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to vish about our Mother

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vish wrote:

> ...Whenever I refer to Maa, I mean our> beloved Shree Maa. She is our Mother, Universal and Personal. IREALLY feel that we are all Her children, and we are all brothers and> sisters....Just so, when I speak with you> all here, I am talking to you as family, deeply connected and deeply> personal. > ...She truly wants us to> remember that we are ONE FAMILY, ONE SOUL. > Why is it important to understand this connection to Her? Because She> incarnated to bring us together with Her. On every level, in every> way, She wants us to become One with Her. She wants us to share that> supreme state of realization that She lives... > And, with each step we take towards Her, She runs towards us, with> arms out stretched... > She is our Supreme Mother and we must run to embrace Her.

Dear vish ~ this is so lovely. I always believe that you, and most likely anyone else on the digest, understood that using the word, 'Maa,' meant Shree Maa. But perhaps that is me making unwarranted assumptions. Those who are new to the digest and the larger Devi Mandir family may not be at that point, but still there is something that pulls them, that pulls us, like bees to the honey.


I go back to the first time I saw Maa, sitting in a small lawn chair by the side of a river in Colorado. (I know this seems vague, but I don't remember where we were in Colorado.) She was all dressed in yellow, from head to toe. She seemed to be a Divine Buttercup, and I was drawn to Her inexorably. She smiled at me; my heart expanded in joy. So I was the honey bee, drawn to the Divine Flower.Let us all run to Her, when we read or speak Her name, and let us call Her Mother, so we always remember that we are Her children; we are Her family, and, as you say, we are all, through Maa, connected with one another.


Jai Maa !

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