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Ramakrishna - non attachment

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Namaste: so many times Ramakrishna discusses non-attachment, and the

importance of a devotee achieving this experience.

As I thought about the meaning of the word, and how it related to me,

I turned the pages of the Ramakrishna text we are studying in class

searching for clarification.

On page 185 I came across this quote: " There is no need to renounce

all action. In fact, your very nature will make you act. With or

without desire you will be required to act. That is why it is said to

work with all your energy, but don't long for the fruits of the work.

It is like performing religious disciplines, worship, japa, and

austerities. You don't perform these to impress other people. They

are done for the spiritual benefit alone. Work and activity in the

world can be done in exactly the same way. This is called karma yoga.

It is difficult, especially in the Kaliyuga. We may think we are

doing good works with no personal motivation, but selfishness creeps

in, from where no one knows. "


Ramakrishna then describes how to achieve this exhaulted state: " With

the utmost devotion and sincerity, sing the names of God, recite His

glories, and always pray to God: " Give me wisdom, give me devotion,

show yourself to me.! ......as for the work that You have given me,

please let me always remember that it is only through Your grace that

I have the privilege of doing work for You. Please don't give me a

lot of desires to bind myself with more karma. I am unable to renounce

all this activity. "


" When you get true devotion, all the worldly thoughts will leave of

their own accord. They won't want us anymore. "


Dear reader, as God moves my life forward, I see this same lesson

coming up, over and over. I pray to Shiva and Maa daily to make me

and instrument of Thy peace. I pray They will remove this Great Ego,

and help me to surrender to their will.


Jai Ma Jai Swami



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