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Chandi Class Notes : Chapter 11

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Class notes for Chapter 11 follow.






In this Chapter, we bow down again and again to Narayani. Nara means

man, humanity; ayana means eyes. She is the eyes of Humanity. She

energizes Narayana, She is the exposer of consciousness.


We bow down to Divinity with all the energy of consciousness.


Verse 29 in this chapter is a very important mantra that you can make

japa whenever some one is ill.


In Verse 39, we pray her to terminate distubances in the three worlds:

gross, subtle, and causal.


In verse 42, Vindhyachala is the Mountain of Kknowledge, the mountain

of one pointed existence from Bindu.


Whenever oppression arise from confused thoughts the Goddess shall

manifest to destroy the foes.


<b>Q & A</b>


1. Why does the poet switch the metre of the verse from 32 syllables

to 44 in this chapter?


Anushtub (32 syllbles) is the chanda (metre) of narration, it is used

for narratives. Trishtubh (44 syllables) is the metre of praise, it is

used to express the song of devotion.


2. What is the relation between the heart and intelligence?


When we know in our heart, it is sincere and our response is svabhavic

as opposed to knowing in our mind.

Maa says, when we have intelligence in our heart, it is medha.


3. In verse 6, if it is true that " all women in the world reflect your

capacity entirely " , then why don't we see this perfection in all women?


Shiva and Shakti revolve around each other reciprocally. You will

inspire your Shiva to act like Shiva and he will regard his wife as

the Divine Mother. Her inspiration makes him divine and his

understanding makes her divine.


4. What does it mean to become a refuge to others?


We do so in different ways. By being a good friend, by providing

inspiration and knowledge, by doing sadhana. Receive the knowledge of

the Chandi and pass it on either through your words or deeds.


5. In verse 29, is there a way to sense whether Mother is frustrating

our desires because She is displeased, or if the difficulty is our

tapasya and we have to push through it?


Obviously we have to push through. Her displeasure indicates wither

inappropriate desire or that the right effort to fulfill the desire

was not taken (effort is not pure).


6. Does a devotee remain quiet when he/she has sickness or is it good

for he/she to be humble and ask Divine Mother for help with the

infirmity after doing japa and chanting?


Never inappropriate to ask Mother for what you need. Please remove my

infirmity so that I have no obstruction to my sadhana.


7. Here the 3 eyes of the Goddess are described as being in union -

sun /moon and fire - I assume that sun moon would be shiva/shakti in

union - is the fire symbolic of divine passion or purification?


The Sun is the light of wisdom, the moon the light of devotion, and

fire the light of meditation.


8. Historically, which came first: the Devi Gita or the Devi Mahatmyam?


Devi Mahatmyam is from the Markandeya Purana. The Devi Gita came from

the Devi Bhagavatam, 900-1000 years later.


9. In Verse 20-21 chapter 7 - It says that Durga actually slayed the

asuras Chanda and Munda. And Kali did not actually slay them but only

brought Durga the heads of these asuras. Is this true?


Yes it is true. But Kali and Durga are the same. There is only one

Goddess. One God.


10. Is the recitation of kshama prarthana reflect the style of



No, it reflects humility. Self-deprecation: I beat myself and put

myself down. Humility I plead to Mother to make me better. I push

myself down so that She can raise me up.


11. What is the significance of the Bee (Brahmari) in verse 53?


The bee knows exactly where to find the nectar. It goes to the flower

takes the nectar and nourishes other flowers and us.


Maa says be a bee, don't be a fly. Flies move from one dirty place to

another and are attracted to filth. Bees just go for the nectar and

brings the nectar home and prepares the nourishment of honey.


12. Everyone is praising Mother with every action they perform. Can

you explain this?


All energy is Her. So every action we perform is the manifestation of

her energy. Some of us our praising her gloriously and some less.

Thief wants to be perfect thief, sadhu the perfect sadhu. Every action

is taking us to perfection, our definition of Dharma. One day we will

realize what that ultimate perfection will look like and we will

switch our energies to attain that perfection.


13. In verses 50-53 she assumes a terrible form, Bhimadevi, on the

mountain Himalaya? What does Bhima mean?


Bhima means terrible. Not in the sense of awful. Terrible in the sense

of astonishing, mesmerizing, grand, gigantic, so hard to describe. Maa

says She is the authority over all energies.


14. When is the 28th epoch of Vaivasvata Manu. Is it an actual time?

Is it saying here that the same Shumbha and Nishumba will be reborn.

So self deprecation and self conceit will keep coming back. If this

has already happened is there a text about these stories?


It is more a manifestation of mind. As mind evolves we go through the

predominant characteristic of the mind. Right now we are in the reign

of the eighth Manu. Best to call them as paradigms of reality.


15. Why slay the agitated awareness?


People who resist the predominant attitude of the mind will have

confusion of agitated awareness. In this manvantara, Our ultimate

dharma is to become Savarni. When they resist, Mother will remove the

confusions born of agitated awareness. Because manifestations of

nature are transient we have to unite with soul.


16. In verse 47, why does She have hundred eyes?


She sees in all directions, at all times.


17. In verse 46, what is the meaning of " rain shall cease for hundred

years? "


This is not a literal interpretation. When there is no further

nourishment of devotion, She can't take birth in the wombs of women.

She can take birth only in the heart of devotees. If earth is devoid

of devotion, even still, I will take birth in the hearts of devotees.


18. Does the birth in the house of Nandagopa refer to the birth of



No. It refers to the birth of Mahamaya. She tells Kamsa that you stop

your oppression or you will meet your demise.


19. Will meaning of Goddesses become clear as we chant more?


Absolutely. More we refine our desire to sit still, pronounce

correctly, invite Goddess into our lives. More sincere our worship the

less likely asuras can come through the city of nine gates.


20. Is it impossible to be in equilibrium when doing Karma?


No. But very difficult. Our mind strays from our objective of being

with Goddess to the oopbjective of doing karma.

Thinking of how to perform, for whom, what are the results, am I doing

the best, what will happen if I don't perform, etc.


21. How do we nourish our family with vegetables from our body?


Its all about love. Love my family, love life. Reinforce these

attitudes and you will nourish everyone around you.

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