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Notes on Swamiji's class on Chandi

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Namaste Friends,


Here are notes from Swamiji's class on Chapter 9. Hope you find them






In the meditation, She is the supremely divided one, who is both

male and female continuously without end. S(he) is Ardha-nariswara or


In verse 11, Self-deprecation strikes the Lion, Dharma on its head.

This means, every time we say, " I can't " , " I'm not good enough " ,

Dharma is injured.


1. The mind is very quick. We get a thought and then we can only

observe that we that have had a thought. How does sadhana help us be

a witness to the thoughts?


Sadhana is to call Mother to take the thought away. Focus on Mother to

take the thought away. We are the observer of the thought in

relationship to the Mother. That's the sadhana.


2. Before we are attacked by self-deprecation or during

self-deprecation, is the only thing to do to call on Divine Mother?


Yes. Take away my inefficiency. We are saying the words, at least.

Make us feel the words. Give us devotion that causes us to focus our

attention on you. So that we can perform with optimum efficiency,

without self-deprecation or self-conceit, paying attention to You.


Ask for Suddha Pavitra Chirastay Vyakulat Ananya Bhakti – pure, purer,

infinite, sincere, infinite Bhakti.


3. Could you tell us the difference between modesty and self-deprecation?


Modesty means, " I don't want to blow my trumpet. I will try to be humble. "

Self-deprecation is the thought, `I am not good enough, my behavior is

inadequate, etc. "


4. What does confidence mean?


I know my devotion is sincere. I am going to serve you with greatest

sincerity possible.


5. If we make a mistake, what should we do?


First you say, " I appreciate the correction. " Then ask, `How do I do

it correctly? " Learn from your mistake. Don't focus on

self-deprecation. Pay attention, absorb like a sponge. If you can,

write down the answer. Then read it. Then read it again, later. One

day you might share this lesson with others.


6. Why do we battle the Lord of Confusion (verse 30) and het worship

Mother in the form of confusion in Chapter 5?


In Chapter 9, we say, " I don't see You (Mother), and that's why I am

fighting the Lord of Confusion. Once self-conceit is defeated and we

get out of confusion, I see that everything is You (Mother) in the

form of confusion.


7. The asuric qualities described in the Chandi pertain to the

conscious mind. How do we defeat the asuric qualities that are

unmanifest in the unconscious mind?


We are still working with the conscious mind. Can I speak about the

unconscious? No. I am not aware of them. We can only speak of what we

are aware of.


There is samskar, an intrinsic nature which follows us from birth. We

become aware of it over the course of our lives.


8. Self-deprecation's shield is inlaid with eight moons. What is the

significance of the moons?


Moon symbolizes devotion. We have a lot of devotion to

self-deprecation. We become absorbed in self-deprecation even when

people come to cheer us up.


9. How to become more aware?


Chant the mantra. Pray to Mother to give more sincerity, capacity, and

devotion. How can I do your work in a way that pleases you?

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