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A Thanksgiving Message From the Iroquois Nation

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Jai Maa, and a very blessed Thanksgiving to one and all!


i received this beautiful email this morning and want to share it

with you. It was sent to me by my spiritual sister Flash Silvermoon

with a message from the Iroquois Nation. In IMHO it is heart

wrenchingly beautiful, and right in sinc with the Vedic teachings of

Sanatana Dharma. It's a bit long, but more than worth the read. Let

us all join together as one heart and one voice and give thanks to

our Divine Mother and Her Divine Entourage! :) Many, many heartfelt

blessings to you, dear ones!

Jai Ambe!



" HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Iroquois Nation! "



" Let us greet the world in Thanksgiving as if we were sharing one

mind, one heart, and one body. Today we have gathered and come from

many different places. We have arrived safely at this place to share

with each other our gifts from the Creator. So we bring our minds

together as one in Thanksgiving and Greetings to one another.


We now turn our thoughts to Earth Mother. She continues to care for

us and has not forgotten her instructions from the beginning of

time. Now we bring our minds together in Thanksgiving for the Earth.


Now as one mind we turn our thoughts to the Waters of the Earth for

they too have not forgotten their instructions from the Creator of

Life. The Waters continue to flow beneath the ground, in little

streams and in rivers, in lakes and in wetlands, and in the great

seas. They quench our thirst and help keep us clean so we can fulfill

our duty to Creation. We now bring our minds together in

Thanksgiving to all the Waters of the Earth.


We now address all the Beings both seen and unseen that dwell in the

Water for they too have not forgotten their original instructions

from the Creator of Life to provide for us in many ways. With one

mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to all the Nations who

dwell in the Waters.


Now we direct our thoughts to the many kinds of plants that live upon

the Earth- for they too have not forgotten their original

instructions. Many members of this Nation sustain those who walk

upon this Earth, and many others who continue to fulfill their duties

to take away the sickness of the human family and elevate human

consciousness. With one mind we send our thoughts and Thanksgiving to

the Plant Nations.


With one mind we now think of our relations in the many Insect

Nations. Like the other members of the natural world, they too have

not forgotten their original instructions to fulfill their obligation

to Continued Creation. With one mind we send our thoughts and

Thanksgiving to all the members of the Insect Nations.


We now gather our minds together and send Greetings and Thanksgiving

to all the Animal Life in the world, for they continue to instruct

and teach us even today. It is said that the Creator knew that

Humans would take too much for granted if they were given all the

wisdom, so instead the Creator gave a little piece of wisdom of how

to live on the Earth to the different animals. We are happy that many

still walk with us on our continuing journey. With one mind we send

Thanksgiving to all the Animal Life in the world.


With one mind we now think of the Trees. According to their original

instructions the Trees still give us shelter, warmth, food, and make

the environment a suitable place to dwell. The trees remind us of the

beauty and power in the natural world. With one mind we send our

Thanksgiving to all the members of the Tree Nation.


We now bring our minds together and send our Greetings of

Thanksgiving to the Birds. At the beginning of time the Birds were

given a special duty to perform. The Creator gave the Birds

instructions to each find a special place to live in the world and

they should learn the song of that place. During the day, our minds

are lifted by the songs of the Bird Nations. With one mind we send

our Thanksgiving to the Birds of the world.


We are thankful to the Four Winds who continue to blow and cleanse

the air according to their original instructions. As we listen to

the Winds it is as if we are hearing the Creator's breath, clearing

our minds as it blows through the trees. With one mind we send our

Thanksgiving to the Four Winds.


We now turn our attention to the Thunderbeings. For they too have

not forgotten their original instructions and welcome the Spring with

their loud voice. Along with the lightning, they carry the waters of

the spring on their backs. It is also said that the Thunderbeings

were given the job to hold down the beings beneath the Earth which

would prevent life from continuing. With one mind we send our

Thanksgiving and Greetings to the Thunderbeings.


Our minds are as one as we send our thoughts to our oldest brother

the Sun. Each day the Sun continues his instructions from the Creator

of Life, bringing the light of day, the energy source of all life on

Earth. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving to our oldest brother

the Sun.


We now gather our minds together and give thanks to our oldest

Grandmother the Moon. She holds hands with all the women of the

world and binds all of the female cycles and rhythms of the Waters so

we may continue to carry out our obligation to Creation. With one

mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to Grandmother Moon.


With one mind we send our thoughts to the Star Nation who continue to

light our way during times of darkness to guide us home, and hold the

secrets of many forgotten stories. Even though many of the stories

are no longer in our minds, it is said it is enough to be thankful to

the Stars and perhaps one day we would learn these stories again.

With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings to the Star



With our minds as one we think of the Four Spirit Beings who live in

the Four Directions. At the beginning of time when the Creator first

made the Human Family, it was seen that they very quickly got

themselves into trouble. The Creator knew that they needed extra

help and so created the Four Spirit Beings to remove the obstacles

from our paths and guide us with our feelings. And now we gather our

minds together as one and send our special Thanksgiving to the Four

Spirit Beings.


Now we have arrived in a very special place where dwells the Great

Spirit, the Creator of the Universe. As one mind we turn our

thoughts to the Creator, for without the Creator we would not be able

to walk on the Earth fulfilling our original instructions.


Everything we need is provided for us and all we have to remember is

to give thanks. With one mind we send our Thanksgiving and Greetings

to the Creator.


We have now become like one being. We send our Prayers and special

Thanksgiving Greetings to all the unborn children of the future

generations. We send our thoughts to the Elders and the Children for

they give us guidance and purpose to live in a good way. We are

thankful to all the Enlightened Teachers who have come to help us

throughout the ages. We send our thoughts to the many different

beings we may have missed during our Thanksgiving. With one mind we

send Thanksgiving and Greetings to all of the Nations of the World.


Now Our Minds Are One. " OM TAT SAT

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