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Shree Maa's Question for all Family

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Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

temples in a place like Banaras?



Jai Maa Jai Swami



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Since these places have been worshiped in for quite sometime they are full of Her energy. Good strong positive energy in places where she contiues to reside. These places make it eaiser to connect with Her.If they are hidden Temples which have not been used for sometime and are not used often now because of there location or amount of damage then maybe they are helping us to connect with the old ways that are more pure and back to basics. In useing them they are re-inlived w/ the puja and that engry fills them once again. Then that is one more place filled with her loving energy thus expanding the relm of heaven on this earthly plan. Hopefully others will continue to go there and it will become used again.Just a guess. Look forward to hearing what others think.Jai Maa,

Devi--- On Wed, 6/18/08, inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108 wrote:inspectionconnection108 <inspectionconnection108[www.ShreeMaa.org] Shree Maa's Question for all Family Date: Wednesday, June 18, 2008, 10:39 PM


Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

temples in a place like Banaras?


Jai Maa Jai Swami



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For one thing, the vibrations of the ancient rishis doing sadhana there

are still present, as well as the ancient rishis themselves, who would

probably join in, at the astral level.



, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



> What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

> temples in a place like Banaras?



> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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Dear Mother, and All,



When pilgrims travel far to do ceremonies in ancient temples to

ancient Gods, those Gods may follow them home, thus creating a living

link with new people, new places, and new times.


Like digging a channel from a river of Light to nourish new crops.


Thus unifying space and time, the ancient becomes modern; the old

Satya-yuga becomes the New Satya-yuga.



With Loving pranams,








, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



> What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

> temples in a place like Banaras?



> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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Beloved Mother and family,

Ramakrishna once said:

When you sing the names of God even once with devotion and bhava, if

your shed tears, then know for certain that all the rituals of worship are

completely fulfilled. Then actions are renounced on their own accord. Karma

leaves us, and only the name of God remains.


The ancient temples vibrate with the pure devotion,

bhava and tears of the rishis. These vibrations are divine weapons which cut

down the attachments, removes the deadly sins and stills the monkey mind. For a group of souls to be granted the privilege

of visiting one of these seats of energies in the company of such Pure Beings as

Beloved Shree Maa and Swamiji to perform sadhana, countless layers and

lifetimes of karma would be lifted. This

can also have the effect of divine remembrance gifting us to be used as vessels

to make our surroundings, the world a better place.

I pray for Mother's grace in join the family on this

visit. May Her Will be done.

Beloved Mother, thanks so much for Your time and

for the question.



, "inspectionconnection108" <inspectionconnection108 wrote:>> Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:> > SHREE MAA ASKED:> What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient> temples in a place like Banaras?> > > Jai Maa Jai Swami> > vishweshwar>

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Thank you for this question! I have so little experience to speak from

in answering it. I have never been to an ancient temple, nor to

India. Nevertheless the response that arises is, to feel the Presence

of Divine Mother as She expresses Herself thru Her sacred ancient

sites, to learn from our Beloved Gurus, and to offer love and devotion

to Divine Mother in a place made so strong thru centuries of repeated

worship. In other words, the advantage would be a deep connection with

Divine Mother thru the grace of our Wise Ones and their devotees, who

have kept the tradition of worship alive.


With gratitude, Jennifer


, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



> What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

> temples in a place like Banaras?



> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste: Shree Maa has asked us to respond to Her question:



> What would be the advantages of performing a group sadhana in ancient

> temples in a place like Banaras?



> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar




Divine Mother and family,


We haven't personally visited Banaras nor have much experience, but

what comes to mind is the aspect about the synergy that would emerge

from the collective sadhana performed by the group...sort of a

multiplier or ripple effect perhaps?


Pranam. Jai Maa!


shalini and vishrut

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