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Lunar Eclipse tomorrow- 20th February! Auspicious Time for Sadhana!

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Namaste,I wish to share the following piece on chanting Mantras during an eclipse. I would however look forward to advice from Maa and Swamiji before beginning any sadhana. Jai Shree Maa!Jai Shree Swamiji!Sivakumar Patibanda Sadhana on Lunar Eclipse Source: http://www.siddhashram.org/s20000641.shtml 1.Every Sadhak should try and make full use of this time span for it is very auspicious for Sadhanas. During a lunar eclipse a special energy fills the atmosphere which proves to be very helpful in Sadhanas. Moon is known for its coolness and beauty , hence its Sadhana can bestow upon a Sadhak beauty, material pleasures and all joys of a family life. Hence the time of a lunar eclipse is very auspicious in this respect for by accomplishing Sadhana during this period one gets linked subtly to

this heavenly body and thus by imbibing the rays of the moon one could achieve amazing level of success in life. One becomes free of all one's problems, tensions and worries by accomplishing Sadhana during a lunar eclipse. The right time is most important in life and by making proper use of these moments one can throw open the doors to success in one's life. Every person should try to make the best use of these moments by engaging himself in Mantra chanting, Sadhana and worship because there can be no better time than this for riddance from problems of life. The reason for this is that any Sadhana done in this period is a hundred times more effective than one done ordinarily. Chanting a Mantra just once during a lunar eclipse proves as powerful as chanting the same Mantra a hundred times in ordinary conditions. Great Tantriks and Yogis remain waiting for such moments for they are well aware of

their significance. On the other hand the common man being unaware of this significance wastes these moments. The common family man has more problems and worries in his life due to which he remains ever worried. If only he knew, he could make use of these moments and solve all problems of life. Simply put an eclipse is a boon for the common man. 2. A lunar eclipse intensifies psychic sensitivity, spiritual instincts and the environment becomes a little unstable. There can be some stress as blockages in many parts of our lives will begin to disintegrate and then there will be a sense of freedom. A total Lunar eclipse will occur during the night of Wednesday, February 20-21, 2008. The entire eclipse will be visible from South America, most of North America, Western Europe, Africa and western Asia including some

part of India.

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