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Discipline is the Key to Success

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Namaste: Swami taught a great class on Kashyapa sutras tonight. The

part of the lesson which meant the most to me was the power of sound

and speech. He said that all creation feels the beautiful waves which

emanate from any sadhana anyone performs. The value of the spoken /

chanted mantra is so profound. They take us to God. They take away

our mind.

He also spoke about the goal of japa: which is the constant

repetition of the the mantra, by itself, always. It forms the

background of our lives. All of our activity plays upon the

soundtrack of the automatic mantra.

As we urge each other to complete our sankalpa for Universal Peace,

know that we are helping this Universe, and ourselves. As we

cultivate every level of our life, from the gross to the subtlest, the

mantra will take over, leaving us in a state of Grace. Instead of

hearing the constant chatter of our mind, the mantra will play us,

over and over.

To help us understand the goal of japa, Swami mentioned that many,

many, many times, while he was " seemingly asleep " , he would " watch and

listen " to the Chandi being chanted inside him, over and over. Just

watch it. He was not doing it. He knew he was not the " doer " . The

Chandi chanted him.

All of our mouths just fell open.

Well, that motivated me. Now as Surya said in his post, I have to

" dig deeper " and perform more and more japa to fill me, head to toe,

with the mantra. Why struggle to keep the old thought, moods,

emotions, and patterns in my life? What good do they do? Just

surrender to the sankalpa. Discipline, makes a good disciple.


Jai Maa Jai Swami



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