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Walking the Path - 22 November

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Meditate on Kali! Why be anxious?

(A Song of Rampradad – many thanks to the author)

Meditate on Kali! Why be anxious

The night of delusion is over; it's almost dawn.The sun is rising, dispellingthick nets of darkness, and lotuses are blooming thanks to Sivaat the top of your head.The Vedas throw dust in your eyes; blind toothe six philosophies. If even the planetscan't fathom Herewho will break up these fun and games?There are no lessons between teacher and studentin a market of bliss.Since She owns the actors, the stage, and the play itselfwho can grasp the truth of the drama? A valiant devotee who knows the essence -- he enters that city.Ramprasad says, My delusion is broken;who can bundle up fire?


Pranam at the Respected Lotus Feet of Beloved Mother Shree Maa and Beloved Swamiji on this day of Thanksgiving and always.


Om sanatani mayavidmahe

Jñana praka´sayai dhimahe

Tanno ´sri mam pracodayat

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