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Devi: Sarasvati --again

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Namaste Prasana,


something else occured to me after i hit the send button....

whether we are literally physically at the Guru's feet or connected

via the web across the country, we are receiving so much from Her. In

terms of knowledge, help, prodding, scoldings....whatever. All these

are lessons that help us and in turn make us better people. This

translates in our dealings with others and that is a blessing to us

and them.




, Ray Happy <amritanandamoyi wrote:


> Hi Gauri,


> You said Maa says that " " take our blessing and spread them around. "

Can you explain this ? I dont understand that part about spreading

blessings... can you give an example ?


> Jai Maa !

> Prasana.



> gauri_108 <gauri_108 wrote:

Namaste Devi!


> Wow! That is so cool! I am so excited for you doing the cosmic Puja!

> That's exactly the way to do it, i think, just jump in, like in a

> cold swimming pool -- anyways we find that it's not cold at all when

> we finally do it!


> Keep up the great work! As Maa always says, " take our blessing and

> spread them around. " Your dentist is really blessed to be there to

> receive them

> Jaaaaaaaaaaai Maa


> , devi <student61754@> wrote:

> >

> > Sascha is out of pain at this time thank you for asking. They are

> in the process of filing for insurance for her.

> > Been so busy since Navarati that just haven't posted much. My

> plans for Navarati were to add Cosmic Puja and Chandi if possible to

> my practice. This has gone very well.

> > Still working on things that everyone suggested when I visited

> this summer also.

> > Navarati was wonderful but with all the things to do here I had to

> do most of it with the group but lessoned in to see what was to be

> done next.

> > Did Cosmic Puja all the way through 4 times. Then left out yantra

> sections til can talk to Swami about it somemore. Set up pot for

> Navarati and that went well also. Have a few questions to ask Srini on

> flower placement and need to go back over Cosmi class to see what I

> can answer on my own before taking up others time with questions.

> > But basicly did it each day so with great joy I can say it is now

> added to practice.

> > As for the Chandi I was unable do things with Mandir and take care

> of family so did it in 9 day incriments and along with Mandir on

> Sunday. But to my great joy have done it all the way through BYMYSELF

> this past Sunday. Followed what is done on Sun and took 4 hrs so was

> very pleased.

> > It has been a sore spot for me for a while. Seemed each time I

> had made plans to do things with group something came up to put it

> politely. It was a great lesson in serving others and seeing divinty

> in everyone. Now that I see I can do them myself there is no longer

> the treat of anger from ego saying but I I I I wanted to do this and I

> I I can't do it with out doing it with group because I I I I can't do

> it b y m y s e l f. All excuse have been erased by Durga.

> > Mantra was the best. Really enjoyed it. Was doing it at the

> Dentist too and had no pain or fear. My dentist said he want's to do

> it now. He's practiced yoga for a while & meditates and is so good to

> help his patient with the fear factor and relaxation at the dentist.

> I have gone from fear to sleep at the office because of Maa and Swami

> and Ramakrishna. The doctor just had to ask me how my last three

> visits have gone so well. Told him Maa sits in that chair in that

> corner and Swami in that corner and today Ramakrishna Danced &

> laughed at my feet. How cld I be anything but ok. Then he wanted to

> know about the Durga Mantra.

> > Going to the dentist after meeting Maa is like going to the temple

> and the temple can be in India, America or anywhere we deside to go.

> My favorite place is inside my heart. Dr. Harmon had to ask me

> several time the same question last visit and I told him I was sorry

> but he would just have to give me a min. just not fully back yet. He

> smiled and said, HEY I want to go there!

> >

> > So with dentist, vet apts for dog who's back legs went out just

> after I told Maa I cldn't come, performing family service it was queit

> a busy and wonderful Navarati.

> >

> > I think the biggest lesson learned over Navarati was not just to

> lesson to what I am directed to do but to DO what is given to do.

> From bowing at seat to not going to Navarati just because something

> wasn't right. I have learned more clearly than ever that God speaks

> to us all the time we just don't appriciate it enough or trust that

> voice enough to respond.

> > But when we do, WHEN we do, all things fall into place and become

> clear. If I had not lessoned to that nagging feeling that something

> just wasn't right I would have bought the

> > ticket and had cancel them or what ever. As it was the feeling

> became manifest and the reasons were clear and it all turned out for

> the best. I learned that first we get information, then we

> experience it, or do it, then it is learned; we know it.

> > We can read all the books we want and say we know something but

> until we experience it we have know idea. We have to start somewhere.

> >

> > The only thing I feel I missed was the night by the fire chanting

> and singing for Her to come.

> > But She was here and her footprints are forever on my heart.

> > Jai Maa

> > Devi

> > Have to run ck animals outside so forgive any errors as there is

> no time to ck.

> > lol alway to you and you're beautiful family.

> >

> >

> > Namaste Devi: How is your family? Is your grand daughter

> healing?

> > Hope that all is well. How was Navaratri?

> > Miss your posts.

> >

> > Jai Ma Jai Swami

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> > , devi <student61754@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Now you have me thinking about it.

> > > I resently found a depiction of Saraswati that looks like my


> > > So now I use it on my altar.

> > > That in itself has changed my conception and experience with

> > Saraswati.

> > > Interesting how we read the meaning of these mantras sometimes but

> > don't always dig into the meaning til someone outside us draws our

> > attention to it and opens our eyes.

> > > Guess Saraswati has desided it's time to dig a little deeper.

> > > Thank you for voicing her direction.

> > > This is going to take time and thought.

> > > Just off the top of my head now by what you discribe as the

> > meaning I see all my experiences and the see a clear membrain

> > surounding everthing and everyone that is envolved with my


> > and then I see Saraswati as that embodiment that holds it all


> > as my personal experience here.

> > > I'll save this email and see later how my experiences change this

> > thought.

> > > Thanks for posting.

> > > Devi

> > >

> > > jrholm1007 <jrholm1007@> wrote:

> > > Hello everyone, peace and joy to you. A little while ago,

> > this was

> > > posted:

> > >

> > > Sara means an ocean.

> > >

> > > Sva means one's own.

> > >

> > > Ti means the personification or embodiment.

> > >

> > > Sarasvati is the embodiment of one's own ocean of experience.

> > >

> > > I have been curious about it ever since, it is a beautiful truth

> to me

> > > and makes me feel wonder at what it might feel like to truly


> > > that statement. What does it mean, to embody one's own ocean of

> > > experience?

> > >

> > > What is your understanding/experience/wonder about this truth?

How do

> > > you apply it to your everyday life? Thank you, Jennifer

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >






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