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Sankalpa Story :)

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Namaste Everybody!


Happy New Year!


In India we have big public exams in Grade 12 called " Board Exams " . i

had to give my " Boards " and i was soooo scared.


I was crying when my grandmother said, " Why are you worried? i am

writing Sri Ram's mantra 100,000 times for you. Ram and Lakshman will

be there and protect you. "


Through the tears, i asked, " Will Hanuman come too? " Grandmaa said,

" Of course, where there is Ram, Hanuman is there too. "


i did not have faith in my efforts at studying or my memory but felt

so relieved the Ram and Lakshman would come to show the light and

Hanuman would give strength to write exams. And They did :)


I never knew that what my grandmother was doing was taking a Sankalpa

(vow of worship) for a specific purpose (my exams) until i learnt this

from Swamiji.


Swamiji taught us that SANKALPA means San (all) Kalpa (ideas) --

joining all your ideas in one focus. We take a sankalpa for a certain

goal and show God the earnestness of our desire by promising to do a

certain vow (e.g. 1000000... japa).


Swamiji's explanation makes it so clear - Our sankalpa helps us to

focus our lives and figure out our goals. The vow we take is a tool

for us to communicate with God and give evidence of the sincerity of

our desire.


As we enter another year, my prayers to the Divine to help us each

design our own sankalpas to come closer and closer to the place of all

joy, all peace, purity and love!


Jai Maa!!! Happy New Year! Om!

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Namaste Eric, Devi and Everybody,


To pray for exams and any education,the mantra we usually use is

Saraswati Mantra -- Om Sam Sarasvatyai Namaha.


Devi - my grandmother prays to Sri Ram as he is her beloved diety. She

says " Sri Ramajayam " which means " Victory to Sri Ram. "


Eric - good luck for your exams, i whispered your name to Mother

Saraswati in today's prayers and surely She will help you in your

tests! :)


When little children come for blessing to Shree Maa, She sweetly

smiles and places Her hands on their heads and says " Saraswati Maa

bless you. "

i pray She blesses all of us to see true light and wisdom! Om Sam

Sarasvatyai Namaha!


Jai Maa!

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