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Becoming a Servant of the Dinive-Udas-Sutra #1

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Namaste, I forwarded the question to Swami. I asked he answer the

questions at class Monday night, then we can discuss here. Great


Every time I do puja, I ask Shiva / Maa to help me become " udas " , a

servant of Maa and Swami. It is my highest ideal of perfection.

That state of being can only come thru sadhana and Grace.

How to reach this Supreme State?

First, I state my goal: surrender to the Master, and then, I ask the

Master what sadhana and action is needed to reach the goal, then, I

must act as the Master recommends.

During sadhana, by repeated experience of the subtle and

transcendental values of life, the result of doing puja, homa, japa,

seva, satsunga, and devotional singing, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, GRACE

OF THE GURU, one's mind and heart begin to become more firmly

established in that refined and stable state of being. Then, like a

magnet always pointing effortlessly towards the North, one's heart and

mind are filled with more and more devotion and love for God, or the

Master, whatever is one's object of devotion.

Then, as the heart radio of the devotee stays tuned for longer periods

to the Master, the Master can send their Pure Love, Grace, and

Knowledge and fill the devotee. Ultimately, the devotee becomes the

Master. There is nothing of the devotee's ego left.

For example: I once asked Swami for a picture of his first Indian

Guru. He said he had none and I did not need one. Why, I asked?

Swami replied: " Because He is fully in me. I have become Him " .

This is also described in Maa's newest book, " Living with the Soul " .


So, the Guru can bestow this state of Grace, when the devotee has

readied them selves, has tilled the soil and made the commitment to

serve the Master.

What a goal. Thanks to Maa and Swami for planting this desire within

us, and giving us the tools to work towards it.


Jai Ma Jai Swami









, devi <student61754 wrote:


> Namaste Vish and thank you,

> My question or interest on the first sutra is in making friends

with prarabda karma.

> On page 13 it spks of Mother's day prayer and says that it tells

us something about making friends with pra. kar.. so I asume that

using this prayer each day is helpful. If so cld we get a copy in

Bengali for practice?


> Now as for shooting arrows p.11-12. Thank you Sankaracarya for

this helpful analogy. He says that the arrows continue in rapid

succession until we cultivate the spirit of renunciation known as

udasa (servant of circumstances; where the spirit of surrendering

brings total acceptance w/out shooting more arrows). Here we free

ourselves from the reaction of desire or revulsion & then are able to

simply watch dispationately as the arrows land.

> How do we best cultivated the spirit of renunciation (udasa)?


> Thank you Vish,

> Please tell Swami thank you for answering the questions.

inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

> Namaste Wendy Maa and all: After Thursday night's class,

Swami asked

> how those of us on the club felt about the class. He knows there is so

> many engrossing threads and wishes that we discuss these ideas.

> Please post your feelings and questions. We can forward those to Swami

> which exceed our grasp. This is an incredible opportunity to dive

> deep into the most important knowledge.

> For those of you who have not tuned into the nightly class, please

> join us for 6:60 pacific time, Monday thru Friday. Go to

> www.shreemaa.org and click on web cameras.

> What questions or comments do we have from Sutra #1 ?


> " prarabdhavasat janma "


> This is the briefest of summaries of it.


> " According to actions performed in the past, which are coming to

> fruition now and in the future, we take birth. Not only the birth of

> the body, but the birth of every moment. The circumstances which are

> evolving in every moment of time are based upon that prarabdha karma. "


> What does this mean to us now? How does this effect how we live our

> lives? What can we do to offset the seeds of past karma coming to

> sprout now? Are we trapped and helpless?


> Let us begin a discussion of these points, or others pertaining to

> this Sutra #1, and bring questions to Swami and Maa each day in class.


> Jai Ma Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


> , " way131 " <wendy131@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Vish

> >

> > Last night after class I thought, this is the best class Swamiji ever

> > taught. And then I laughed at myself because I realized I think that

> > after every class!!

> > But this class really is amazing -- and filled with all the basic

> > information about Hinduism, yoga, and how to live a spiritual life.

> >

> > For me, hearing Swamiji talk about how to move through the day with

> > bhava, reminds me that we are, indeed, blessed to have taken human

> > form, in that we can experience such a high level of joy. And

> > watching His joy every night (and Maa's, when we are so blessed to

> > have Her present during class time), is the highest teaching of all.

> >

> > I agree with Vish -- for those that haven't tried these classes yet,

> > this is the one to begin with. It's the best!! (tee hee)

> >

> > Jai Maa!

> > Jai Swamiji!

> >

> > wendy

> >

> > , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste: Swami is now teaching us about the Kashyapa Sutras ever

> > > night,Monday thu Friday, live, at 6:30 pm Pacific time. Tune in

> > and

> > > absorb this wonderful knowledge. Go the the Devi Mandir web site,

> > > www.shreemaa.org, and go to the web camera menu on the left side of

> > > the screen. Click on it and you will see the class live. Or, it

> > will

> > > be stored on-line for veiwing at your leisure the next day.

> > > Many of the topics we discuss in this forum will be discussed in the

> > > class. These sutras answer some of the most basic questions humans

> > > ask themselves. Why am I here? What forces interact with me to

> > > create my reality? How can I change and improve myself?

> > > Hope you can log on.

> > >

> > > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> >


> Don't let your dream ride pass you by. Make it a reality with



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