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One minute wisdom

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Dear All,I read this on the web and this reminded of something that Swamiji has hammered into my head (and I paraphrase) "When we completely surrender to God, we take full responsibility for our life and actions"Anyway this is a fun story with an interesting point. Hope you enjoy it. Acknowledgement and thanks to Anthony De Mello "One minute wisdom"Jai MaaNanda========================================To the disciples' delight the Master said he wanted a new shirt for his birthday. The finest cloth was bought. The village tailor came in to have the Master measured, and promised, by the will of God, to make the shirt within a week.A week went by and a disciple was dispatched to the tailor while the Master excitedly waited for his shirt. Said the tailor, "There has been a slight delay. But, by the will of God, it will be ready by tomorrow."Next day the tailor said, "I'm sorry it isn't done. Try again tomorrow and, if God so wills, it will certainly be ready."The following day the Master said, "Ask him how long it will take if he keeps God out of it." ======================================

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