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To Vish: Do our children like Hinduism?

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....ah, dear Vish, that would be my " ex " -husband. I've been a single

parent for almost 10 years now. Their father is still very much a

part of his children's lives, though, bless him.


....imagine our trepidation when my bright, darling daughter (and I

mean that in every deepest, heartfelt word, for she is my best

friend - my children are my heaven on earth) vascillates between

majoring in Microbiology/Genetics or Technical Theater...


....gee, why not both? It would sure nurture both sides of the brain.


But please, don't be so quick to generalize that all of us would not

be here today if it weren't for the love and sacrifice of our

guardians. It is wishful thinking, but it is not reality. I imagine

there are several searching souls out there who had lousy upbringings

devoid of love and light. The seed was planted and they decided to

break the cycle instead of perpetuating it. To them, I say " You

Rock! " You are my strength and inspiration! From them I find great

learning and wisdom. To finally find peace and love when it's

something you've never had? Now that is cool...


But seriously, and with all due respect, you are very apt and often

to quote to us from the riches of Mother and Swamiji wisdom. I pray

that you finally, truly, allow you yourself to internalize (their)

universal knowledge and learn to " go with the flow " (to coin another

universal phrase.) As another gentle friend pointed out a few days

ago, you are so quick to use verbage such as struggle, fall, fight,

destroy and battle when referring to experience and ego. I most

humbly offer my own paraphrase to your quote from beloved

Swamiji, " if you are not learning from your experience (why does it

have to be a struggle?), you are not growing. Try to view (your)

experience as an opportunity and see it differently, and always, from

the highest perspective for the highest good available to all. That

is to allow yourself to grow. "


But, to use a power word because you seem to relate to them more

easily, challenge your-self (for we are all actors in our own

screenplays - mine just happens to be more of a comedy than drama -

at least I'm writing it that way) to see the cup as half-full.

Please be gentle with yourself and play nice.


when your children are 45, they'll probably thank you for it...I did

with my daddy on Father's Day. Bless his big, beautiful heart...he's

my hero.


peace to all!




, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste Sal: I thank you for sharing your story. You and your


> love your daughter and each of you, in your own way, is trying so

> hard to help her. In the same way, my wife and I are trying to help

> our son. Just like you, sometimes we are able to remain unattached,

> and other times-well, we become attached. With Maa's blessings, each

> time we move through these experiences, we learn and grow. When we

> fall into attachment, we soon see the error or our ways, and we pick

> ourselves up and move forward. As Maa says constantly-and I

> paraphrase: ... " change is the nature of life: Om Aim Hrim Klim

> Chamundia, Vicce. Nothing ever stays the same. " She also says:

> ... " this world is such a drama. We just have to think of ourselves


> actors, and not get caught up in the drama. "

> As Swami says-and I paraphrase: if you are not struggling, then it


> too easy and you are not growing. The struggle makes you stronger.


> Each and every parent and guardian: Mother, Father, Grandfather,

> Grandmother, Uncle, Aunt, etc, is trying to help their loved ones

> grow. It is the nature of life. It is the nature of love. And none

> of us would be where we are today without the love, support, and

> sacrifice of those who are near and dear to us, in the present, and

> the past.

> Oh, how I pray that all of us can remain pure, unattached, filled


> love and light, and offer only those pure qualities to our loved


> and our children.

> God bless you and your family. May the lessons learned bring you


> closer together, and may love supreme reign.


> Jai Ma Jai Swami


> vishweshwar

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