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To Manjusha and all family- first Monday of Shravan-Shiva's month

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Namaste all family: Monday night at the Mandir, there was a most

wonderful satsunga with Maa and Swami. This was the first Monday of

the month of Shravan, Shiva's month, and Maa and Swami led us in

worship at Napashwar, the huge lingum in the woods at the MANDIR, then

we returned to the temple and chanted the Rudra scriptures at the

homa, then did aarti.

Afterwards, we went to Swami, glowing like Lord Shiva, and bowed at

his feet. I grabbed onto both his ankles and put my head on his feet.

I was in such bliss. His grace flowed to me like a river of peace

and love. After some time, he said, Vish, get up, Maa is calling,

I arose and held onto his arm. I did not want to leave go of him. He

was Shiva, standing there, blessing one and all who came to him. As he

walked to Maa, I saw he and Maa as Shiva and Divine Mother, incarnated

in the Temple, standing, talking like regular people, yet so much

more: so sublime, so powerful, so full of love. Their very presence

is a blessing of the highest magnitude. This is the life that we all

share as brothers and sister in this divine family.

Yes, each of us did wander alone, confused, until we met Maa and

Swami. Now, together again, we are charged to continually help each

other remember our divinity, and support each new member of our family

as they come here to the club, home again.

Some of us wake up slowly, gradually, while others instantly recognize

Maa and Swami and the rest of the family and cry great tears of joy.

Either way, I know that each person Maa brings close to me needs the

same support and love and kindness that I offer to anyone of my

family. After all, as Maa reminds us, the world is my family, we are

all one soul. She says, " ...as we raise someone up, we raise

ourselves.... "

As our friends and acquaintances feel that love, they open their

hearts and relax, and they begin to remember their true nature too.

Remember one and all, Maa and Swami have brought us here for a

purpose. We are here to imbibe their teaching, their wisdom, their

shakti, and divinity. As Swami's first master told him, ... " the only

way to grow is to give away all the love and knowledge you have gained

from me -{the Master}.... and the more we give the more we get. "

Feeling Swami's love and shakti tonight, I had to turn to you all and

give it all away, to share it in this limited format, to one and all.

Just close your eyes and let it in. It is the totality of Maa and

Swami, a river of bliss from the ocean of pure consciousness. It is my

joy and my privilege, and I hope that each of you can turn to those

you know and love, and give them all of your love.

Those you know less, give to them too. For this world will become

full of light if we all give our love away.

Maa and Swami have manifested a promise of Lord Shiva and Mother

divine: they will always come to those who pray for help. Always, now

and forever. Remember this dear family, and weep no more.


Jai Maa Jai Swami


love vishweshwar





, " misra_manjusha "

<misra_manjusha wrote:


> Dear Vishveshwar,

> Your words and Linda's are so touching. I could feel the presence of

> God in your words.

> You were among the first to welcome me into the Devi Mandir family.

> And now you once again you make us all feel that we belong. Like

> Prasanna I think, said ... 'the hardness of our hearts melts away' and

> we are enveloped by the love that flows in our new spiritual home.

> The captivating feeling that we all knew each other always and have

> been re-united by Maa and Swami...

> I am compelled to quote here words that have always haunted me:

> " I have traveled a long way

> Sometimes accompanied

> Sometimes much alone.

> Now I have ceased my aimless wandering and want to stay....

> So don't go away " (Maa and Swamiji and wonderful family)

> D.F.Karaka in 'There Lay the City'

> I think spiritual practices inspire the presence of God, only when ALL

> the required criteria are fulfilled.

> Maa and swami are the Standard. Brothers and sisters I have met here

> are models to follow.



> -- In , " inspectionconnection108 "

> <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> >

> > Namaste Dear Linda-Daughter of the Sky and Mother Earth and all

> > brothers and sisters: I really appreciate that you share yourself here

> > with all of your brothers and sisters. We were all born into this

> > family, but through karma, were separated at birth. Now, Maa has

> > brought us back together, re-united us so that we can rejoice in the

> > diverse paths we have traveled, and share the lessons learned. These

> > lessons, learned during experiences lifetime after lifetime, bring us

> > to where we are today.

> > Maa gave us the gift of life, and gave us Mother Earth where we can

> > experience the play and display of Her love. All that we see, and all

> > that we think, and all that we dream, and everything we can hold in

> > our arms-all this is Her Love Manifest. Every atom is Her Love

> Manifest.

> > This is Her gift to us. Without thought of thanks, She gives and

> > gives, lifetime after lifetime, She brings us back together. Whether

> > we frolic or fight, love or hate, She blesses us daily.

> > She reminds us of Her ever-compassionate nature, and Her boundless

> > energy and creativity as She manifests food out of sun, air, and

> > water. And blood and bones out of the food. And ultimately, love for

> > Her, out of the wonder we feel when we walk in the park by the flowing

> > river with our spouse and our faithful dog.

> > As we grow older, we realize it is all so simple. As Swami writes in

> > the preface to one of the scriptures, and I paraphrase: ...don't waste

> > time arguing idle philosophies, chant the Name of Mother, for only She

> > will set your free.

> > Yes, keep it simple, remember Mother's Name is everything, every

> > sound, every sigh, they are all the mantras which remind us that we

> > are always One with Her. That we are Her.

> >

> > Thank you all.

> >

> > love

> >

> > vishweshwar

> >

> > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> >

> >

> >

> > , nierika@ wrote:

> > >

> > > vish wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste: I do not spend all my time doing pujas. etc. I live

with my

> > > wonderful wife of 35 years, Bharati, and my 19 year old son

> > > Janarandan. We live in a home 15 minutes from the Mandir and I go

> > > there daily to perform Shiva puja at Napashwar, the large lingum in

> > > the woods. Every Saturday night we go for satsunga and every


> > > morning for group Chandi with Maa and Swami. My wife and I

have our

> > > own business we operate out of our home. We life a full life of


> > > and spiritual practice and consider ourselves disciples of Maa and

> > > Swami for the past 10.5 years.

> > > Dear vish ~ First let me apologize for not getting this back to the

> > digest

> > > sooner ... rough week with my illness, and I've missed the group. So

> > where it

> > > sounds like the present, it was actually several days ago.

> > > I hope you don't mind too much my breaking up of your wonderful

> > writing, but

> > > when I thought about what I wanted to respond to, I realized I

> > couldn't

> > > leave any of what you wrote out. Right now, in this very moment,

> > tears are

> > > streaming from my eyes, having just read what you said at the end

> > about opening up

> > > my heart to Maa. I needed this. My heart is sore from being cast

> > out, yet

> > > again, by my sister. Each time, I welcome her back, but it seems to

> > hurt more

> > > every time we do this leela. If I put my heart and trust in the care

> > of Maa,

> > > then it will be filled, and I won't be thrashed about the ocean of

> > objects and

> > > relationships.

> > >

> > > I am also very moved by your so wonderfully sharing your life and

> > spiritual

> > > practice. With Maa and Swamiji as the ultimate Goal of Perfection,

> > it is still

> > > very helpful to one like me to have another person recount their

> own

> > > experiences. Before, when I was very active in the Digest, I wrote

> > several times of

> > > my wish to have some of these personal accounts published as a book.

> > I know

> > > it would be difficult to go through all the digests and pick out

> > what to

> > > share, but there is so much richness, inspiration, diversity, and

> > love...

> > >

> > >

> > > Prior to that, we were disciples of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 25

> > > years, and I taught TM full time for 5 years in Philadelphia. We

> > > moved to Fairfield Iowa to live in Maharishi's Ashram town about 26

> > > years ago and moved to Napa to be near Maa 6.5 years ago.

> > > Maa has told my wife and I that we should be an ideal couple,


> > > in the world, but not of the world. We work to create an ideal

> > > environment and to infuse our work with spiritual vigor and we

> utilize

> > > Maa's teachings in every way, every day. Hinduism is a real ,

> vibrant,

> > > living part of our lives.

> > > We try to give more than we take, and leave each situation better

> than

> > > we find it. We give our clients 110% of our attention and

love, and

> > > work very hard for their success, on every level. If they have a

> > > personal problem, we ask if they would like us to pray for them,


> > > if there is any problem, we always tell the truth.

> > > I too began, many many years ago, with TM. The way I was taught it

> > was very

> > > scientific, with the introductory lectures presenting much research

> > about the

> > > positive affects on health. I think this was to make it more

> > appealing to

> > > Westerners. So imagine my surprise when I showed up to receive my

> > mantra and

> > > find the altar, the prasad, the flowers, the aura of sincere

> > devotion ... I

> > > wasn't expecting that, but it was wonderful. And my first experience

> > with

> > > meditation was so incredible.

> > >

> > > Maa in Her wisdom makes a very good point for you and your wife to

> > serve as

> > > an example of how spirituality can live in and infuse the lives of

> > us ordinary

> > > " householders. " I am very intrigued about your business, and love

> > your idea

> > > of leaving each situation better than you find it. I believe

> > Swamiji has said

> > > this too. So if it seems appropriate, I would very much like to

> > know what

> > > kind of business you and your wife have.

> > >

> > >

> > > So, if one thinks of pujas as sitting in front of an altar,


> > > mantras to God, then I do not do that every moment of my day.

> but, if

> > > puja can be thought of as performing all actions to help

manifest the

> > > highest ideal of perfection, then I try to do this kind of puja all

> > > the time.

> > > Maa sends us Her love and support constantly. Sometimes life is

> smooth

> > > and easy, sometimes it is difficult. We have our karmas to work on

> > > just like everyone else. That said, my wife and I know in our


> > > that Maa's influence is helping us live a better life than if we


> > > living without the knowledge, shakti, and love which She and Swami

> > > shower on us.

> > > We made a decision to move to Napa to be close to Her, we took the

> > > steps to demonstrate our love and willingness to surrender to Her.

> > > Once we did that, She has helped us in every way.

> > > Okay, this next part is where my tears really started to flow.

> > > Intellectually I know that Maa is everywhere and can thus touch and

> > infuse my life with

> > > Her Love. On the practical level, as I deal with the daily " cost " of

> > my

> > > illnesses, it is so easy to become discouraged and lose the flow and

> > the feeling of

> > > the Presence of the Sacred. This morning, my hubby took me and our

> > dog,

> > > Pepper, for a walk along the river. The light was dancing on the

> > water, the trees

> > > were so beautiful, and as we walked I began to be drawn to things on

> > the

> > > ground ~ a gently folded leaf, a piece of tree bark that looked like

> > it had an

> > > image of the Goddess on it, some gull feathers ... all so precious,

> > and for that

> > > time, I once again felt the connection with the Divine.

> > > For me there seems to be a connection to the " Land, " to the natural

> > world,

> > > which, after all is every bit an expression of the Creation of

> > Mother/Father

> > > God/dess. It had been years since I felt this, and if their weren't

> > so many

> > > people around, I would have fallen to my knees. As it was, I lifted

> > a prayer of

> > > gratitude ... that in some things that are so simple, I yet am able

> > to feel

> > > that Connection. In a way, this makes me think of the Shiva Lingum

> > in the

> > > forest at the Mandir. How wonderful to be able to go and offer

> > worship there.

> > >

> > > Also, I have to say, the growing relationship between my husband and

> > my/our

> > > dog, Pepper, is nothing short of miraculous, as is David's presence

> > in my

> > > life. David and I married and were together for nine years; then in

> > the early

> > > 80's we separated. We went our separate ways, but the Universe kept

> > inexplicably

> > > bringing us together. Finally, when I had been cast out by my

> family,

> > > brutalized by an abusive relationship, and succombed to the

> > illnesses that seemed

> > > to claim my body ... I reached out to David. For the first time,

> > neither of us

> > > was with anyone else. He came right away; helped pack me up; moved

> > me to

> > > Massachusetts, and now we are living that bond that never went

> > away. This is

> > > such a gift, it is like a fairy tale come true. That we never

> > stopped loving

> > > each other all those years, and, as David used to say back then, we

> > are together

> > > for the " duration. " This is true love. It just is ... no questions

> > asked, no

> > > stipulations made ... just the light in two hearts coming to glow

> > together

> > > again.

> > >

> > > Back to Pepper. I had two dogs ~ Pepper and Cassie. Pepper had been

> > with me

> > > for 7 years (and had been dumped ... I am an irrepressible dog

> > rescuer).

> > > Cassies was younger; I got her as a pup. David said, okay bring

> > Pepper, but not

> > > Cassie. Even his acceptance of Pepper was a surprise, but I think

> > he knew I

> > > would not leave Pepper behind.

> > >

> > > And then, as David began to take Pepper on walks, during and after

> > our move,

> > > he began to enjoy these encounters, rather than just seeing them as

> > a chore.

> > > Slowly, he warmed to Pepper and was rewarded by all the

> > unconditional love

> > > and devotion that can be so unique to animals when they are treated

> > well. Then

> > > he got to the point of playing with Pepper, of being proud that

> > other people

> > > noticed Pepper when they went for walks. And he began to understand

> > and

> > > appreciate the time I had taken to work with Pepper (who had been

> > abused) to

> > > train him, socialize him, love him. In a very small way, this is a

> > kind of a

> > > metaphor for spiritual growth, except that instead of working with

> > someone else,

> > > we are working, with the help of our Gurus, to work on ourselves. I

> > think the

> > > hard part is that we may forget to treat ourselves as lovingly as we

> > might

> > > treat others. I see this loving kindness in your writing.

> > >

> > >

> > > I know it is not possible for everyone to move to Napa, but, I

> know it

> > > is possible to be Her disciple anywhere in this Universe, and She

> will

> > > reach out and support with love so pure that it will take your


> > > away.

> > > If you want Her love, and Her support, just close your eyes and pray

> > > to Her, right now, and She will respond. She will let you know,

> > > without a doubt, that She is always with you and will always be


> > > you. Whether you are good or bad, and each of us will be one or the

> > > other from one moment to the next, She will always be with us.

> > > To be alive and to know of Her, is Grace indeed.

> > > Now, take advantage of this Grace, and call Her, cry for Her,

and She

> > > will come. Open your heart, to the degree that you can, and

She will

> > > take residence there, and clean house, and fill your heart with


> > > and peace.

> > > Tell me how you all feel. Let's share what She has given us.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > And yes, here, again, is where I cried. For, in the end, there has

> > to be a

> > > leap of faith, that, despite the distance between Massachusetts


> > > California, Maa knows me, watches over me, wishes me well in my

> > childlike attempts to

> > > get myself going, and ever inspires me, with Her own words and

> > actions, and

> > > through the loving words of Her devotees.

> > >

> > > As always, thank you, vish and pranams to you and Bharati ~ Linda

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your

> > budget?

> > > Read reviews on AOL Autos.

> > >

> >



> > )

> > >

> >


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Namste Vishveshwar,

Indeed Swamiji is Shiva and Maa Shakti! Thank you so much for

recounting monday.. It was as if I was there! And yes these are not

tears that flow from my eyes... its my heart that's melting away.

I could feel it yesterday and I can feel it now much more w your


God Bless you Vish.

Jai Maa and Jai Swamiji!


, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste all family: Monday night at the Mandir, there was a most

> wonderful satsunga with Maa and Swami. This was the first Monday of

> the month of Shravan, Shiva's month, and Maa and Swami led us in

> worship at Napashwar, the huge lingum in the woods at the MANDIR, then

> we returned to the temple and chanted the Rudra scriptures at the

> homa, then did aarti.

> Afterwards, we went to Swami, glowing like Lord Shiva, and bowed at

> his feet. I grabbed onto both his ankles and put my head on his feet.

> I was in such bliss. His grace flowed to me like a river of peace

> and love. After some time, he said, Vish, get up, Maa is calling,

> I arose and held onto his arm. I did not want to leave go of him. He

> was Shiva, standing there, blessing one and all who came to him. As he

> walked to Maa, I saw he and Maa as Shiva and Divine Mother, incarnated

> in the Temple, standing, talking like regular people, yet so much

> more: so sublime, so powerful, so full of love. Their very presence

> is a blessing of the highest magnitude. This is the life that we all

> share as brothers and sister in this divine family.

> Yes, each of us did wander alone, confused, until we met Maa and

> Swami. Now, together again, we are charged to continually help each

> other remember our divinity, and support each new member of our family

> as they come here to the club, home again.

> Some of us wake up slowly, gradually, while others instantly recognize

> Maa and Swami and the rest of the family and cry great tears of joy.

> Either way, I know that each person Maa brings close to me needs the

> same support and love and kindness that I offer to anyone of my

> family. After all, as Maa reminds us, the world is my family, we are

> all one soul. She says, " ...as we raise someone up, we raise

> ourselves.... "

> As our friends and acquaintances feel that love, they open their

> hearts and relax, and they begin to remember their true nature too.

> Remember one and all, Maa and Swami have brought us here for a

> purpose. We are here to imbibe their teaching, their wisdom, their

> shakti, and divinity. As Swami's first master told him, ... " the only

> way to grow is to give away all the love and knowledge you have gained

> from me -{the Master}.... and the more we give the more we get. "

> Feeling Swami's love and shakti tonight, I had to turn to you all and

> give it all away, to share it in this limited format, to one and all.

> Just close your eyes and let it in. It is the totality of Maa and

> Swami, a river of bliss from the ocean of pure consciousness. It is my

> joy and my privilege, and I hope that each of you can turn to those

> you know and love, and give them all of your love.

> Those you know less, give to them too. For this world will become

> full of light if we all give our love away.

> Maa and Swami have manifested a promise of Lord Shiva and Mother

> divine: they will always come to those who pray for help. Always, now

> and forever. Remember this dear family, and weep no more.


> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> love vishweshwar





> , " misra_manjusha "

> <misra_manjusha@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear Vishveshwar,

> > Your words and Linda's are so touching. I could feel the presence of

> > God in your words.

> > You were among the first to welcome me into the Devi Mandir family.

> > And now you once again you make us all feel that we belong. Like

> > Prasanna I think, said ... 'the hardness of our hearts melts away' and

> > we are enveloped by the love that flows in our new spiritual home.

> > The captivating feeling that we all knew each other always and have

> > been re-united by Maa and Swami...

> > I am compelled to quote here words that have always haunted me:

> > " I have traveled a long way

> > Sometimes accompanied

> > Sometimes much alone.

> > Now I have ceased my aimless wandering and want to stay....

> > So don't go away " (Maa and Swamiji and wonderful family)

> > D.F.Karaka in 'There Lay the City'

> > I think spiritual practices inspire the presence of God, only when ALL

> > the required criteria are fulfilled.

> > Maa and swami are the Standard. Brothers and sisters I have met here

> > are models to follow.

> >

> >

> > -- In , " inspectionconnection108 "

> > <inspectionconnection108@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Namaste Dear Linda-Daughter of the Sky and Mother Earth and all

> > > brothers and sisters: I really appreciate that you share

yourself here

> > > with all of your brothers and sisters. We were all born into this

> > > family, but through karma, were separated at birth. Now, Maa has

> > > brought us back together, re-united us so that we can rejoice in the

> > > diverse paths we have traveled, and share the lessons learned. These

> > > lessons, learned during experiences lifetime after lifetime,

bring us

> > > to where we are today.

> > > Maa gave us the gift of life, and gave us Mother Earth where we can

> > > experience the play and display of Her love. All that we see,

and all

> > > that we think, and all that we dream, and everything we can hold in

> > > our arms-all this is Her Love Manifest. Every atom is Her Love

> > Manifest.

> > > This is Her gift to us. Without thought of thanks, She gives and

> > > gives, lifetime after lifetime, She brings us back together.


> > > we frolic or fight, love or hate, She blesses us daily.

> > > She reminds us of Her ever-compassionate nature, and Her boundless

> > > energy and creativity as She manifests food out of sun, air, and

> > > water. And blood and bones out of the food. And ultimately,

love for

> > > Her, out of the wonder we feel when we walk in the park by the


> > > river with our spouse and our faithful dog.

> > > As we grow older, we realize it is all so simple. As Swami

writes in

> > > the preface to one of the scriptures, and I paraphrase: ...don't


> > > time arguing idle philosophies, chant the Name of Mother, for

only She

> > > will set your free.

> > > Yes, keep it simple, remember Mother's Name is everything, every

> > > sound, every sigh, they are all the mantras which remind us that we

> > > are always One with Her. That we are Her.

> > >

> > > Thank you all.

> > >

> > > love

> > >

> > > vishweshwar

> > >

> > > Jai Maa Jai Swami

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > , nierika@ wrote:

> > > >

> > > > vish wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Namaste: I do not spend all my time doing pujas. etc. I live

> with my

> > > > wonderful wife of 35 years, Bharati, and my 19 year old son

> > > > Janarandan. We live in a home 15 minutes from the Mandir and

I go

> > > > there daily to perform Shiva puja at Napashwar, the large

lingum in

> > > > the woods. Every Saturday night we go for satsunga and every

> Sunday

> > > > morning for group Chandi with Maa and Swami. My wife and I

> have our

> > > > own business we operate out of our home. We life a full life of

> work

> > > > and spiritual practice and consider ourselves disciples of

Maa and

> > > > Swami for the past 10.5 years.

> > > > Dear vish ~ First let me apologize for not getting this back

to the

> > > digest

> > > > sooner ... rough week with my illness, and I've missed the

group. So

> > > where it

> > > > sounds like the present, it was actually several days ago.

> > > > I hope you don't mind too much my breaking up of your wonderful

> > > writing, but

> > > > when I thought about what I wanted to respond to, I realized I

> > > couldn't

> > > > leave any of what you wrote out. Right now, in this very moment,

> > > tears are

> > > > streaming from my eyes, having just read what you said at the end

> > > about opening up

> > > > my heart to Maa. I needed this. My heart is sore from being cast

> > > out, yet

> > > > again, by my sister. Each time, I welcome her back, but it

seems to

> > > hurt more

> > > > every time we do this leela. If I put my heart and trust in

the care

> > > of Maa,

> > > > then it will be filled, and I won't be thrashed about the ocean of

> > > objects and

> > > > relationships.

> > > >

> > > > I am also very moved by your so wonderfully sharing your life and

> > > spiritual

> > > > practice. With Maa and Swamiji as the ultimate Goal of Perfection,

> > > it is still

> > > > very helpful to one like me to have another person recount their

> > own

> > > > experiences. Before, when I was very active in the Digest, I wrote

> > > several times of

> > > > my wish to have some of these personal accounts published as a


> > > I know

> > > > it would be difficult to go through all the digests and pick out

> > > what to

> > > > share, but there is so much richness, inspiration, diversity, and

> > > love...

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Prior to that, we were disciples of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi for 25

> > > > years, and I taught TM full time for 5 years in Philadelphia. We

> > > > moved to Fairfield Iowa to live in Maharishi's Ashram town

about 26

> > > > years ago and moved to Napa to be near Maa 6.5 years ago.

> > > > Maa has told my wife and I that we should be an ideal couple,

> living

> > > > in the world, but not of the world. We work to create an ideal

> > > > environment and to infuse our work with spiritual vigor and we

> > utilize

> > > > Maa's teachings in every way, every day. Hinduism is a real ,

> > vibrant,

> > > > living part of our lives.

> > > > We try to give more than we take, and leave each situation better

> > than

> > > > we find it. We give our clients 110% of our attention and

> love, and

> > > > work very hard for their success, on every level. If they have a

> > > > personal problem, we ask if they would like us to pray for them,

> and

> > > > if there is any problem, we always tell the truth.

> > > > I too began, many many years ago, with TM. The way I was taught it

> > > was very

> > > > scientific, with the introductory lectures presenting much


> > > about the

> > > > positive affects on health. I think this was to make it more

> > > appealing to

> > > > Westerners. So imagine my surprise when I showed up to receive my

> > > mantra and

> > > > find the altar, the prasad, the flowers, the aura of sincere

> > > devotion ... I

> > > > wasn't expecting that, but it was wonderful. And my first


> > > with

> > > > meditation was so incredible.

> > > >

> > > > Maa in Her wisdom makes a very good point for you and your wife to

> > > serve as

> > > > an example of how spirituality can live in and infuse the lives of

> > > us ordinary

> > > > " householders. " I am very intrigued about your business, and love

> > > your idea

> > > > of leaving each situation better than you find it. I believe

> > > Swamiji has said

> > > > this too. So if it seems appropriate, I would very much like to

> > > know what

> > > > kind of business you and your wife have.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > So, if one thinks of pujas as sitting in front of an altar,

> chanting

> > > > mantras to God, then I do not do that every moment of my day.

> > but, if

> > > > puja can be thought of as performing all actions to help

> manifest the

> > > > highest ideal of perfection, then I try to do this kind of

puja all

> > > > the time.

> > > > Maa sends us Her love and support constantly. Sometimes life is

> > smooth

> > > > and easy, sometimes it is difficult. We have our karmas to

work on

> > > > just like everyone else. That said, my wife and I know in our

> hearts

> > > > that Maa's influence is helping us live a better life than if we

> were

> > > > living without the knowledge, shakti, and love which She and


> > > > shower on us.

> > > > We made a decision to move to Napa to be close to Her, we

took the

> > > > steps to demonstrate our love and willingness to surrender to


> > > > Once we did that, She has helped us in every way.

> > > > Okay, this next part is where my tears really started to flow.

> > > > Intellectually I know that Maa is everywhere and can thus

touch and

> > > infuse my life with

> > > > Her Love. On the practical level, as I deal with the daily

" cost " of

> > > my

> > > > illnesses, it is so easy to become discouraged and lose the

flow and

> > > the feeling of

> > > > the Presence of the Sacred. This morning, my hubby took me and


> > > dog,

> > > > Pepper, for a walk along the river. The light was dancing on the

> > > water, the trees

> > > > were so beautiful, and as we walked I began to be drawn to

things on

> > > the

> > > > ground ~ a gently folded leaf, a piece of tree bark that

looked like

> > > it had an

> > > > image of the Goddess on it, some gull feathers ... all so


> > > and for that

> > > > time, I once again felt the connection with the Divine.

> > > > For me there seems to be a connection to the " Land, " to the


> > > world,

> > > > which, after all is every bit an expression of the Creation of

> > > Mother/Father

> > > > God/dess. It had been years since I felt this, and if their


> > > so many

> > > > people around, I would have fallen to my knees. As it was, I


> > > a prayer of

> > > > gratitude ... that in some things that are so simple, I yet am


> > > to feel

> > > > that Connection. In a way, this makes me think of the Shiva


> > > in the

> > > > forest at the Mandir. How wonderful to be able to go and offer

> > > worship there.

> > > >

> > > > Also, I have to say, the growing relationship between my

husband and

> > > my/our

> > > > dog, Pepper, is nothing short of miraculous, as is David's


> > > in my

> > > > life. David and I married and were together for nine years;

then in

> > > the early

> > > > 80's we separated. We went our separate ways, but the

Universe kept

> > > inexplicably

> > > > bringing us together. Finally, when I had been cast out by my

> > family,

> > > > brutalized by an abusive relationship, and succombed to the

> > > illnesses that seemed

> > > > to claim my body ... I reached out to David. For the first time,

> > > neither of us

> > > > was with anyone else. He came right away; helped pack me up;


> > > me to

> > > > Massachusetts, and now we are living that bond that never went

> > > away. This is

> > > > such a gift, it is like a fairy tale come true. That we never

> > > stopped loving

> > > > each other all those years, and, as David used to say back

then, we

> > > are together

> > > > for the " duration. " This is true love. It just is ... no


> > > asked, no

> > > > stipulations made ... just the light in two hearts coming to glow

> > > together

> > > > again.

> > > >

> > > > Back to Pepper. I had two dogs ~ Pepper and Cassie. Pepper had


> > > with me

> > > > for 7 years (and had been dumped ... I am an irrepressible dog

> > > rescuer).

> > > > Cassies was younger; I got her as a pup. David said, okay bring

> > > Pepper, but not

> > > > Cassie. Even his acceptance of Pepper was a surprise, but I think

> > > he knew I

> > > > would not leave Pepper behind.

> > > >

> > > > And then, as David began to take Pepper on walks, during and after

> > > our move,

> > > > he began to enjoy these encounters, rather than just seeing

them as

> > > a chore.

> > > > Slowly, he warmed to Pepper and was rewarded by all the

> > > unconditional love

> > > > and devotion that can be so unique to animals when they are


> > > well. Then

> > > > he got to the point of playing with Pepper, of being proud that

> > > other people

> > > > noticed Pepper when they went for walks. And he began to


> > > and

> > > > appreciate the time I had taken to work with Pepper (who had been

> > > abused) to

> > > > train him, socialize him, love him. In a very small way, this is a

> > > kind of a

> > > > metaphor for spiritual growth, except that instead of working with

> > > someone else,

> > > > we are working, with the help of our Gurus, to work on

ourselves. I

> > > think the

> > > > hard part is that we may forget to treat ourselves as lovingly

as we

> > > might

> > > > treat others. I see this loving kindness in your writing.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > I know it is not possible for everyone to move to Napa, but, I

> > know it

> > > > is possible to be Her disciple anywhere in this Universe, and She

> > will

> > > > reach out and support with love so pure that it will take your

> breath

> > > > away.

> > > > If you want Her love, and Her support, just close your eyes

and pray

> > > > to Her, right now, and She will respond. She will let you know,

> > > > without a doubt, that She is always with you and will always be

> with

> > > > you. Whether you are good or bad, and each of us will be one

or the

> > > > other from one moment to the next, She will always be with us.

> > > > To be alive and to know of Her, is Grace indeed.

> > > > Now, take advantage of this Grace, and call Her, cry for Her,

> and She

> > > > will come. Open your heart, to the degree that you can, and

> She will

> > > > take residence there, and clean house, and fill your heart with

> love

> > > > and peace.

> > > > Tell me how you all feel. Let's share what She has given us.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > And yes, here, again, is where I cried. For, in the end, there has

> > > to be a

> > > > leap of faith, that, despite the distance between Massachusetts

> and

> > > > California, Maa knows me, watches over me, wishes me well in my

> > > childlike attempts to

> > > > get myself going, and ever inspires me, with Her own words and

> > > actions, and

> > > > through the loving words of Her devotees.

> > > >

> > > > As always, thank you, vish and pranams to you and Bharati ~ Linda

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > **************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in


> > > budget?

> > > > Read reviews on AOL Autos.

> > > >

> > >

> >



> > > )

> > > >

> > >

> >


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