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to vish about Monday night at the Mandir : )

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Vish wrote:

>>Namaste all family: Monday night at the Mandir, there was a most>>wonderful satsunga with Maa and Swami...Afterwards, we went to Swami, glowing like Lord >>Shiva, and bowed at his feet. I grabbed onto both his ankles and put my head on his feet.I was in such bliss. His grace flowed to me like a river of peaceand love. After some time, he said, Vish, get up, Maa is calling,I arose and held onto his arm. I did not want to leave go of him. Hewas Shiva, standing there, blessing one and all who came to him. As hewalked to Maa, I saw he and Maa as Shiva and Divine Mother, incarnatedin the Temple, standing, talking like regular people, yet so muchmore: so sublime, so powerful, so full of love...After all, as Maa reminds us, the world is my family, we are all one soul. She says, "...as we raise someone up, we raiseourselves...." As our friends and acquaintances feel that love, they open theirhearts and relax, and they begin to remember their true nature too. Remember one and all, Maa and Swami have brought us here for apurpose. We are here to imbibe their teaching, their wisdom, theirshakti, and divinity. As Swami's first master told him, ..."the onlyway to grow is to give away all the love and knowledge you have gainedfrom me -{the Master}.... and the more we give the more we get."Feeling Swami's love and shakti tonight, I had to turn to you all andgive it all away, to share it in this limited format, to one and all.Just close your eyes and let it in. It is the totality of Maa andSwami, a river of bliss from the ocean of pure consciousness. It is myjoy and my privilege, and I hope that each of you can turn to thoseyou know and love, and give them all of your love. Those you know less, give to them too. For this world will becomefull of light if we all give our love away. Maa and Swami have manifested a promise of Lord Shiva and Motherdivine: they will always come to those who pray for help. Always, nowand forever. Remember this dear family, and weep no more.


Dear vish ~ I am speechless. You said so much, in a very straightforward and simple, but poetic way. At the part where you said close your eyes, I did just that, and I did feel the River of Maa's and Swamiji's Love flow through me. I had already found this cyper space as a way of participating in Sacred Space. It all depends on who is there and what they honor and love. When I open a digest, it is like walking through the temple door. I see the dancing lights; I see all the people; I see Maa and Swamiji, and they are both beaming. How wonderful. Thank you.


Thank you also for sharing your vulnerability in not wanting to let go of Swamiji. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to let go either, and Swamiji understands, even as he gently shoos us away. When I saw Maa and Swamiji on the bank of the river in Colorado, I went and knelt down before Maa; I gave her some flowers, and I was telling her how much it had meant to my mother (who is now deceased) to have seen Maa and Swamiji during their last tour. Whenever she would speak of it, she exhibited joy and innocence. I am so glad that my mother had a chance to meet her Mother.


And I remember very clearly in the workshop room of the Yoga School (?) in Issaqua, Washington, Swamiji talking about Gurus and saying (paraphrase): the best gift you could ever give me is to go to the next Guru and the next and the next, until you become completely absorbed in the Diving. Then, because he is such a wonderful Teacher, he used an analogy (again, I paraphrase). He said that the best thing you could give your 1st grade teacher would be to pass and move on the the second grade. The lesson was so simply stated, while being a very powerful teaching.


Vish, you are a shining light. Jai Maa , Jai Smaiji

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