infants.

> They are pure vessels of unobstructed, potential spirit and

> creativity (and, of course, love until we mess them up). Infants are

> no more or less purely existing, unphased and instinctual, as are the

> lower animals trusting that nature will (and does) provide.


> Ah, to be so young (and trusting) again.....! What we need to get

> back to is our original, balanced innocence.


> Wendy can attest that a child who remains innocent also remains as a

> balanced, self-less vessel of pure spirit. How cool is that...!


> Yes, that would be my goal...


> much love to all!

> sal.



> , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our animal

> > nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and Pure

> Love,

> > and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and says, " I am

> > the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

> > Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

> > attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding and

> > feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

> > immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless manner.

> > Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed, to

> be

> > held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe. But as

> we

> > grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to sacrifice

> > our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate, and " give

> > back " to the world.

> > In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

> > forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

> > animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious environment.

> > Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get our

> own

> > way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to struggle

> > that much harder to " get what we want " .

> > As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and work

> to

> > achieve it.

> > As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to the

> > example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside, and

> > seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on this

> Earth.

> > Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She was

> born

> > in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

> > Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

> > everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to Her by

> > God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided by

> > God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did not

> > create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of

> India,

> > alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-alone,

> > and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no one

> > dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated the

> > Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from deep

> > meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence at

> Her

> > feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

> > darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a life

> > dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all

> creation.

> > With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes.

> Because

> > she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune with

> all

> > Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

> > In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it difficult to

> > think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to help

> > others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

> > Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of One's

> > True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the techniques we

> > study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us how

> to

> > sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga

> asanas,

> > how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

> > techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our energy,

> > and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest vibrations.

> > In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-math,

> > english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

> > discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated

> together,

> > and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts Degree.

> > The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating a

> > beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this is a

> > limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and happiness.

> > Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-

> centered

> > life.

> >

> > Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than taking and

> > offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

> > creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

> > class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes, one

> > should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking and

> > offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and attains

> > liberation.

> > I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why we

> chant

> > the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into

> balance

> > of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and

> Rajas-

> > the 3 gunas, etc.

> > Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the point

> > of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

> > Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only singularity

> > there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

> > When we return from that state, life is different, and our outlook

> has

> > changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

> > vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away, and

> one

> > begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of

> Bliss,

> > and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase: fear

> > not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the

> lilies

> > of the field, and the birds of the air?

> > I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live in a 5

> > element body-subject to change and modifications, while

> > simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-

> untouched

> > by change, knowing I am One with God, always.

> >

> > Jsi Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > > I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to deny

> > one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

> > nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can balance

> that

> > need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> > >

> > > Peace,

> > > Shankari Kali

> > >

> > > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

> > 9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct the

> Divine

> > > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other objects of

> > worship.

> > > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and put

> it into

> > > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one puts

> all

> > > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper

> mantras,

> > > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of one's

> lower

> > > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the Divine

> Fire.

> > > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and

> ultimately,

> > > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By forsaking

> our

> > > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our energy

> to the

> > > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and

> high,

> > > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less likely

> to " act

> > > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma for

> > ourselves.

> > > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative

> stimulus

> > > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the presence

> of

> > > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower

> nature to

> > > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not

> inflame

> > > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for

> ourselves.

> > >

> > > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have direct

> > > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one less

> > > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first place?

> > >

> > > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful

> information. It

> > > will change our lives.

> > >

> > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

> someone

> > who knows.

> > > Answers - Check it out.

> > >

> >


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Thank you for posting these thoughts on children and spiritual

development. Reading these posts has caused me to reflect on my own

perspectives about children.


Like you both, Vish and Sal, I love children. I am a mother of two,

and have served in the field of early childhood education all of

my 'professional' life, for 22 years. Most recently, I have opened my

home as a school. So, for 5 days a week, 10 hours a day, my home is

a loving community of lifelong learners: teachers, children and their

families. I am grateful to Divine Mother, for the joy of this



As I was reading both of your posts, I was thinking, what is a child

anyway? Are children selfish and defined by their samskaras or pure

and tainted by the world? What is the essence of Child? I looked up

etymology of the word, and read, " middle english, akin to Gothic

kilthei, womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit, jathara, belly " . (So, maybe,

that which comes from the womb, or belly? That which is born? New



I remembered one of my favorite scriptures on children, so I looked

that up too: Matthew 18: " At that time the disciples came to Jesus,

saying, " Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? " And He

called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, " Truly I

say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you

shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself

as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And

whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me. But whoever

causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is

better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and

that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. "


I love it that Christ didn't just talk to the disciples about

becoming like a child. First, he 'set one before them'. He wanted

them to SEE the child as he spoke to them.


" Unless you are converted " ...(sounds like Chandi's work, to convert

us.) Why are we instructed to emulate children? Indeed, why is it so

important that we emulate them that Christ tells us we will not 'get

into heaven' unless we do?


Walt Whitman said this: " There was a child went forth every day; and

the first object he looked upon, that object he became; and that

object became part of him for the day, or a certain part of the day,

or for many years, or stretching cycles of years. "


We know this to be true from experience. Everything that we witness

becomes a part of us. Thus, perhaps we are like a child when we

receive the world as if it is a part of us. Maybe " Child " is New

Creation Continuously Being Born. And what does it mean to receive a

child in Christ's name? Perhaps that we are, in every moment,

allowing pure consciousness within to embrace New Creation as it



What does it mean to cause a child to stumble? To block the

emergence of pure consciousness embracing New Creation?


I don't know, I can only speak from my own experience of course. When

I'm in the presence of a child, I want to be my best, because they

are New Creation! They are a gift from Love to Love. Children, in

my experience, draw people together in a very tender and vulnerable

way, because we want to do right by them. They remind us to re-enter

the world of direct experience and laugh, sing, play, really look at

the world with new eyes. Many child theorists say that children

are 'egocentric'. And they are...but that is not all they are. They

are also Love Evolving, and if we allow Divine Mother to love them

thru us, they have amazing things to teach us. When we become New

Creation with them, we have new eyes to see with, or more correctly,

thru which She can see.


I love it that Shree Maa says, over and over, that our goal in

spiritual development is easy, simple, and natural. This from Her

new book (thank you Shree Maa!!) This is Parvati talking in the book -

" Recently Shree Maa was describing how her life was centered on God

from a very early age. I asked, " Isn't that because you were born

with God? " She said, " Everybody is! "


And later in the book, Shree Maa says, " ...we have to be good actors,

never take it seriously. If you take it seriously, you're living in

your head and unconditional love will never come to you. Pure love

will never come to you, if you take yourself too seriously. I can't

teach you too much, it will have to come from within. "


We are all Her Children, pure love emerging from within, all of us

born with God, in direct relationship with God from the very

beginning. The only thing we have to give up is our forgetfulness of

that. Thank you, Divine Mother, for remaining here to guide us into

that remembrance, and for giving us little children as invitations

into Heaven.




, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste Sal: I love children and have raised 5 and have 4

> grandchildren. I love their beautiful smiling faces, their loving

> hearts, and questioning minds. I love to watch a young child run to

> its Mother, loving pouring our from both hearts, beams of golden


> drawing them together. It is that love of children which prompted


> many years ago to ask the question: " why do some loving children,

> with loving parents, become unhappy and stressed as they grow? "

> The scriptures, written by enlightened sages, teach us about the

> nature of all children born on this Earth. As it states in the


> sutras, children, all of us, are born with samskaras which are the

> stored impulses from previous actions in previous births. They


> with us, and when we incarnate on Earth, these impulses, both

> positive and negative, help create the fabric of our bodies, minds,

> and hearts. In addition, Swami teaches that each child, each of us,

> choose the family and circumstances into which we were born in order

> to help us work out our samskaras in the most appropriate way.

> So, each child takes birth and develops according to the impulses


> previous births and the influence of their parents, family, and

> environment.

> This has been demonstrated in our families. As parents we have

> discovered we can help or hinder our child's development and that

> different children in the same family will turn our very differently

> from each other, even when provided with similar circumstances.

> Because each individual is unique and " colored " by their


> Of course, the ego is part and parcel of this entire process. As we

> know from studying the Chandi, the ego won the boon to have dominion

> over all humans. Everyone goes around saying: " I did this and I


> that, I am the doer " . That is the ego expressing the reality of


> on this Earth. With the exception of enlightened saint and Masters,

> like Ramakrishna and Shree Maa, the ego runs our lives and it is

> responsible for the experiences that we all have daily: that we are

> separate and different from each other. The ego causes the


> and thrives in the field of differences. It is only the Great Souls

> who experience that we are all the same, connected by Pure

> consciousness, bliss and pure energy, and the " differences " are


> on the surface of life.

> We read in the biographies of those Great Souls that as children,


> they had confusion and had to meditate, pray, fast, and perform


> tapasya in order to transform the gross body and mind into the


> Receptacles capable of holding the highest vibrations of God.

> So, with God's grace, and the help of a Realized Guru, we are

> introduced to techniques like the Chandi, which help us to gain

> freedom from the death grip of the great ego. Then, thru dedicated

> practice, perseverance, and God's Grace, we become free.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar

, " sal. " <salpaulsen@> wrote:

> >

> > Peace to all,

> >

> > In defense of what Vish refers to as the egocentric, selfish

child, I

> > think what truly causes the creation of the ego is that the child

> > is " taught " what needs are, whether they are truly needs or not.

> > Usually these are based on the parents needs. Children are


> > the experience of " love " and " not love " and taught to experience


> > preference for " this " and " not this " , all based on the upbringing


> > environment.

> >

> > Where children become lost is the shattering of innocence and


> > that all is unconditionally provided by a benevolent and non-

> > judgemental universe. Children know and trust that their basic

> > survival needs will be met, which is essentially true as


> > They are pure vessels of unobstructed, potential spirit and

> > creativity (and, of course, love until we mess them up). Infants


> > no more or less purely existing, unphased and instinctual, as are


> > lower animals trusting that nature will (and does) provide.

> >

> > Ah, to be so young (and trusting) again.....! What we need to


> > back to is our original, balanced innocence.

> >

> > Wendy can attest that a child who remains innocent also remains

as a

> > balanced, self-less vessel of pure spirit. How cool is that...!

> >

> > Yes, that would be my goal...

> >

> > much love to all!

> > sal.

> >

> >

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > >

> > > Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our


> > > nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and


> > Love,

> > > and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and

says, " I am

> > > the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

> > > Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

> > > attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding


> > > feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

> > > immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless


> > > Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed,


> > be

> > > held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe.

But as

> > we

> > > grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to


> > > our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate,

and " give

> > > back " to the world.

> > > In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

> > > forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

> > > animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious


> > > Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get


> > own

> > > way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to


> > > that much harder to " get what we want " .

> > > As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and


> > to

> > > achieve it.

> > > As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to


> > > example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside,


> > > seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on


> > Earth.

> > > Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She


> > born

> > > in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

> > > Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

> > > everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to

Her by

> > > God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided


> > > God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did


> > > create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of

> > India,

> > > alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-


> > > and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no


> > > dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated


> > > Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from


> > > meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence


> > Her

> > > feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

> > > darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a


> > > dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all

> > creation.

> > > With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes.

> > Because

> > > she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune


> > all

> > > Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

> > > In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it

difficult to

> > > think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to


> > > others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

> > > Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of


> > > True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the

techniques we

> > > study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us


> > to

> > > sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga

> > asanas,

> > > how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

> > > techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our


> > > and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest


> > > In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-


> > > english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

> > > discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated

> > together,

> > > and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts


> > > The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating


> > > beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this

is a

> > > limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and


> > > Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-

> > centered

> > > life.

> > >

> > > Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than

taking and

> > > offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

> > > creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

> > > class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes,


> > > should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking


> > > offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and


> > > liberation.

> > > I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why


> > chant

> > > the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into

> > balance

> > > of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and

> > Rajas-

> > > the 3 gunas, etc.

> > > Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the


> > > of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

> > > Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only


> > > there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

> > > When we return from that state, life is different, and our


> > has

> > > changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

> > > vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away,


> > one

> > > begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of

> > Bliss,

> > > and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase:


> > > not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the

> > lilies

> > > of the field, and the birds of the air?

> > > I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live

in a 5

> > > element body-subject to change and modifications, while

> > > simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-

> > untouched

> > > by change, knowing I am One with God, always.

> > >

> > > Jsi Maa Jai Swami

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > > I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to


> > > one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

> > > nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can


> > that

> > > need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> > > >

> > > > Peace,

> > > > Shankari Kali

> > > >

> > > > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108@>


> > > Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

> > > 9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > > > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > > > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct


> > Divine

> > > > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other

objects of

> > > worship.

> > > > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and


> > it into

> > > > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one


> > all

> > > > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper

> > mantras,

> > > > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of


> > lower

> > > > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the


> > Fire.

> > > > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and

> > ultimately,

> > > > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By


> > our

> > > > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our


> > to the

> > > > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and

> > high,

> > > > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less


> > to " act

> > > > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma


> > > ourselves.

> > > > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative

> > stimulus

> > > > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the


> > of

> > > > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > > > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower

> > nature to

> > > > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not

> > inflame

> > > > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for

> > ourselves.

> > > >

> > > > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have


> > > > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one


> > > > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first


> > > >

> > > > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > > > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful

> > information. It

> > > > will change our lives.

> > > >

> > > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > > >

> > > > vishweshwar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

> > someone

> > > who knows.

> > > > Answers - Check it out.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hi Jennifer,


I think at least part of the beauty of children is in their simple

transparency. Yes, they are embedded in their own needs, but those

needs, like they are, are simple and transparent - food, comfort,

enjoyment, acceptance, and love. They do not hide their needs and

desires behind jaded facades, nor do they connive in the secrecy of

their hearts about how to manipulate circumstances to attain their

desires. In their purely human simplicity they represent us all - the

foundation of us without anything false.


Jai Maa!






, " jrholm1007 " <jrholm1007 wrote:


> Thank you for posting these thoughts on children and spiritual

> development. Reading these posts has caused me to reflect on my own

> perspectives about children.


> Like you both, Vish and Sal, I love children. I am a mother of two,

> and have served in the field of early childhood education all of

> my 'professional' life, for 22 years. Most recently, I have opened my

> home as a school. So, for 5 days a week, 10 hours a day, my home is

> a loving community of lifelong learners: teachers, children and their

> families. I am grateful to Divine Mother, for the joy of this

> community.


> As I was reading both of your posts, I was thinking, what is a child

> anyway? Are children selfish and defined by their samskaras or pure

> and tainted by the world? What is the essence of Child? I looked up

> etymology of the word, and read, " middle english, akin to Gothic

> kilthei, womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit, jathara, belly " . (So, maybe,

> that which comes from the womb, or belly? That which is born? New

> Creation?)


> I remembered one of my favorite scriptures on children, so I looked

> that up too: Matthew 18: " At that time the disciples came to Jesus,

> saying, " Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? " And He

> called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, " Truly I

> say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you

> shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself

> as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And

> whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me. But whoever

> causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is

> better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and

> that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. "


> I love it that Christ didn't just talk to the disciples about

> becoming like a child. First, he 'set one before them'. He wanted

> them to SEE the child as he spoke to them.


> " Unless you are converted " ...(sounds like Chandi's work, to convert

> us.) Why are we instructed to emulate children? Indeed, why is it so

> important that we emulate them that Christ tells us we will not 'get

> into heaven' unless we do?


> Walt Whitman said this: " There was a child went forth every day; and

> the first object he looked upon, that object he became; and that

> object became part of him for the day, or a certain part of the day,

> or for many years, or stretching cycles of years. "


> We know this to be true from experience. Everything that we witness

> becomes a part of us. Thus, perhaps we are like a child when we

> receive the world as if it is a part of us. Maybe " Child " is New

> Creation Continuously Being Born. And what does it mean to receive a

> child in Christ's name? Perhaps that we are, in every moment,

> allowing pure consciousness within to embrace New Creation as it

> emerges?


> What does it mean to cause a child to stumble? To block the

> emergence of pure consciousness embracing New Creation?


> I don't know, I can only speak from my own experience of course. When

> I'm in the presence of a child, I want to be my best, because they

> are New Creation! They are a gift from Love to Love. Children, in

> my experience, draw people together in a very tender and vulnerable

> way, because we want to do right by them. They remind us to re-enter

> the world of direct experience and laugh, sing, play, really look at

> the world with new eyes. Many child theorists say that children

> are 'egocentric'. And they are...but that is not all they are. They

> are also Love Evolving, and if we allow Divine Mother to love them

> thru us, they have amazing things to teach us. When we become New

> Creation with them, we have new eyes to see with, or more correctly,

> thru which She can see.


> I love it that Shree Maa says, over and over, that our goal in

> spiritual development is easy, simple, and natural. This from Her

> new book (thank you Shree Maa!!) This is Parvati talking in the book -

> " Recently Shree Maa was describing how her life was centered on God

> from a very early age. I asked, " Isn't that because you were born

> with God? " She said, " Everybody is! "


> And later in the book, Shree Maa says, " ...we have to be good actors,

> never take it seriously. If you take it seriously, you're living in

> your head and unconditional love will never come to you. Pure love

> will never come to you, if you take yourself too seriously. I can't

> teach you too much, it will have to come from within. "


> We are all Her Children, pure love emerging from within, all of us

> born with God, in direct relationship with God from the very

> beginning. The only thing we have to give up is our forgetfulness of

> that. Thank you, Divine Mother, for remaining here to guide us into

> that remembrance, and for giving us little children as invitations

> into Heaven.


> Jennifer


> , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Sal: I love children and have raised 5 and have 4

> > grandchildren. I love their beautiful smiling faces, their loving

> > hearts, and questioning minds. I love to watch a young child run to

> > its Mother, loving pouring our from both hearts, beams of golden

> light

> > drawing them together. It is that love of children which prompted

> me

> > many years ago to ask the question: " why do some loving children,

> > with loving parents, become unhappy and stressed as they grow? "

> > The scriptures, written by enlightened sages, teach us about the

> > nature of all children born on this Earth. As it states in the

> Kasyapa

> > sutras, children, all of us, are born with samskaras which are the

> > stored impulses from previous actions in previous births. They

> travel

> > with us, and when we incarnate on Earth, these impulses, both

> > positive and negative, help create the fabric of our bodies, minds,

> > and hearts. In addition, Swami teaches that each child, each of us,

> > choose the family and circumstances into which we were born in order

> > to help us work out our samskaras in the most appropriate way.

> > So, each child takes birth and develops according to the impulses

> from

> > previous births and the influence of their parents, family, and

> > environment.

> > This has been demonstrated in our families. As parents we have

> > discovered we can help or hinder our child's development and that

> > different children in the same family will turn our very differently

> > from each other, even when provided with similar circumstances.

> > Because each individual is unique and " colored " by their

> samskaras.

> > Of course, the ego is part and parcel of this entire process. As we

> > know from studying the Chandi, the ego won the boon to have dominion

> > over all humans. Everyone goes around saying: " I did this and I

> did

> > that, I am the doer " . That is the ego expressing the reality of

> life

> > on this Earth. With the exception of enlightened saint and Masters,

> > like Ramakrishna and Shree Maa, the ego runs our lives and it is

> > responsible for the experiences that we all have daily: that we are

> > separate and different from each other. The ego causes the

> separation

> > and thrives in the field of differences. It is only the Great Souls

> > who experience that we are all the same, connected by Pure

> > consciousness, bliss and pure energy, and the " differences " are

> only

> > on the surface of life.

> > We read in the biographies of those Great Souls that as children,

> even

> > they had confusion and had to meditate, pray, fast, and perform

> great

> > tapasya in order to transform the gross body and mind into the

> Divine

> > Receptacles capable of holding the highest vibrations of God.

> > So, with God's grace, and the help of a Realized Guru, we are

> > introduced to techniques like the Chandi, which help us to gain

> > freedom from the death grip of the great ego. Then, thru dedicated

> > practice, perseverance, and God's Grace, we become free.

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sal. " <salpaulsen@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Peace to all,

> > >

> > > In defense of what Vish refers to as the egocentric, selfish

> child, I

> > > think what truly causes the creation of the ego is that the child

> > > is " taught " what needs are, whether they are truly needs or not.

> > > Usually these are based on the parents needs. Children are

> taught

> > > the experience of " love " and " not love " and taught to experience

> a

> > > preference for " this " and " not this " , all based on the upbringing

> and

> > > environment.

> > >

> > > Where children become lost is the shattering of innocence and

> trust

> > > that all is unconditionally provided by a benevolent and non-

> > > judgemental universe. Children know and trust that their basic

> > > survival needs will be met, which is essentially true as

> infants.

> > > They are pure vessels of unobstructed, potential spirit and

> > > creativity (and, of course, love until we mess them up). Infants

> are

> > > no more or less purely existing, unphased and instinctual, as are

> the

> > > lower animals trusting that nature will (and does) provide.

> > >

> > > Ah, to be so young (and trusting) again.....! What we need to

> get

> > > back to is our original, balanced innocence.

> > >

> > > Wendy can attest that a child who remains innocent also remains

> as a

> > > balanced, self-less vessel of pure spirit. How cool is that...!

> > >

> > > Yes, that would be my goal...

> > >

> > > much love to all!

> > > sal.

> > >

> > >

> > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our

> animal

> > > > nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and

> Pure

> > > Love,

> > > > and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and

> says, " I am

> > > > the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

> > > > Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

> > > > attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding

> and

> > > > feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

> > > > immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless

> manner.

> > > > Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed,

> to

> > > be

> > > > held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe.

> But as

> > > we

> > > > grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to

> sacrifice

> > > > our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate,

> and " give

> > > > back " to the world.

> > > > In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

> > > > forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

> > > > animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious

> environment.

> > > > Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get

> our

> > > own

> > > > way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to

> struggle

> > > > that much harder to " get what we want " .

> > > > As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and

> work

> > > to

> > > > achieve it.

> > > > As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to

> the

> > > > example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside,

> and

> > > > seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on

> this

> > > Earth.

> > > > Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She

> was

> > > born

> > > > in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

> > > > Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

> > > > everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to

> Her by

> > > > God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided

> by

> > > > God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did

> not

> > > > create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of

> > > India,

> > > > alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-

> alone,

> > > > and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no

> one

> > > > dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated

> the

> > > > Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from

> deep

> > > > meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence

> at

> > > Her

> > > > feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

> > > > darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a

> life

> > > > dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all

> > > creation.

> > > > With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes.

> > > Because

> > > > she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune

> with

> > > all

> > > > Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

> > > > In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it

> difficult to

> > > > think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to

> help

> > > > others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

> > > > Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of

> One's

> > > > True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the

> techniques we

> > > > study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us

> how

> > > to

> > > > sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga

> > > asanas,

> > > > how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

> > > > techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our

> energy,

> > > > and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest

> vibrations.

> > > > In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-

> math,

> > > > english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

> > > > discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated

> > > together,

> > > > and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts

> Degree.

> > > > The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating

> a

> > > > beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this

> is a

> > > > limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and

> happiness.

> > > > Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-

> > > centered

> > > > life.

> > > >

> > > > Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than

> taking and

> > > > offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

> > > > creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

> > > > class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes,

> one

> > > > should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking

> and

> > > > offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and

> attains

> > > > liberation.

> > > > I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why

> we

> > > chant

> > > > the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into

> > > balance

> > > > of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and

> > > Rajas-

> > > > the 3 gunas, etc.

> > > > Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the

> point

> > > > of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

> > > > Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only

> singularity

> > > > there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

> > > > When we return from that state, life is different, and our

> outlook

> > > has

> > > > changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

> > > > vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away,

> and

> > > one

> > > > begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of

> > > Bliss,

> > > > and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase:

> fear

> > > > not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the

> > > lilies

> > > > of the field, and the birds of the air?

> > > > I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live

> in a 5

> > > > element body-subject to change and modifications, while

> > > > simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-

> > > untouched

> > > > by change, knowing I am One with God, always.

> > > >

> > > > Jsi Maa Jai Swami

> > > >

> > > > vishweshwar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to

> deny

> > > > one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

> > > > nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can

> balance

> > > that

> > > > need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> > > > >

> > > > > Peace,

> > > > > Shankari Kali

> > > > >

> > > > > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108@>

> wrote:

> > > > Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

> > > > 9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > > > > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > > > > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct

> the

> > > Divine

> > > > > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other

> objects of

> > > > worship.

> > > > > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and

> put

> > > it into

> > > > > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one

> puts

> > > all

> > > > > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper

> > > mantras,

> > > > > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of

> one's

> > > lower

> > > > > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the

> Divine

> > > Fire.

> > > > > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and

> > > ultimately,

> > > > > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By

> forsaking

> > > our

> > > > > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our

> energy

> > > to the

> > > > > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and

> > > high,

> > > > > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less

> likely

> > > to " act

> > > > > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma

> for

> > > > ourselves.

> > > > > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative

> > > stimulus

> > > > > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the

> presence

> > > of

> > > > > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > > > > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower

> > > nature to

> > > > > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not

> > > inflame

> > > > > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for

> > > ourselves.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have

> direct

> > > > > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one

> less

> > > > > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first

> place?

> > > > >

> > > > > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > > > > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful

> > > information. It

> > > > > will change our lives.

> > > > >

> > > > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > > > >

> > > > > vishweshwar

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

> > > someone

> > > > who knows.

> > > > > Answers - Check it out.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Namaste: Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Very beautiful. I pray

that your school becomes a temple of The Divine Mother, full of Her

love and knowledge.

In our positions as husbands, wives, teachers, parents, aunts and

uncles, we should follow Maa and Swami's example and do our best to

help the children of all ages remember God. That is a the best way to

demonstrate our love and support for them.

Maa and Swami have taught my wife and I to offer guidance and support

to all children, to help them learn prayers and puja, to help them

remember where they came from, and enliven in them the desire to know

God in whatever form they are capable of, and that suits them.

When they are very young, teach by example. Let them watch as you

perform a puja, or listen to songs about God, or pray to bless the

food at meals, and pray before sleep and at rising.

As they grow older and can understand simple concepts, introduce them

to Saraswati, and teach them Her name and Her mantra. Help them

develop a relationship with Her, that She is inside them, and all

around them, ready and willing to help them whenever they need Her.

Maa gives each child who visits the Mandir a copy of Saraswati Puja

for children, and suggests they chant Her name prior to test taking.

Parents who visit the Mandir bring their child down to Napashwar, the

huge Shiva lingum in the forest, and we perform Shiva puja and they

pour milk and offer flowers to Him, just as their parents do.

Afterwrds, they listen as we perform aarti to Shiva, and clap and sing

and jump around as we joyously sing of the glory of Shiva.

If we teach them that all life is sacred, and they every action is

another way to glorify God and all creation, and that we are all

connected, all One Family, then maybe they will not become so jaded

and wordly. Maybe they will stay in their hearts, and remain kind,

loving, peaceful adults. maybe they will become the leaders to bring

peace to this world.

We can only do our best and share whatever we know about God, and live

the life that Maa wants for us all. She will take over and do the



Jai Ma Jai Swami








, " jrholm1007 " <jrholm1007 wrote:


> Thank you for posting these thoughts on children and spiritual

> development. Reading these posts has caused me to reflect on my own

> perspectives about children.


> Like you both, Vish and Sal, I love children. I am a mother of two,

> and have served in the field of early childhood education all of

> my 'professional' life, for 22 years. Most recently, I have opened my

> home as a school. So, for 5 days a week, 10 hours a day, my home is

> a loving community of lifelong learners: teachers, children and their

> families. I am grateful to Divine Mother, for the joy of this

> community.


> As I was reading both of your posts, I was thinking, what is a child

> anyway? Are children selfish and defined by their samskaras or pure

> and tainted by the world? What is the essence of Child? I looked up

> etymology of the word, and read, " middle english, akin to Gothic

> kilthei, womb, and perhaps to Sanskrit, jathara, belly " . (So, maybe,

> that which comes from the womb, or belly? That which is born? New

> Creation?)


> I remembered one of my favorite scriptures on children, so I looked

> that up too: Matthew 18: " At that time the disciples came to Jesus,

> saying, " Who then is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? " And He

> called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, " Truly I

> say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you

> shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself

> as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And

> whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me. But whoever

> causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it is

> better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and

> that he be drowned in the depth of the sea. "


> I love it that Christ didn't just talk to the disciples about

> becoming like a child. First, he 'set one before them'. He wanted

> them to SEE the child as he spoke to them.


> " Unless you are converted " ...(sounds like Chandi's work, to convert

> us.) Why are we instructed to emulate children? Indeed, why is it so

> important that we emulate them that Christ tells us we will not 'get

> into heaven' unless we do?


> Walt Whitman said this: " There was a child went forth every day; and

> the first object he looked upon, that object he became; and that

> object became part of him for the day, or a certain part of the day,

> or for many years, or stretching cycles of years. "


> We know this to be true from experience. Everything that we witness

> becomes a part of us. Thus, perhaps we are like a child when we

> receive the world as if it is a part of us. Maybe " Child " is New

> Creation Continuously Being Born. And what does it mean to receive a

> child in Christ's name? Perhaps that we are, in every moment,

> allowing pure consciousness within to embrace New Creation as it

> emerges?


> What does it mean to cause a child to stumble? To block the

> emergence of pure consciousness embracing New Creation?


> I don't know, I can only speak from my own experience of course. When

> I'm in the presence of a child, I want to be my best, because they

> are New Creation! They are a gift from Love to Love. Children, in

> my experience, draw people together in a very tender and vulnerable

> way, because we want to do right by them. They remind us to re-enter

> the world of direct experience and laugh, sing, play, really look at

> the world with new eyes. Many child theorists say that children

> are 'egocentric'. And they are...but that is not all they are. They

> are also Love Evolving, and if we allow Divine Mother to love them

> thru us, they have amazing things to teach us. When we become New

> Creation with them, we have new eyes to see with, or more correctly,

> thru which She can see.


> I love it that Shree Maa says, over and over, that our goal in

> spiritual development is easy, simple, and natural. This from Her

> new book (thank you Shree Maa!!) This is Parvati talking in the book -

> " Recently Shree Maa was describing how her life was centered on God

> from a very early age. I asked, " Isn't that because you were born

> with God? " She said, " Everybody is! "


> And later in the book, Shree Maa says, " ...we have to be good actors,

> never take it seriously. If you take it seriously, you're living in

> your head and unconditional love will never come to you. Pure love

> will never come to you, if you take yourself too seriously. I can't

> teach you too much, it will have to come from within. "


> We are all Her Children, pure love emerging from within, all of us

> born with God, in direct relationship with God from the very

> beginning. The only thing we have to give up is our forgetfulness of

> that. Thank you, Divine Mother, for remaining here to guide us into

> that remembrance, and for giving us little children as invitations

> into Heaven.


> Jennifer


> , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Sal: I love children and have raised 5 and have 4

> > grandchildren. I love their beautiful smiling faces, their loving

> > hearts, and questioning minds. I love to watch a young child run to

> > its Mother, loving pouring our from both hearts, beams of golden

> light

> > drawing them together. It is that love of children which prompted

> me

> > many years ago to ask the question: " why do some loving children,

> > with loving parents, become unhappy and stressed as they grow? "

> > The scriptures, written by enlightened sages, teach us about the

> > nature of all children born on this Earth. As it states in the

> Kasyapa

> > sutras, children, all of us, are born with samskaras which are the

> > stored impulses from previous actions in previous births. They

> travel

> > with us, and when we incarnate on Earth, these impulses, both

> > positive and negative, help create the fabric of our bodies, minds,

> > and hearts. In addition, Swami teaches that each child, each of us,

> > choose the family and circumstances into which we were born in order

> > to help us work out our samskaras in the most appropriate way.

> > So, each child takes birth and develops according to the impulses

> from

> > previous births and the influence of their parents, family, and

> > environment.

> > This has been demonstrated in our families. As parents we have

> > discovered we can help or hinder our child's development and that

> > different children in the same family will turn our very differently

> > from each other, even when provided with similar circumstances.

> > Because each individual is unique and " colored " by their

> samskaras.

> > Of course, the ego is part and parcel of this entire process. As we

> > know from studying the Chandi, the ego won the boon to have dominion

> > over all humans. Everyone goes around saying: " I did this and I

> did

> > that, I am the doer " . That is the ego expressing the reality of

> life

> > on this Earth. With the exception of enlightened saint and Masters,

> > like Ramakrishna and Shree Maa, the ego runs our lives and it is

> > responsible for the experiences that we all have daily: that we are

> > separate and different from each other. The ego causes the

> separation

> > and thrives in the field of differences. It is only the Great Souls

> > who experience that we are all the same, connected by Pure

> > consciousness, bliss and pure energy, and the " differences " are

> only

> > on the surface of life.

> > We read in the biographies of those Great Souls that as children,

> even

> > they had confusion and had to meditate, pray, fast, and perform

> great

> > tapasya in order to transform the gross body and mind into the

> Divine

> > Receptacles capable of holding the highest vibrations of God.

> > So, with God's grace, and the help of a Realized Guru, we are

> > introduced to techniques like the Chandi, which help us to gain

> > freedom from the death grip of the great ego. Then, thru dedicated

> > practice, perseverance, and God's Grace, we become free.

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " sal. " <salpaulsen@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Peace to all,

> > >

> > > In defense of what Vish refers to as the egocentric, selfish

> child, I

> > > think what truly causes the creation of the ego is that the child

> > > is " taught " what needs are, whether they are truly needs or not.

> > > Usually these are based on the parents needs. Children are

> taught

> > > the experience of " love " and " not love " and taught to experience

> a

> > > preference for " this " and " not this " , all based on the upbringing

> and

> > > environment.

> > >

> > > Where children become lost is the shattering of innocence and

> trust

> > > that all is unconditionally provided by a benevolent and non-

> > > judgemental universe. Children know and trust that their basic

> > > survival needs will be met, which is essentially true as

> infants.

> > > They are pure vessels of unobstructed, potential spirit and

> > > creativity (and, of course, love until we mess them up). Infants

> are

> > > no more or less purely existing, unphased and instinctual, as are

> the

> > > lower animals trusting that nature will (and does) provide.

> > >

> > > Ah, to be so young (and trusting) again.....! What we need to

> get

> > > back to is our original, balanced innocence.

> > >

> > > Wendy can attest that a child who remains innocent also remains

> as a

> > > balanced, self-less vessel of pure spirit. How cool is that...!

> > >

> > > Yes, that would be my goal...

> > >

> > > much love to all!

> > > sal.

> > >

> > >

> > > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Namaste Dear Shankari Kali: These are great questions. Our

> animal

> > > > nature has to be purified in the fire of Pure Knowledge and

> Pure

> > > Love,

> > > > and as in the Chandi, the Great Ego, who rules all, and

> says, " I am

> > > > the Doer, all bow to Me " , He ultimately must be killed by Divine

> > > > Mother, the Ultimate Purity. As we chant the Chandi, and become

> > > > attuned to more subtle, higher vibrations, our understanding

> and

> > > > feelings change. We look upon our selfish needs as childish and

> > > > immature, and begin to act in a more universal and selfless

> manner.

> > > > Just so, we remember when we were a child, we wanted to be fed,

> to

> > > be

> > > > held, to be taken care of, to be the center of the universe.

> But as

> > > we

> > > > grew, and married, and had children of our own, we had to

> sacrifice

> > > > our selfish desires, and serve our children, and our mate,

> and " give

> > > > back " to the world.

> > > > In either example, the Chandi or growing up and maturing, Mother

> > > > forced us to change. She required that we give up some of our

> > > > animalistic nature in order to create a more harmonious

> environment.

> > > > Oh, we can fight change, and kick and scream in order to " get

> our

> > > own

> > > > way " , but, we create more karma for ourselves and have to

> struggle

> > > > that much harder to " get what we want " .

> > > > As Maa teaches us, each of us has to define our own goal, and

> work

> > > to

> > > > achieve it.

> > > > As I walk this path this life, and I define my goals, I look to

> the

> > > > example of Maa. I watch Her, listen to Her inside and outside,

> and

> > > > seek to follow Her example. That is why She has incarnated on

> this

> > > Earth.

> > > > Because She mastered Her lower nature in previous births, She

> was

> > > born

> > > > in this world, surrounded by high souls, guided constantly by

> > > > Ramakrishna. From birth, She lived a God-centered life, and

> > > > everything She needed to exist in this world was provided to

> Her by

> > > > God. Her actions were always in accord with God's Will, guided

> by

> > > > God's Will, Thus, Her actions were TRUE and GOOD, and She did

> not

> > > > create more karma for Herself. She traveled thru the wilds of

> > > India,

> > > > alone, guided by God, meditated in the jungles and mountains-

> alone,

> > > > and was always protected and nurtured. No harm came to Her, no

> one

> > > > dared harm Her, because She was purity incarnate. She radiated

> the

> > > > Bliss of Truth and the Light of Wisdom. When She awoke from

> deep

> > > > meditation, She would find simple villagers sitting in silence

> at

> > > Her

> > > > feet, drawn by Her Blissful nature. Everyone wanted to have Her

> > > > darshan, and She gave it freely. As She says: Hers is not a

> life

> > > > dedicated to gaining name and fame. She is here to bless all

> > > creation.

> > > > With Her Divine Nature, She creates purity wherever She goes.

> > > Because

> > > > she lives and breathes the highest vibrations, She is in tune

> with

> > > all

> > > > Creation, and She harmonizes everyone around Her.

> > > > In my experience, when one is around Her, one finds it

> difficult to

> > > > think negative thoughts or have selfish impulses. One feels to

> help

> > > > others, and offer one's best and highest to all.

> > > > Maa and Swami teach Tantra as a process to gain Realization of

> One's

> > > > True Nature. Tantra is the weaving together of all the

> techniques we

> > > > study, in order to create a spiritual life. They have taught us

> how

> > > to

> > > > sit, how to breath, how to chant, perform homas, perform yoga

> > > asanas,

> > > > how to make goals, how to be efficient in action, etc. These

> > > > techniques allow us to purify and raise the vibration of our

> energy,

> > > > and be capable of accepting and integrating the highest

> vibrations.

> > > > In the same fashion, western students are taught basic skills-

> math,

> > > > english-reading and writing, and as they grow, each

> > > > discipline-math,language, art, sports, etc., are integrated

> > > together,

> > > > and when they get to college, they study for a Liberal Arts

> Degree.

> > > > The goal, is a weaving together of diverse topics, and creating

> a

> > > > beautiful tapestry-a well rounded enlightened adult. But this

> is a

> > > > limited relative goal, centered on material wealth and

> happiness.

> > > > Maa and Swami give us a higher goal: to live a spiritual God-

> > > centered

> > > > life.

> > > >

> > > > Maa and Swami define a spiritual life as giving more than

> taking and

> > > > offering all of one's actions to God. Indeed, seeing God in all

> > > > creation, from the gross to the subtle. As Swami said tonight in

> > > > class, if one has to eat meat, or make love, or do the dishes,

> one

> > > > should do mantras before, during, and after, and thus, thinking

> and

> > > > offering all actions to God, one purifies one's self and

> attains

> > > > liberation.

> > > > I believe your statements about balance are true. That is why

> we

> > > chant

> > > > the Chandi: to balance TOO MUCH and TOO LITTTLE, to come into

> > > balance

> > > > of all the 3's: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, Sattwa, Tamas, and

> > > Rajas-

> > > > the 3 gunas, etc.

> > > > Only when we balance the 3's, can we enter into the bindu, the

> point

> > > > of singularity, and " go beyond " , and merge with the Self, the

> > > > Infinite Ocean of Sat, Chit, and Ananda. There is only

> singularity

> > > > there, no duality. That is the goal of all life.

> > > > When we return from that state, life is different, and our

> outlook

> > > has

> > > > changed, and, being more in tune with the flow of the higher

> > > > vibrations in life, those lower tendencies begin to fall away,

> and

> > > one

> > > > begins to live life as Maa does: carried along by a current of

> > > Bliss,

> > > > and cared for by Divine Will. As Jesus said, and I paraphrase:

> fear

> > > > not for your needs, for does not God My Father take care of the

> > > lilies

> > > > of the field, and the birds of the air?

> > > > I live this life with the goal Maa has set before me: to live

> in a 5

> > > > element body-subject to change and modifications, while

> > > > simultaneously experiencing the eternal freedom of the Soul-

> > > untouched

> > > > by change, knowing I am One with God, always.

> > > >

> > > > Jsi Maa Jai Swami

> > > >

> > > > vishweshwar

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > > I was under the idea that the idea behind Tantrism was not to

> deny

> > > > one's animal nature, but to place it in balance with our higher

> > > > nature. We still need to survive for example, but we can

> balance

> > > that

> > > > need by learning to survive in a more meaningful way.

> > > > >

> > > > > Peace,

> > > > > Shankari Kali

> > > > >

> > > > > inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108@>

> wrote:

> > > > Namaste: Last night in Kali puja class,

> > > > 9-5-07, Swami talked again

> > > > > about chanting mantras for chakras and the desired result:

> > > > > understanding, feeling, and knowing how to move and direct

> the

> > > Divine

> > > > > shakti /energy throughout the chakras, and into other

> objects of

> > > > worship.

> > > > > On 9-5-07, Swami demonstrated how to MOVE one's energy and

> put

> > > it into

> > > > > objects of worship. For example, as part of the puja, one

> puts

> > > all

> > > > > one's negative impulses into a gourd, then, with the proper

> > > mantras,

> > > > > cuts the gourd with a knife, sacrificing the impulses of

> one's

> > > lower

> > > > > chakras, one's lower animalistic nature, to Kali and the

> Divine

> > > Fire.

> > > > > These practices teach us how to purify, strengthen, and

> > > ultimately,

> > > > > become in tune with the higher vibrations of God. By

> forsaking

> > > our

> > > > > lower vibrations, and consciously practicing raising our

> energy

> > > to the

> > > > > higher chakras, we understand the difference between low and

> > > high,

> > > > > and, when we are in the lower chakras, we will be less

> likely

> > > to " act

> > > > > out " of the lower vibration, and create more negative karma

> for

> > > > ourselves.

> > > > > As Swami explains, when the impulse to respond to a negative

> > > stimulus

> > > > > in a negative fashion, arises in us, we will have the

> presence

> > > of

> > > > > mind, the UNDERSTANDING, of our own energy, to pause prior to

> > > > > responding, and in that pause, allow the heat of our lower

> > > nature to

> > > > > subside, and then we can respond in a manner which does not

> > > inflame

> > > > > the situation. We can stop creating more negative karma for

> > > ourselves.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thus, we see again that the lessons we learn in puja, have

> direct

> > > > > bearing on our ability to live a God Centered life, vs., one

> less

> > > > > evolved. And isn't that why were are here in the first

> place?

> > > > >

> > > > > Please take the time to listen to these 2 classes on-line at

> > > > > www.shreemaa.org. This is such powerful and useful

> > > information. It

> > > > > will change our lives.

> > > > >

> > > > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > > > >

> > > > > vishweshwar

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Be a better Heartthrob. Get better relationship answers from

> > > someone

> > > > who knows.

> > > > > Answers - Check it out.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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