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To Carie and all-Prayer for protection

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Namaste Dear Carie: I am certain I speak for all of our family when I

say that we all join in prayer with you, asking Divine Mother to wrap

you in Her arms and protect you from all negative forces. SDuring

these 9 days of Mother Divine, She is especially " tuned into us " , and

gives us Her Divine Blessings.

Whenever I feel stressed, I pray directly to Shree Maa. She has

always come and offered Her support and blessings, ALWAYS.


There are many mantras for protection, and for clearing once we have

become stressed.

Maa suggests the Chandi Kavach, from the Chanid text, be recited

daily, I chant the Shiva Kavach from the Advanced Shiva puja text daily.

When feeling stressed after a rough day, I chant the BHUTAPSARANA,

" dispersion of inimical energies " mantras, from the Advanced shiva

puja text.


They are on page 132 of the Advanced Shiva puja text. I know they

appear daunting, but just break them into into small parts and they

work great.


Om apasarpantu te buta ya bhuta bhuvi samshitah

ye bhuta vighnakarttaraste nasyantu sivajnaya


Om bhutapretapisacasca danava raksasasca ye

santim kurvantu te sarve imam grhvatu madbalim


Om vetalasca pisacasca raksasasca sarisupah

apasarpantu te sarve narasimhena tadhitah



God Bless you

Jai Ma Jai Swami








, " Carie M " <m.cirene wrote:


> Blessings all,

> Sorry I'm so quiet. My work has been a nightmare and I'm just plain

> exhausted. Both mentally and physically.

> i'm also an empath so I soak up energies around me like a sponge

which is

> also exhausting to me. I'm finding that the intentions and way the

high up

> management does things we are all on eggshells in fear that the

agency is

> going down. Is there a mantra for protection? It's pretty bad right now.

> Peace, Carie



> --

> " Now I banish winter.

> " Now I welcome spring:

> Say farewell to what is dead

> And greet each living thing.

> Now I banish winter. Now I welcome spring. "


> " You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can

make you

> spiritual. There is no other teacher but your soul. " ~Swami Vivekananda


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Good morning, Thank Maa for me. I will do this. Blessings and Peace, Carie

On 2/11/08, inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:

Namaste Dear Carie: I am certain I speak for all of our family when Isay that we all join in prayer with you, asking Divine Mother to wrap

you in Her arms and protect you from all negative forces. SDuringthese 9 days of Mother Divine, She is especially " tuned into us " , andgives us Her Divine Blessings.Whenever I feel stressed, I pray directly to Shree Maa. She has

always come and offered Her support and blessings, ALWAYS.There are many mantras for protection, and for clearing once we havebecome stressed.Maa suggests the Chandi Kavach, from the Chanid text, be recited

daily, I chant the Shiva Kavach from the Advanced Shiva puja text daily.When feeling stressed after a rough day, I chant the BHUTAPSARANA, " dispersion of inimical energies " mantras, from the Advanced shiva

puja text.They are on page 132 of the Advanced Shiva puja text. I know theyappear daunting, but just break them into into small parts and theywork great.Om apasarpantu te buta ya bhuta bhuvi samshitah

ye bhuta vighnakarttaraste nasyantu sivajnayaOm bhutapretapisacasca danava raksasasca yesantim kurvantu te sarve imam grhvatu madbalimOm vetalasca pisacasca raksasasca sarisupahapasarpantu te sarve narasimhena tadhitah

God Bless youJai Ma Jai Swamivishweshwar , " Carie M " <m.cirene wrote:

>> Blessings all,> Sorry I'm so quiet. My work has been a nightmare and I'm just plain> exhausted. Both mentally and physically.> i'm also an empath so I soak up energies around me like a sponge

which is> also exhausting to me. I'm finding that the intentions and way thehigh up> management does things we are all on eggshells in fear that theagency is> going down. Is there a mantra for protection? It's pretty bad right now.

> Peace, Carie>>> --> " Now I banish winter.> " Now I welcome spring:> Say farewell to what is dead> And greet each living thing.> Now I banish winter. Now I welcome spring. "

>> " You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none canmake you> spiritual. There is no other teacher but your soul. " ~Swami Vivekananda>Please visit us online at http://www.ShreeMaa.org


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