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Digest Number 2648

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Kalidas wrote:

....In my experience, it is enough when the storm clouds of anger, fear,paranoia, etc. to sit back as if watching a tremendous thunderstormrolling in and just delight in the spectacle. Nothing to reject oraccept. No need to declare true or false. Enough just to watch inwonderment and fold one's hands in devotion.


Dear Kalidas ~ it was wonderful to read all that you said about fear. I have been thinking and working with the Watcher, Witness ... the consciousness you describe above. When I am able to do that, all my emotions about my illnesses, even my symptoms seem to fade into the background, and I remember who I am. It is a great blessing to be reminded, so thank you.


I know this reply is to an older digest ... I still haven't sent my reply to vish to thank him for giving me the mantra translation. So I pray your indulgence in my belated response, and again, thank you.


Jai Maa

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vishweshwar wrote:

SWAMI SAID: Fear is a painful feeling of impending loss or harm to the objects ofone's attachments. It is perceived in many ways, not only as an injuryor loss inflicted upon or about to be inflicted upon the attachmentswe already have, but also as not achieving a goal which one ispursuing. This uncomfortable apprehension of injury, loss or failureis perceived as Fear...


Dear vishweshwar ~ thank you so much for posting this. It is very good for me to read. Since I have only continued to become sicker, sometimes my spirit sags, although I think I am more beset by the Generals Discouragement, Sorrow, and even Anger. Today, July 6, is the anniversary of my mother's death two years ago. Much was unresolved between us, and I pray for her as well as myself every day (along with other ancestors and family). My sister called me this morning to remind me and to tell me that she was told that on the anniversary of the death of an ancestor, one could ask a boon of the ancestor. The boon I ask is acceptance which brings peace ... for me and for any others who struggle with and of the Great Ego's emmissarys.


P.S. I would be interested to know from Swamiji if this practice my sister told me of is Hindu. Is he aware of it? Can he tell us anything further about it? Thank you so much.


Jai Swamiji!




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