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Nitin Gupta and all: Many methods to remove sins

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Namaste: Let us look to Ramakrishna, Maa's Guru, and His remarkable

life, to understand what is TRUTH: as He stated, that there are many

paths to the One God.

Ramakrishna demonstrated that TRUTH in His life by experiencing the

Supreme Reality through practice of each of the major religions. The

majesty of His thoughts can be summarized in a few short statements:

There is One God of us all, who is called by many names in many

languages. As many as there are individuals, so many are the ways of

worshipping the One God. The point of religious experience is not to

engage in intellectual debate, but to become submerged in the ecstacy

of divine love throught devotion to our path.

{This quote comes from the jacket of the book Maa and Swami wrote


through the Devi Mandir web site book store.


Each devotee has to find the way which resonates with their own soul,

and practice that system of worship with as much devotion as they

possess. Then, through God's Grace, in God's Time, one will experience

the fruits of their practice: Union with God.


Those billions of people which chant God's names receive His Grace in

the proportion to their ability to receive it. Just like putting too

much electrical current in a small light bulb, one's nervous system

use be prepared by much sadhana to receive the powerful flow of Divine

Grace which occurs with the vision of God.

In a famous ancient teaching story, 3 disciples asked their Guru when

they would get enlightened. To the first, the Guru said, 50,000

lifetimes, the 2nd he told 60,000 lifetimes, while the 3rd he told

100,000 lifetimes. The first 2 disciples were sorely disappointed

with this news, while the 3rd one say with great joy, " You mean I'm

really going to make it? "


Join us for the final discourses on the life and teachings of

Ramakrisna, that Maa and Swami are giving live, on-line, every night

from 6:15PM Pacific time. Visit www.shreemaa.org and click on the

WEBCAM and you will hear these 2 masters discuss the remarkable life

of Ramakrishna, and His discourses on the nature of Reality, and the

Truth of the One God.

Also, each of the 15+ previous discourses are archived on the web site

and can be accessed anytime and enjoyed at your leisure.


Jai Maa Jai Swami









, Nitin Gupta <ntngpt wrote:


> Jai Durge,


> Thanks for the valuable inputs and the precious text !.


> Well, I too believe and want to believe that the prescribed way /

path is one of such method. However, there are such many ways

mentioned in the scriptures which are said to be for the same purpose.

Many scriptures and methodologies / mythologies too indicate at many

places that mere utterance of the holy names such as Ganga, Ram,

Jagdamba , Shiva, etc even by chance destroys the sins ( here " by

chance " means inclusion or exclusion of component of devotion) .

Listening to Srimad Bhagvat, Ramayan etc are also such scriptures

which includes such indications (recitation even by chance). So, my

confusion is that if I believe that what is written in these

scriptures is TRUE, then why many such Billion of people in the World

who chant these names does not gain salvation or end of sufferings.

Because as per logic, there sins should be destroyed. There are

frequent organization of such ceremonies where thousands of people

participate and lakhs of people watch through televisions.

> So which part of scriptures is True ? Or if it is not true than

what is the Truth.


> Regards


> Nitin Gupta




> Pranjal Johry <pranjal_johry wrote: Nitin Gupta

> There are various methods prescribed in the scriptures to atone for

various kinds of sins commited in past & present lives (knowingly or

unknowingly). But all these methods of atonement like sitting in hot

sun surrounded by fire or standing submerged in water to the neck in

ice cold winters etc.are like bathing of an elephant. The elephant

first takes bath in the river- gets cleaned and when it comes out it

pours over himself the dust on the ground. Thus all these methods of

atonement are simply a waste of time as they do not kill the desire in

heart in heart to commit sins.

> However one who has surrendered to Hari and chants his holy names (

even unknowingly) is relieved of all kind of sins (even of killing a

cow or vaishnava). So I advice you to chant the Mahamantra HARE



> You must also abide by the rule of No Meat Eating, No Intoxication,

No Gambling and No Illicit Sex otherwise the mantra will lose its

efficacy. You should chant the mantra in humble state of mind thinking

yourself lower than a straw in street and more tolerant than a tree

otherwise pure love of Krishna will not frutify in your heart.

> I'm also sending you a small book called A SECOND CHANCE. This book

describes the power of the Holy Name. This is a true story from the

greatest scripture on earth THE SRIMAD BHAGVATAM.


> Pranjal Johry





> Nik <ntngpt


> Monday, December 17, 2007 12:01:12 PM

> [www.ShreeMaa.org] Method to remove sins


> Jai Ma Durge,


> Dear all,


> Is there a assured method /mantras through which one can remove the

> sins committed by him during his present / previous life(s).I think

> that as this is the root of all problems, it is more appropriate to

> try to remove the sins committed rather than demanding the things

> which our fate otherwise does not permit (Of course due to our own

> Karmas). The various worships of various Devas/deities are although

> targeted towards at most granting the purity of mind so that we do

> not commit mistakes from now on, however what ( sin) is already

> committed still remains in our accounts and will surely show its

> effect at its decided stage.


> Regards

> Nitin Gupta





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