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Chandi Path - 23 September

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Namaste Dear Ones,


During yesterday's Chandi, as Swamiji was offering the usual prayer in Chap. 13, the thought came that the prayer covers much more than the physical temple, its inhabitants and families. When we join in the cyber worship, our homes are transformed into the Devi Mandir, and as such Swamiji is in each home offering these blessings so that all persons, family, friends or anyone visiting our Mandir are recipient of the blessing, along with the family lineage. And in viewing our bodies as temple, He is too in the temple of our heart our hearts blessing each one of us .

Beloved Maa always says every home is a temple, how blessed are we.


This thought caused me to return to the Chandi in the afternoon paying close attention to the business man and the King. The business man seems to suggest the body under separate or selfish "I"ness while the King can be seen as Knowledge of the Intrinsic Nature of Goddess which can only be received through the grace of pure devotion.


Jai Maa Jai Swamiji

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Concerning the physical temple, it has become apparent

that when practicing sadhanas such as the Chandi,

ordinary speech then transforms into the coherent

mouth peice of the Chandi, and just like a physical

temple or the Devi Mandir, there is a sacred

architecture expressed in the beauty, polarity and

symmetry of the protein, nucleic acid, lipid and

carbohydrate macro-molecules that form the building

blocks of our cells, tissues, organs, organ systems

etc. The golden ratio of 1.618etc. is often used in

the construction of physical ancient temples such as

Thirupathi, or the parthenon, or the great pyramid of

Giza. Interestingly, as many researchers have duely

reported, it seems we find this ratio, and fractal

geometric principle elucidated by the structure and

size of our neurons, microtubles, and right down into

a strand of DNA in the nucleus of a cell, 34 A in

diameter and 21 A in length which provides us with

34/21= 1.619047619, numbers in the fibbonacci series

that approximate the golden ratio which mysteriously,

like pi, or e, or plancks constant, may continue ad

infinitum. It seems intuitively the process of the

Prakriti/Nature of matter approximating the infinite

qualities of the Purusha. Right down to the

symmetrical, geometrical beauty of the proteins, and

DNAs, that design their form and functions in terms of

cell physiology, our cells may have been the

inspiration for the temple architecture in which we

perform worship, as metaphorical extentions of our the

same principles of bodily form and function perhaps as

a reminder that each individual is a " cell "

functioning in part of a larger macrocosmic that

comprises the divine.



swati wrote:


> Namaste Dear Ones, During yesterday's Chandi, as

> Swamiji was offering

> the usual prayer in Chap. 13, the thought came that

> the prayer covers

> much more than the physical temple, its inhabitants

> and families. When

> we join in the cyber worship, our homes are

> transformed into the Devi

> Mandir, and as such Swamiji is in each home offering

> these blessings so

> that all persons, family, friends or anyone visiting

> our Mandir are

> recipient of the blessing, along with the family

> lineage. And in

> viewing our bodies as temple, He is too in the

> temple of our heart our

> hearts blessing each one of us . Beloved Maa always

> says every home is a

> temple, how blessed are we. This thought caused me

> to return to the

> Chandi in the afternoon paying close attention to

> the business man and

> the King. The business man seems to suggest the

> body under separate or

> selfish " I " ness while the King can be seen as

> Knowledge of the

> Intrinsic Nature of Goddess which can only be

> received through the grace

> of pure devotion. Jai Maa Jai Swamiji








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Jai Maa!!! This post has opened new vista in our collective thinking, as we ponder into the greatest wonders of the Creator, Prakriti/Purusha and the everlasting entities in our conceptual world. If I recall correctly, the ideals of home construction, locations of the home altars, Homa Kunda, Garbha Griha of the temples from the North and South were usually dictated by older sutras. Some might have gone by the waysides, but many have continued to bless us all in the form of Vaastu Sastras, and the Chinese Feng Shui, in some form or the other. The classic Golden Ratio has been explained by many sages and mathematicians, and are still unresolved mysteries of our universe. But needless to add, the modern re-look into biochemistry, cell growth patterns, DNA chains and the energy flows have all one thing in common- Without HER wish and desires, NOTHING moves or happens. We might try and smash the atom, run up vast array of accelerators,

fly upto the moon, stars and the endless space, study the intrinsic qualities of all living and extinct janmas, but what are we?- mere tools in the glorious hands of that Divine Power and in that mode I surrender to the call of the Mother. Just as Ramaprasad sang, "Sakkhali Tomar Ichha...." Much love and respectfully, babu krishnan

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