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Dear one and all,


This is something i would like to do on knowingly.


Its more of a declaration of my thoughts than anything else.


I have just finished reading " Conversation With GOD " as well as 'Home

With GOD'. 4 amazing books. Its gives another point of view of 'all

there is'. We are trap in a world of rules, regulations and laws that

are 'created' by parents, society and the world. We trap ourselves

thinking there is no way out of these ways of life that has been

thought to us.


This is not true. NOT TRUE AT ALL. FEAR. Can you believe it is use as

a control tool. Its used everywhere. Even in spirituality. I don't

understand. Why FEAR???


BP Shamla


I am ME


I - Inevitably

M - Magnificiently

E - Evolved

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Dear BP,


Death is a return to Unity; therefore it is a blissful experience, no

matter how it may appear to others watching from the outside. And

birth is separation, and always traumatic; every baby cries as soon as

it gets the air to do so.


And macro and micro are built, hologramically, on the same plan.


Most of the great, wise teachers don't speak about Fear (they have few

enough genuine disciples already) still, an understanding of Fear can

be found if you look, or practice, hard enough. The following is one

point of view:


When our Brahma woke up from " Yesterday " (from the last great Day of

Brahma) and Yawned and Stretched, the original Monad split into two--

as Purusha and Prakriti, as subject and object, as Consciousness and

the Dance of Diversity.


In that first timeless instant, all the infinite samskaras from

" Yesterday " became active, along with " Today's " first experience:

Birth. And, to go from blissful Unity to the Unknown, aloneness,

uncertainty, and separation would, of course, be traumatic and fearful.


I can imagine that if I were standing on a small ledge outside the

50th floor of a building and I lost my grip, I myself would feel a

moment of panic over the separation from my secure handhold on the

building. And, if I were infinite, I suppose my panic would be

infinite as well.


Therefore,in that narrow space separating the two halves of the

original Monad, it is said there lurks a residual great Fear...Mahad-



In fact, that Fear would indeed have to be profoundly daunting in

order to maintain the ongoing separation between the two halves of the

Monad, which soon found that they were drawn back to each other again

with all the attraction of infinite Love and Unity.


The Avadhuta Gita begins with the sloka, " Thru the grace of God alone,

the desire for non-duality (original Oneness or non-separation) arises

in wise souls to save them from Mahadbhaya-great Fear " .


And, referring to this Fear, the upanisad says: " Thru fear of Him the

Sun shines, the fire burns, the wind blows, etc. " --and all creation

goes about their business.


Therefore, it is this Fear, the birth-pangs of Brahma, the emotional

fact of original separation, and not desire, that is said to drive all

of duality, i.e. " the World " ---that very world which sadhus strive so

valiantly against.




I've alluded to this point because it has current practical importance

in two ways:


If you talk to the yogis, the sannyasins, the yatis (not Bigfoot, but

the ascetics) and others who have struggled with desires of the heart,

mind and body, and who have striven to quite the thoughts for 20, 40,

even 60 years, they will often say that it just goes on and on, that

no matter how powerful one becomes by means of sadhana, the desires

and thoughts only become equally powerful and numerous thereby.


However, if we understand that the desires and thoughts are symptoms,

not causes, if we can stop wrestling with these tar-babies long enough

to notice that thoughts and desires are being created by one part of

mind in order to direct attention " outward " , even as the other part of

mind is attempting to " go inward " , we may really be able to find peace.


The motive of all thought and desire is (at root) to distract one's

attention from the original primal panic of separation, which has its

residual reflection deep within each microcosm--just as the God-image,

the original Oneness, is also reflected there in everyone's



This is why the upanisad says that all relativity is driven by fear,

not by desire: " From fear of him the Sun shines... "


One might ask here that if this Mahadbhaya, this great asura of primal

separation and fear, stands between oneself and the goal of spiritual

unity, then how can one possibly every achieve the realization we all

long for, some consciously, some less consciously?


When this question arises, it may be helpful to remember that the

original " Split " between Purusha and Prakriti left us on the side of

Prakriti, i.e. within the realm of relativity.


Thus, we live on, or belong to, the Mother's side of the Family. She

is on our side of the divide, She is here with us. And She is

All-powerful, All-loving, All-helpful---and She is our own Mother.




The other important thing about fear is that a while back some rather

unpleasant folks, who don't really have the best interests of all in

mind, discovered how easy it is to keep a group of people docile and

in a state of submission merely by flooding their envionment with a

continuous and all-pervasive suggestion of fear. It was found to be

much easier and less costly than marching big armies around the world.


This experiment is in process in our own environment now, and it is

related to the other fear in the sense that all the great cosmic

archetypes get to have their own microcosmic reflection, and get their

equal time in the sun.


If I were to give my personal opinion on this matter, I would say that

the experiment is going to fail. Because I believe that it is not the

Will of the Mother that it continue for long.


In the meantime, I believe the best course is to assiduously avoid and

reject any and all suggestions of fear, no matter how subtle or from

whatever quarter.


And, in the meantime, read the Chandi as much as possible.


This is one person's open and sincere response to your equally sincere

question. And I sincerely hope no-one is in any way offended by it.



With respect,






, " bp_shamla " <bp_shamla wrote:


> Dear one and all,


> This is something i would like to do on knowingly.


> Its more of a declaration of my thoughts than anything else.


> I have just finished reading " Conversation With GOD " as well as 'Home

> With GOD'. 4 amazing books. Its gives another point of view of 'all

> there is'. We are trap in a world of rules, regulations and laws that

> are 'created' by parents, society and the world. We trap ourselves

> thinking there is no way out of these ways of life that has been

> thought to us.


> This is not true. NOT TRUE AT ALL. FEAR. Can you believe it is use as

> a control tool. Its used everywhere. Even in spirituality. I don't

> understand. Why FEAR???


> BP Shamla


> I am ME


> I - Inevitably

> M - Magnificiently

> E - Evolved


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, " ty_maa " <dsjames wrote:

>Dear Lovely One,


FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.


We have come up with explanations about FEAR. How do u know death is a

return to unity. Has anyone come back from death and told u that??


How do u know a baby is crying because he / she is separated unity??


Is it probably that these great wise teachers know there is no such

thing as FEAR. It does not exist. Its only another word for false

thought to create insecurity, your what ifs.


By the way, research says babies don't have FEAR until after the age

of three.


We seem to be giving excuses for this " Mahadbhaya fellow " . Ok, what r

we going to do about this Mahadbhaya fellow which i think has been

created in our mind??


BP Shamla


> Dear BP,


> Death is a return to Unity; therefore it is a blissful experience, no

> matter how it may appear to others watching from the outside. And

> birth is separation, and always traumatic; every baby cries as soon as

> it gets the air to do so.


> And macro and micro are built, hologramically, on the same plan.


> Most of the great, wise teachers don't speak about Fear (they have few

> enough genuine disciples already) still, an understanding of Fear can

> be found if you look, or practice, hard enough. The following is one

> point of view:


> When our Brahma woke up from " Yesterday " (from the last great Day of

> Brahma) and Yawned and Stretched, the original Monad split into two--

> as Purusha and Prakriti, as subject and object, as Consciousness and

> the Dance of Diversity.


> In that first timeless instant, all the infinite samskaras from

> " Yesterday " became active, along with " Today's " first experience:

> Birth. And, to go from blissful Unity to the Unknown, aloneness,

> uncertainty, and separation would, of course, be traumatic and



> I can imagine that if I were standing on a small ledge outside the

> 50th floor of a building and I lost my grip, I myself would feel a

> moment of panic over the separation from my secure handhold on the

> building. And, if I were infinite, I suppose my panic would be

> infinite as well.


> Therefore,in that narrow space separating the two halves of the

> original Monad, it is said there lurks a residual great Fear...Mahad-

> bhaya.


> In fact, that Fear would indeed have to be profoundly daunting in

> order to maintain the ongoing separation between the two halves of the

> Monad, which soon found that they were drawn back to each other again

> with all the attraction of infinite Love and Unity.


> The Avadhuta Gita begins with the sloka, " Thru the grace of God alone,

> the desire for non-duality (original Oneness or non-separation) arises

> in wise souls to save them from Mahadbhaya-great Fear " .


> And, referring to this Fear, the upanisad says: " Thru fear of Him the

> Sun shines, the fire burns, the wind blows, etc. " --and all creation

> goes about their business.


> Therefore, it is this Fear, the birth-pangs of Brahma, the emotional

> fact of original separation, and not desire, that is said to drive all

> of duality, i.e. " the World " ---that very world which sadhus strive so

> valiantly against.


> ========================


> I've alluded to this point because it has current practical importance

> in two ways:


> If you talk to the yogis, the sannyasins, the yatis (not Bigfoot, but

> the ascetics) and others who have struggled with desires of the heart,

> mind and body, and who have striven to quite the thoughts for 20, 40,

> even 60 years, they will often say that it just goes on and on, that

> no matter how powerful one becomes by means of sadhana, the desires

> and thoughts only become equally powerful and numerous thereby.


> However, if we understand that the desires and thoughts are symptoms,

> not causes, if we can stop wrestling with these tar-babies long enough

> to notice that thoughts and desires are being created by one part of

> mind in order to direct attention " outward " , even as the other part of

> mind is attempting to " go inward " , we may really be able to find peace.


> The motive of all thought and desire is (at root) to distract one's

> attention from the original primal panic of separation, which has its

> residual reflection deep within each microcosm--just as the God-image,

> the original Oneness, is also reflected there in everyone's

> consciousness.


> This is why the upanisad says that all relativity is driven by fear,

> not by desire: " From fear of him the Sun shines... "


> One might ask here that if this Mahadbhaya, this great asura of primal

> separation and fear, stands between oneself and the goal of spiritual

> unity, then how can one possibly every achieve the realization we all

> long for, some consciously, some less consciously?


> When this question arises, it may be helpful to remember that the

> original " Split " between Purusha and Prakriti left us on the side of

> Prakriti, i.e. within the realm of relativity.


> Thus, we live on, or belong to, the Mother's side of the Family. She

> is on our side of the divide, She is here with us. And She is

> All-powerful, All-loving, All-helpful---and She is our own Mother.


> ====


> The other important thing about fear is that a while back some rather

> unpleasant folks, who don't really have the best interests of all in

> mind, discovered how easy it is to keep a group of people docile and

> in a state of submission merely by flooding their envionment with a

> continuous and all-pervasive suggestion of fear. It was found to be

> much easier and less costly than marching big armies around the world.


> This experiment is in process in our own environment now, and it is

> related to the other fear in the sense that all the great cosmic

> archetypes get to have their own microcosmic reflection, and get their

> equal time in the sun.


> If I were to give my personal opinion on this matter, I would say that

> the experiment is going to fail. Because I believe that it is not the

> Will of the Mother that it continue for long.


> In the meantime, I believe the best course is to assiduously avoid and

> reject any and all suggestions of fear, no matter how subtle or from

> whatever quarter.


> And, in the meantime, read the Chandi as much as possible.


> This is one person's open and sincere response to your equally sincere

> question. And I sincerely hope no-one is in any way offended by it.



> With respect,


> Tanmaya




> , " bp_shamla " <bp_shamla@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear one and all,

> >

> > This is something i would like to do on knowingly.

> >

> > Its more of a declaration of my thoughts than anything else.

> >

> > I have just finished reading " Conversation With GOD " as well as 'Home

> > With GOD'. 4 amazing books. Its gives another point of view of 'all

> > there is'. We are trap in a world of rules, regulations and laws that

> > are 'created' by parents, society and the world. We trap ourselves

> > thinking there is no way out of these ways of life that has been

> > thought to us.

> >

> > This is not true. NOT TRUE AT ALL. FEAR. Can you believe it is use as

> > a control tool. Its used everywhere. Even in spirituality. I don't

> > understand. Why FEAR???

> >

> > BP Shamla

> >

> > I am ME

> >

> > I - Inevitably

> > M - Magnificiently

> > E - Evolved

> >


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Sorry, BP,


I overlooked this post till just now; and I also don't drop in on

very often.


What I wrote about fear was simply data, not dogma. Always think,

observe, investigate, and decide for yourself.


There is data, knowledge, and wisdom. Data turns into knowledge when

we become convinced, by indirect means, that it is true, and into

wisdom when we have direct experience of it.


I will say this: I wish I had had that data when I was 14---could of

saved me some time with that as a starting point.


Your friend,





, " bp_shamla " <bp_shamla wrote:


> , " ty_maa " <dsjames@> wrote:

> >Dear Lovely One,


> FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.


> We have come up with explanations about FEAR. How do u know death is a

> return to unity. Has anyone come back from death and told u that??


> How do u know a baby is crying because he / she is separated unity??


> Is it probably that these great wise teachers know there is no such

> thing as FEAR. It does not exist. Its only another word for false

> thought to create insecurity, your what ifs.


> By the way, research says babies don't have FEAR until after the age

> of three.


> We seem to be giving excuses for this " Mahadbhaya fellow " . Ok, what r

> we going to do about this Mahadbhaya fellow which i think has been

> created in our mind??


> BP Shamla

> >

> > Dear BP,

> >

> > Death is a return to Unity; therefore it is a blissful experience, no

> > matter how it may appear to others watching from the outside. And

> > birth is separation, and always traumatic; every baby cries as soon as

> > it gets the air to do so.

> >

> > And macro and micro are built, hologramically, on the same plan.

> >

> > Most of the great, wise teachers don't speak about Fear (they have few

> > enough genuine disciples already) still, an understanding of Fear can

> > be found if you look, or practice, hard enough. The following is one

> > point of view:

> >

> > When our Brahma woke up from " Yesterday " (from the last great Day of

> > Brahma) and Yawned and Stretched, the original Monad split into two--

> > as Purusha and Prakriti, as subject and object, as Consciousness and

> > the Dance of Diversity.

> >

> > In that first timeless instant, all the infinite samskaras from

> > " Yesterday " became active, along with " Today's " first experience:

> > Birth. And, to go from blissful Unity to the Unknown, aloneness,

> > uncertainty, and separation would, of course, be traumatic and

> fearful.

> >

> > I can imagine that if I were standing on a small ledge outside the

> > 50th floor of a building and I lost my grip, I myself would feel a

> > moment of panic over the separation from my secure handhold on the

> > building. And, if I were infinite, I suppose my panic would be

> > infinite as well.

> >

> > Therefore,in that narrow space separating the two halves of the

> > original Monad, it is said there lurks a residual great Fear...Mahad-

> > bhaya.

> >

> > In fact, that Fear would indeed have to be profoundly daunting in

> > order to maintain the ongoing separation between the two halves of the

> > Monad, which soon found that they were drawn back to each other again

> > with all the attraction of infinite Love and Unity.

> >

> > The Avadhuta Gita begins with the sloka, " Thru the grace of God alone,

> > the desire for non-duality (original Oneness or non-separation) arises

> > in wise souls to save them from Mahadbhaya-great Fear " .

> >

> > And, referring to this Fear, the upanisad says: " Thru fear of Him the

> > Sun shines, the fire burns, the wind blows, etc. " --and all creation

> > goes about their business.

> >

> > Therefore, it is this Fear, the birth-pangs of Brahma, the emotional

> > fact of original separation, and not desire, that is said to drive all

> > of duality, i.e. " the World " ---that very world which sadhus strive so

> > valiantly against.

> >

> > ========================

> >

> > I've alluded to this point because it has current practical importance

> > in two ways:

> >

> > If you talk to the yogis, the sannyasins, the yatis (not Bigfoot, but

> > the ascetics) and others who have struggled with desires of the heart,

> > mind and body, and who have striven to quite the thoughts for 20, 40,

> > even 60 years, they will often say that it just goes on and on, that

> > no matter how powerful one becomes by means of sadhana, the desires

> > and thoughts only become equally powerful and numerous thereby.

> >

> > However, if we understand that the desires and thoughts are symptoms,

> > not causes, if we can stop wrestling with these tar-babies long enough

> > to notice that thoughts and desires are being created by one part of

> > mind in order to direct attention " outward " , even as the other part of

> > mind is attempting to " go inward " , we may really be able to find


> >

> > The motive of all thought and desire is (at root) to distract one's

> > attention from the original primal panic of separation, which has its

> > residual reflection deep within each microcosm--just as the God-image,

> > the original Oneness, is also reflected there in everyone's

> > consciousness.

> >

> > This is why the upanisad says that all relativity is driven by fear,

> > not by desire: " From fear of him the Sun shines... "

> >

> > One might ask here that if this Mahadbhaya, this great asura of primal

> > separation and fear, stands between oneself and the goal of spiritual

> > unity, then how can one possibly every achieve the realization we all

> > long for, some consciously, some less consciously?

> >

> > When this question arises, it may be helpful to remember that the

> > original " Split " between Purusha and Prakriti left us on the side of

> > Prakriti, i.e. within the realm of relativity.

> >

> > Thus, we live on, or belong to, the Mother's side of the Family. She

> > is on our side of the divide, She is here with us. And She is

> > All-powerful, All-loving, All-helpful---and She is our own Mother.

> >

> > ====

> >

> > The other important thing about fear is that a while back some rather

> > unpleasant folks, who don't really have the best interests of all in

> > mind, discovered how easy it is to keep a group of people docile and

> > in a state of submission merely by flooding their envionment with a

> > continuous and all-pervasive suggestion of fear. It was found to be

> > much easier and less costly than marching big armies around the world.

> >

> > This experiment is in process in our own environment now, and it is

> > related to the other fear in the sense that all the great cosmic

> > archetypes get to have their own microcosmic reflection, and get their

> > equal time in the sun.

> >

> > If I were to give my personal opinion on this matter, I would say that

> > the experiment is going to fail. Because I believe that it is not the

> > Will of the Mother that it continue for long.

> >

> > In the meantime, I believe the best course is to assiduously avoid and

> > reject any and all suggestions of fear, no matter how subtle or from

> > whatever quarter.

> >

> > And, in the meantime, read the Chandi as much as possible.

> >

> > This is one person's open and sincere response to your equally sincere

> > question. And I sincerely hope no-one is in any way offended by it.

> >

> >

> > With respect,

> >

> > Tanmaya

> >

> >

> >

> > , " bp_shamla " <bp_shamla@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear one and all,

> > >

> > > This is something i would like to do on knowingly.

> > >

> > > Its more of a declaration of my thoughts than anything else.

> > >

> > > I have just finished reading " Conversation With GOD " as well as


> > > With GOD'. 4 amazing books. Its gives another point of view of 'all

> > > there is'. We are trap in a world of rules, regulations and laws


> > > are 'created' by parents, society and the world. We trap ourselves

> > > thinking there is no way out of these ways of life that has been

> > > thought to us.

> > >

> > > This is not true. NOT TRUE AT ALL. FEAR. Can you believe it is

use as

> > > a control tool. Its used everywhere. Even in spirituality. I don't

> > > understand. Why FEAR???

> > >

> > > BP Shamla

> > >

> > > I am ME

> > >

> > > I - Inevitably

> > > M - Magnificiently

> > > E - Evolved

> > >

> >


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Why be so afraid of fear? We could just as simply say that any of the

other conflicting emotions don't exist. However, declaring war on the

contents of one's mind is never very successful. I think that one has

to make a careful distinction between 'worry', which I agree with you

is a senseless waste of our energy by tying up our emotions by

repeated negative thought patterns-- and fear as a visceral, direct

emotive response. There is a profound reason that tantrikas perform

sadhana in terrifying cremation grounds in the middle of night. Fear

can be an entry point to samadhi and realization.


In my experience, it is enough when the storm clouds of anger, fear,

paranoia, etc. to sit back as if watching a tremendous thunderstorm

rolling in and just delight in the spectacle. Nothing to reject or

accept. No need to declare true or false. Enough just to watch in

wonderment and fold one's hands in devotion.


With love,




On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 1:15 AM, bp_shamla <bp_shamla wrote:

> , " ty_maa " <dsjames wrote:

>>Dear Lovely One,


> FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real.


> We have come up with explanations about FEAR. How do u know death is a

> return to unity. Has anyone come back from death and told u that??


> How do u know a baby is crying because he / she is separated unity??


> Is it probably that these great wise teachers know there is no such

> thing as FEAR. It does not exist. Its only another word for false

> thought to create insecurity, your what ifs.


> By the way, research says babies don't have FEAR until after the age

> of three.


> We seem to be giving excuses for this " Mahadbhaya fellow " . Ok, what r

> we going to do about this Mahadbhaya fellow which i think has been

> created in our mind??


> BP Shamla



>> Dear BP,


>> Death is a return to Unity; therefore it is a blissful experience, no

>> matter how it may appear to others watching from the outside. And

>> birth is separation, and always traumatic; every baby cries as soon as

>> it gets the air to do so.


>> And macro and micro are built, hologramically, on the same plan.


>> Most of the great, wise teachers don't speak about Fear (they have few

>> enough genuine disciples already) still, an understanding of Fear can

>> be found if you look, or practice, hard enough. The following is one

>> point of view:


>> When our Brahma woke up from " Yesterday " (from the last great Day of

>> Brahma) and Yawned and Stretched, the original Monad split into two--

>> as Purusha and Prakriti, as subject and object, as Consciousness and

>> the Dance of Diversity.


>> In that first timeless instant, all the infinite samskaras from

>> " Yesterday " became active, along with " Today's " first experience:

>> Birth. And, to go from blissful Unity to the Unknown, aloneness,

>> uncertainty, and separation would, of course, be traumatic and

> fearful.


>> I can imagine that if I were standing on a small ledge outside the

>> 50th floor of a building and I lost my grip, I myself would feel a

>> moment of panic over the separation from my secure handhold on the

>> building. And, if I were infinite, I suppose my panic would be

>> infinite as well.


>> Therefore,in that narrow space separating the two halves of the

>> original Monad, it is said there lurks a residual great Fear...Mahad-

>> bhaya.


>> In fact, that Fear would indeed have to be profoundly daunting in

>> order to maintain the ongoing separation between the two halves of the

>> Monad, which soon found that they were drawn back to each other again

>> with all the attraction of infinite Love and Unity.


>> The Avadhuta Gita begins with the sloka, " Thru the grace of God alone,

>> the desire for non-duality (original Oneness or non-separation) arises

>> in wise souls to save them from Mahadbhaya-great Fear " .


>> And, referring to this Fear, the upanisad says: " Thru fear of Him the

>> Sun shines, the fire burns, the wind blows, etc. " --and all creation

>> goes about their business.


>> Therefore, it is this Fear, the birth-pangs of Brahma, the emotional

>> fact of original separation, and not desire, that is said to drive all

>> of duality, i.e. " the World " ---that very world which sadhus strive so

>> valiantly against.


>> ========================


>> I've alluded to this point because it has current practical importance

>> in two ways:


>> If you talk to the yogis, the sannyasins, the yatis (not Bigfoot, but

>> the ascetics) and others who have struggled with desires of the heart,

>> mind and body, and who have striven to quite the thoughts for 20, 40,

>> even 60 years, they will often say that it just goes on and on, that

>> no matter how powerful one becomes by means of sadhana, the desires

>> and thoughts only become equally powerful and numerous thereby.


>> However, if we understand that the desires and thoughts are symptoms,

>> not causes, if we can stop wrestling with these tar-babies long enough

>> to notice that thoughts and desires are being created by one part of

>> mind in order to direct attention " outward " , even as the other part of

>> mind is attempting to " go inward " , we may really be able to find peace.


>> The motive of all thought and desire is (at root) to distract one's

>> attention from the original primal panic of separation, which has its

>> residual reflection deep within each microcosm--just as the God-image,

>> the original Oneness, is also reflected there in everyone's

>> consciousness.


>> This is why the upanisad says that all relativity is driven by fear,

>> not by desire: " From fear of him the Sun shines... "


>> One might ask here that if this Mahadbhaya, this great asura of primal

>> separation and fear, stands between oneself and the goal of spiritual

>> unity, then how can one possibly every achieve the realization we all

>> long for, some consciously, some less consciously?


>> When this question arises, it may be helpful to remember that the

>> original " Split " between Purusha and Prakriti left us on the side of

>> Prakriti, i.e. within the realm of relativity.


>> Thus, we live on, or belong to, the Mother's side of the Family. She

>> is on our side of the divide, She is here with us. And She is

>> All-powerful, All-loving, All-helpful---and She is our own Mother.


>> ====


>> The other important thing about fear is that a while back some rather

>> unpleasant folks, who don't really have the best interests of all in

>> mind, discovered how easy it is to keep a group of people docile and

>> in a state of submission merely by flooding their envionment with a

>> continuous and all-pervasive suggestion of fear. It was found to be

>> much easier and less costly than marching big armies around the world.


>> This experiment is in process in our own environment now, and it is

>> related to the other fear in the sense that all the great cosmic

>> archetypes get to have their own microcosmic reflection, and get their

>> equal time in the sun.


>> If I were to give my personal opinion on this matter, I would say that

>> the experiment is going to fail. Because I believe that it is not the

>> Will of the Mother that it continue for long.


>> In the meantime, I believe the best course is to assiduously avoid and

>> reject any and all suggestions of fear, no matter how subtle or from

>> whatever quarter.


>> And, in the meantime, read the Chandi as much as possible.


>> This is one person's open and sincere response to your equally sincere

>> question. And I sincerely hope no-one is in any way offended by it.



>> With respect,


>> Tanmaya




>> , " bp_shamla " <bp_shamla@> wrote:

>> >

>> > Dear one and all,

>> >

>> > This is something i would like to do on knowingly.

>> >

>> > Its more of a declaration of my thoughts than anything else.

>> >

>> > I have just finished reading " Conversation With GOD " as well as 'Home

>> > With GOD'. 4 amazing books. Its gives another point of view of 'all

>> > there is'. We are trap in a world of rules, regulations and laws that

>> > are 'created' by parents, society and the world. We trap ourselves

>> > thinking there is no way out of these ways of life that has been

>> > thought to us.

>> >

>> > This is not true. NOT TRUE AT ALL. FEAR. Can you believe it is use as

>> > a control tool. Its used everywhere. Even in spirituality. I don't

>> > understand. Why FEAR???

>> >

>> > BP Shamla

>> >

>> > I am ME

>> >

>> > I - Inevitably

>> > M - Magnificiently

>> > E - Evolved

>> >




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