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Shree Maa's Question

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Namaste all family: These sacred locations in Mother India are

ancient sacred seats of positive, uplifting, and purifying power.

Worship has been performed at these holy spots for thousands of years.

These areas are so powerful that they draw devotees, Saints, and

sadus, like bees to honey. Like Lourdes in France, or other Holy

pilgrimage spots, these places are venerated by the Wise Ones, and

protected in order that they continue to emaninate Purity.

Until now, only a select few have been able to enter the Holy of

Holies of the Temple. Now, through God's Grace, the Doors of the

Inner Sanctum have been opened for Maa and Swami's Devotees.

So Maa and Swami wish to lead us to these power spots, these sacred

spaces, and join them in practicing techniques of worship which have

brought the Rishis of old into contact with the Divine, and removed

the bonds of maya, and given them the Vision of God.

Thus, joining these Realized Masters, Maa and Swami, in worship,

enlivens and amplifies that Divine Energy and creates a wave of purity

which travels through the worshiper and the environment, purifying,

harmonizing, and balancing all creation.


Maa and Swami have said that this is the chance of a life time and all

should endeavor to join them.


Jai Ma Jai Swami



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Jai Maa and Jai Swamiji: Great suggestions and ideas about the older but not so popular temples and other sites of importance. Whenever a temple is neglected due to poor upkeep and clean areas, usually these reflect the nature and know-how of the people around. Often, someone who is keeping the areas well cleaned and maintained was doing so, because of family commitments or prayers being answered, or wish fulfilled. Many of the temples have been receiving some form of income or trust proceeds from bequeathed amounts. Due to poor conditions of economy, many have fallen into dereliction. But when sages like Shree Maa and Swamiji come across such spots, their very presence will enlighten and enliven those temples or poojasthans. Since many do not volunteer for cleanups and touch up work, the neighbors have to be goaded and encouraged. Couple of consistent satsanghas and arti to the deities will bring back hordes of welcome

devotees. This has been known to occur in so many instances of Shree Maa's celebrated life. May be those who join in this November trip, might also consider doing some such seva, where and when possible. Rededicating any temple is not an easy chore, and involves lot of strain and resources. Only the ultimate DEVI MAA could guide us for such an arduous but happy assignment. Regarding the other requests, please contact any of the LA based travel agents included in the India Today newspapers or India Current maagazine. Other resources will be to travel via NYC or NJ, since there so many flights and fares are very competitive. For instance, the fares to Delihi from NYC could be as low as $ 580 plus taxes = $ 1100. You might also refer to the following weblinks, and obatin comparative prices: Rewards Travel at 213.489.4182 in LA or try agencies in ARTESIA LA or www.alliancetravels.com or www.wwt-usa.com (1.800.343.0048) www.travelcoool.com or www.fareshoppe.com You might like to get a copy of the latest Lonely Planet Travel book on India, which is about 1000 pages of great tips and ideas. the chapters on Varanasi, Delhi, Patna .Allahabad, Hardwar, Rishikesh are all so very informative.It might be cheaper to buy these for travel within India, tickets outside India, as sometimes rates change very suddenly. By adding on to your main ticket from USA, you might be able to secure better prices also. Good Luck and happy journeys to you and others, who are so blessed to join this unique Pilgrimage of Service!! With namastes, babu krishnan.

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