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Kali Tuesday night

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Namaste all family: Tuesday night Maa and Swami led us in worship of

Kali. It was one of the most incredible nights I have ever

experienced in the ashram. After we chanted Her 1000 names, Swami

placed a large cucumber on a wooden cutting board, and he asked us to

put all of our attachments, animal impulses, our entire ego, into the

cucumber. We all sat quietly for sometime.

I sent every impulse I could imagine, every thought, feeling, fear,

desire, etc., into the cucumber-trying to empty this bodily vessel of

everything but Mother.

When it seemed that I could send nothing more, when " i " felt full of

Maa, with a mighty cut of a large knife, Swami cut the cucumber in

two. He slayed the great ego of us all.

Simply incredible. Words cannot describe the feeling and experience.

Then, cutting the cucumber into pieces, he handed one to each of us

and instructed us to throw them into the fire.

Swami announced we should perform aarti, and we lit large metal trays

full of birthday candles, and performed a blazing illuminated " out of

this world " aarti.

When I had the blazing lights in hand, I turned from the altar and

moved to perform aarti to Maa Herself, sitting in Her chair by the fire.

Ringing a bell in one hand, and holding the blazing tray of candles in

the other, Maa danced me. I mean, I was not dancing, She was in

control, and all " I " could do was surrender in love with Her. for

what seemed like hours, I danced in front of Her. She beating on the

drum, faster and faster. She beating on me, sending bliss thoughout

my being, Her being, we were One Soul. Mother and son become One.

Joyous bliss.

Thanks Maa for your blessings. Words cannot express my gratitude and

love for you.

I wish that all of you who read these posts, as part of our extended

family, can come to the Mandir and join us in worship. Everything

you read here is just a shadow, a reflection, of the bliss which Maa

and Swami send our way.

Life is so short, time is so precious. I pray that She will fill you

all with Divine Love, and that you will join us in the most sacred and

divine dance-dancing with Her.


Jai Ma Jai Swami

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