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Judgement versis acceptance

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Beloved Vishweshwar,

Many people are not even aware of themselves and their attitudes the

way you are! I see it as a product of much spiritual practice and

meditation, and purification of the mind, that you can even ask this

question! I am so thankful that you did as well! I, too, often catch

myself in judging myself and others or faultfinding, much to my

dismay. I also try to substitute thoughts with mantra or to remind

myself that I really don't know anything anyway, so my judgement is

likely to be in error. This seems to come up again and again at

deeper levels. I KNOW better, but I catch myself doing it anyway! My

latest " tactic " has given me interesting results, when I find myself

judging any person or situation in a negative light, no matter

whether it is my personal life, or even world events, I repeat the

mantra of the woman Zen Master Sono, whose only teaching was to give

out the following mantra to everyone who came to her: " Thank-You for

everything. I have no complaints whatsoever. "

I never realized how much of my inner time and thought was spent

inwardly complaining about this or that or the other until I started

remembering Master Sono's Mantra!

My most immediate realization was that each judgement comes with a

complaint and each complaint comes because I am not getting my

desires met. (Even the desire for world peace!) Master Sono's Mantra

stops this thinking in it's tracks and reminds me that in Maa

Consciousness, there is no lack and no wanting, only the fullness of

perfection in the moment. Then I am able to think and act more in

accord with my yogic ideals. So, Vish, THANK-YOU FOR EVERYTHING!!! I





, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Lately I have been watching myself judge others. I cannot

> seem to accept folks as they are. Today, as I witnessed

the " judgment

> " thought arise and begin to capture my attention, I had the


> of mind to substitute a mantra is place of the thought.

> The mantra really helped to dissipate the negative energy and gently

> carried my attention away from the thought.

> Maa tells us that we are not our thoughts, and we should just tell

> them to " go away " , but I do not have that kind of strength.

> I know so well that judgment is harmful on every level of life, and


> truly wish to stop this behavior.

> How do others deal with these issues? I will ask Swami for advice


> and post his reply.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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Dear Vishweshwar, peace to everyone. Last year, a friend told me of

a new practice that she was taking up - to say 'bless you' in her

mind to the first three people she encountered everyday, no matter

what. I loved the idea so much that I started doing it too, and then

I started doing it as often as I can remember with everyone.


Soon I discovered just what you are saying - that there is a judging

voice going on all the time! I have been amazed at the judgment that

lives inside of me. So I just continue to work with it by

saying 'bless you' with sincerity to absolutely everyone I meet, no

matter what. I remember Swami advising us, sometime back, 'pray for

Maa to take the energy away from the ego and put it on the devotee

inside you'. This is my intent with this practice; Mother, please

let me be an extension of your heart to everyone, please bless others

through me effortlessly, and dissolve the ego who judges.


I have also found that contemplating my judgments is a helpful way to

examine my beliefs and values. If, for example, the judmental part

of me says 'well isn't that guy rude, he just bumped into me and

didn't apologize!' I can then examine it: 'bless you, in your lack

of awareness of the space MY body is taking up. Your lack of

awareness isn't necessarily about rudeness. Bless you and whatever

your awareness is resting upon.' Etc.



Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about how to invite

Mother's love into our regard for others. I am now going to try

mantra too. Bless you! Jennifer

, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Lately I have been watching myself judge others. I cannot

> seem to accept folks as they are. Today, as I witnessed

the " judgment

> " thought arise and begin to capture my attention, I had the


> of mind to substitute a mantra is place of the thought.

> The mantra really helped to dissipate the negative energy and gently

> carried my attention away from the thought.

> Maa tells us that we are not our thoughts, and we should just tell

> them to " go away " , but I do not have that kind of strength.

> I know so well that judgment is harmful on every level of life, and


> truly wish to stop this behavior.

> How do others deal with these issues? I will ask Swami for advice


> and post his reply.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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