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to Her_asha about sankalpa

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Her_asha wrote:

Linda, support and help comes in many forms and my experience has beenthat if we ask, it comes but I usually find it comes not in the way Ithink is best for me, but in the way SHE thinks is best for me and Iam learning to trust her.


Dear Her_asha ~ you are so right. Often it is only when I let go, that something really begins to happen.

I have very much taken to the word, "sankalpa," from the time I first saw it coming up in the Digest. I once belonged to a group called "No Limits for Artists!" You could say sankalpa is "No Limits for Devotees."

In the artist group, I discovered how powerful a stated intention is, especially when one makes it out loud to a group of people. Despite any fears or insecurities, ideas and dreams I had about my art started to "just happen." : ) One thing was that I got a small grant (I used to write funding proposals for a living, but this was the first time I did it for something I wanted to do outside of my job. The money was to do an art project about "My Vision of a Peaceful World" and to work with schools and children, to introduce children to the importance of our Mother Earth. Anyway, the project actually took on a life of its own and became even bigger than I had imagined.


So when I saw the word, "sankalpa," and read what people had to say about it, I found my own way to describe it to others. So I would say, "I've taken a sankalpa to...reinvolve myself with children and the arts, be involved in my community," to the extent of my ability, given my illness, etc.. Today I made a sankalpa that I would go with my husband to visit the Quilt Museum here in Lowell, MA, and then go to a couple galleries. (With Mother's Grace, my husband and I reunited after a 29 year separation! We had never gotten divorced, so we're still married.)


Even doing something I love very much is difficult to carry through because of my illnesses. Then when I am asked, "what is sankalpa?", I say, "It is taking a sacred vow to do ... whatever the sankalpa is about. It is the intention to hold this action, whatever it may be, as an expression of Spirit." I have been amazed at some of what has been possible with this idea and this very powerful word.


It is nice to "meet" you. What you bring to the group is very valuable, as I feel is true for each individual participant. With Swamiji's and Maa's blessing, we meet on this digest, or in the virtual classroom, or on the website, and each person's contribution is a jewel that adds to the crown we are making, with our thoughts and actions, for the Divine Mother.


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