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To Linda and all-Being Maa's Disciple

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Namaste: I do not spend all my time doing pujas. etc. I live with my

wonderful wife of 35 years, Bharati, and my 19 year old son

Janarandan. We live in a home 15 minutes from the Mandir and I go

there daily to perform Shiva puja at Napashwar, the large lingum in

the woods. Every Saturday night we go for satsunga and every Sunday

morning for group Chandi with Maa and Swami. My wife and I have our

own business we operate out of our home. We life a full life of work

and spiritual practice and consider ourselves disciples of Maa and

Swami for the past 10.5 years.

Prior to that, we were disciples of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 25

years, and I taught TM full time for 5 years in Philadelphia. We

moved to Fairfield Iowa to live in Maharishi's Ashram town about 26

years ago and moved to Napa to be near Maa 6.5 years ago.

Maa has told my wife and I that we should be an ideal couple, living

in the world, but not of the world. We work to create an ideal

environment and to infuse our work with spiritual vigor and we utilize

Maa's teachings in every way, every day. Hinduism is a real , vibrant,

living part of our lives.

We try to give more than we take, and leave each situation better than

we find it. We give our clients 110% of our attention and love, and

work very hard for their success, on every level. If they have a

personal problem, we ask if they would like us to pray for them, and

if there is any problem, we always tell the truth.

So, if one thinks of pujas as sitting in front of an altar, chanting

mantras to God, then I do not do that every moment of my day. but, if

puja can be thought of as performing all actions to help manifest the

highest ideal of perfection, then I try to do this kind of puja all

the time.

Maa sends us Her love and support constantly. Sometimes life is smooth

and easy, sometimes it is difficult. We have our karmas to work on

just like everyone else. That said, my wife and I know in our hearts

that Maa's influence is helping us live a better life than if we were

living without the knowledge, shakti, and love which She and Swami

shower on us.

We made a decision to move to Napa to be close to Her, we took the

steps to demonstrate our love and willingness to surrender to Her.

Once we did that, She has helped us in every way.

I know it is not possible for everyone to move to Napa, but, I know it

is possible to be Her disciple anywhere in this Universe, and She will

reach out and support with love so pure that it will take your breath


If you want Her love, and Her support, just close your eyes and pray

to Her, right now, and She will respond. She will let you know,

without a doubt, that She is always with you and will always be with

you. Whether you are good or bad, and each of us will be one or the

other from one moment to the next, She will always be with us.

To be alive and to know of Her, is Grace indeed.

Now, take advantage of this Grace, and call Her, cry for Her, and She

will come. Open your heart, to the degree that you can, and She will

take residence there, and clean house, and fill your heart with love

and peace.

Tell me how you all feel. Let's share what She has given us.


Jai Maa Jai Swami










-- In , nierika wrote:



> vish wrote:


> Maa and Swami urge us to repeat mantras as often as possible in order

> that we will be habituated to cling to them, rather than the material

> world and our relations and our bodies as death draws near.

> As Maa and Swami teach, after long practice, the mantra will continue

> by itself, and become the background vibration on top of which all our

> experiences flow.

> So, I want to take more time to practice mantras. As often as

> possible, I want to repeat these holy sounds, in order that God grant

> me peace.

> Thanks to Maa and Swami for giving us this knowledge.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar



> andEverything around us wants to take hold of us and keep us




> Dear vish ~ as always your posts really speak to me. Although, as I


> experienced you in the limited environment of the digest, I would

have believed

> that all your time is devoted to puja and mantra and spiritual actions.

> Perhaps this is a bit of a danger, for someone like me, who is not

there ... I have

> a kind of positive bias about all the sadhus who dwell there, and I


> that, just being in close proximity to Maa and Swamiji would make

all that

> seems so hard much easier. I think that's not really fair of me, so

your candor

> is greatly appreciated. I guess that anyone, other than Maa and

Swamiji, goes

> through trials and has pitfalls and pratfalls in developing their


> practice and devotion. Sharing your insights and experiences is very


> appreciated by this baby stepper. Jai Maa Jai Swamiji ~ Linda P.S.

I find I do

> much better in my life, with difficult situations floating about the

sea of

> objects and relationships, when I keep a mantra going. For some

reason, the

> Durga mantra is the one that has, from the very beginning, grabbed my

> attention ... could it be because I really need someone like Her to

tear apart

> negative thoughts and give me new perspective?




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